Contact Info
WIC Communications and Outreach
Minnesota WIC updates this page regularly with communication materials for local agencies.
On this page: | Local Agency Communication | Social Media | WIC Social Media Toolkits | Media Outreach | News Release Templates | WIC Outreach | Minnesota WIC App Notifications | Quarterly Medical Assistance Texting | National WIC Association Outreach
Local Agency Communication
Minnesota WIC communicates regularly with local agencies. View past updates:
WIC Weekly Updates - Distributed Wednesdays around 1:30 p.m. to WIC Coordinators and other local agency WIC staff subscribers.
WINNIE the Scoop! Newsletters – Distributed Thursdays around 11 a.m. to all staff with a WINNIE username.
MIS & Data Communications - important information or announcements from the MIS & Data Unit distributed via email to Weekly Update subscribers or staff who have a WINNIE username. Only information that continues to be timely or pertinent is included on this page.
Social Media
Minnesota WIC launched its own Facebook and Instagram page, and shares content for WIC families on those pages.
- Follow Minnesota WIC on Facebook and Minnesota WIC on Instagram.
- Share these social media channels with participants.
- Interact with posts and share WIC content to your local agency social channels.
- Post links to the pages on your local agency webpage.
Use the Social Media Best Practices for Local WIC Agencies (PDF) when sharing your own content.
WIC Social Media Toolkits
- National Nutrition Month - March 2025 (WORD)
- WIC 50th Anniversary Toolkit (WORD)
- WIC Cereal Benefit Recipes - 2024 (WORD)
- MN State Fair Poster & QR Code (PNG)
- Breastfeeding Support and Promotion - August 2024 (WORD)
Media Outreach
If you need help with WIC-related media inquiries or a news release, please contact WIC Communications Coordinator Megan Leonard at or 651-201-4083.
News Release Templates
WIC 50th Anniversary News Release Template 2024 (WORD)
World Breastfeeding Week, National Breastfeeding Month News Release Template 2024 (WORD)
WIC Outreach
Use the WIC Outreach Materials Order Form to order materials for your local agency or events.
Customize your own outreach materials using the WIC Logo.
Digital copies of the Minnesota (MN) WIC Program Outreach Brochures:
- MN WIC Works Outreach Brochures English/Spanish (PDF)
- MN WIC Works Outreach Brochures English/Somali (PDF)
- MN WIC Works Outreach Brochures English/Hmong (PDF)
- MN WIC Works Outreach Brochures English/Karen (PDF)
Digital copies of the Minnesota (MN) WIC Program Outreach Posters:
- MN WIC Outreach Poster English (PDF)
- MN WIC Outreach Poster Hmong (PDF)
- MN WIC Outreach Poster Karen (PDF)
- MN WIC Outreach Poster Somali (PDF)
- MN WIC Outreach Poster Spanish (PDF)
To order printed copies use: WIC Materials - Brush Art
Minnesota WIC App Notifications
MN WIC sends notifications to all Minnesota WIC App users with important information.
Upcoming notifications
- April 1
Subject: More Egg Options
Notification: You can now use your WIC benefits to buy brown and cage-free eggs, as well as white eggs. Do not buy organic, pasture-raised, free-range and pasteurized eggs with WIC benefits. For easier shopping, use your WIC app to scan eggs and see if they are WIC allowed. If you find a brown or cage-free egg product you think should be included, use the Suggest a UPC in the app to share information with WIC. (Minnesota WIC App Messages (Español/Somali/English))
- March 25
Subject: Child Tax Credit
Notification: The Minnesota Department of Revenue wants to remind you about the Child Tax Credit. It offers up to $1,750 per child under 18. Income phaseouts apply. Don't miss out. Check eligibility and claim your credit when you file. Check the website for more information. (Minnesota WIC App Messages (Español/Somali/English)) - March 14
Notification: MN WIC will stay open even if there is a partial federal government shutdown. Continue using your benefits & keep your appointments until further notice. We’ll send updates. Questions? Call your local agency. (Español/Somali) - March 3
Subject: Resource:TodaysBaby
Notification: TodaysBaby is a baby care education and research study, and you can sign up if you're 18 or older and pregnant (less than 30 weeks). You'll get videos and text messages to help you make the best choices for your baby! - January 28, 2025
Subject: New App Coming!
Notification: A new Minnesota WIC App is coming Feb. 8! You will need to uninstall your current app, visit the App or Play store to download the new app and register your household(s). The new app is more user-friendly, with a new look, and is available in Spanish! - November 25, 2024
Subject: Food package changes
Notification: WIC is adding fresh herbs to WIC allowed foods using your fruit and veggies dollars. Not all fresh herbs are added yet, but you may notice your food benefit paying for fresh herbs at check out as more are added to the WIC allowed food list. More fresh herbs are added as state staff gather information from stores. - November 19, 2024
Subject: Resource:TodaysBaby
Notification: TodaysBaby is an infant care practice research study available to pregnant (due date on or after Feb. 8, 2025) WIC participants. Sign up to get videos and text messages to help you care for your baby. - October 11, 2024
Subject: Formula Substitutions
Notification: IMPORTANT! October 15 is the last day to use your WIC benefits to purchase most larger Enfamil can sizes of formula. After that, you will need to purchase the formula can size listed on your benefits. If you continue to have issues finding formula call your WIC clinic.
Quarterly Medical Assistance Texting
Minnesota WIC sends quarterly text messages promoting the program to Medical Assistance (MA) recipients, who qualify for WIC.
Texts will go out the first Monday in February, May, August, and November.
- WIC uses lists of new MA recipients who are younger than five, are pregnant or are six months postpartum for the text outreach efforts. We carefully review the data to make sure outreach texts go to potential WIC participants, not current participants.
- The texts are sent to recipients over five weeks.
- There are two versions of the text, one tailored to pregnant MA recipients and the other for all other MA recipients. Both versions are available in English, Spanish, and Somali.
- This is the current outreach text for MA recipients:
- English:
Families with MA qualify for WIC.
There is no cost and you get healthy foods!
Apply for WIC (
Reply STOP to Opt Out - Español:
Familias con seguro de Asistencia Médica (MA) califican para WIC.
¡Puede recibir comidas saludables sin ningún costo!
Solicite WIC (
Responda STOP para cancelar estas notificaciones - Af Soomaali:
Qoysaska haysta (Gargaarka Caafimaadka ee Gobolka Minnesota) ama loo yaqaan MA waxay u qalmaan Barnaamijyada iyo adeegyada WIC.
Wax kharash ah ma jiro, waana bilaash oo waxaad sidoo kale helaysaa cunto caafimaad leh !
Soo codso WIC (
Soo dir STOP (IGA JOOJI) si Lagaaga Joojiyo
- English:
- This is the current outreach text for pregnant MA recipients:
- English:
Pregnant and on MA?
WIC helps with foods you and your baby need.
Apply for WIC (
Reply STOP to Opt Out - Español:
¿Embarazada y tiene MA (Asistencia Médica)?
WIC ayuda con los alimentos que usted y su bebé necesitan.
Solicite WIC (
Responda STOP para cancelar estas notificaciones - Af Soomaali:
Uur leh oo ku jira MA-ga? (Kaalmada Caafimaadka)
WIC waxay kaa caawinaysaa cuntada adiga iyo ilmahaagu aad u baahan tihiin.
Soo codso WIC (
Soo dir STOP (IGA JOOJI) si Lagaaga Joojiyo
- English:
National WIC Association (NWA) Outreach
NWA WIC Participant Survey 2023 (PDF)
MN WIC covers the cost of NWA membership for local agencies. Log in or set up your account at National WIC Association to access resources and materials. Contact Emily Gilcher at if you need additional information about setting up your NWA account.
NWA promotes to current and potential WIC participants nationwide as a website to find their local WIC agency. Make sure your agency’s information is correct by visiting the NWA WIC Share My Agency page and completing the agency information update request form.