WIC Vendors
SPOTLIGHT - Need to Know...
Because of the recent supply and pricing issues, Minnesota WIC is adding more egg options. We will be allowing brown and cage-free eggs beginning April 1, 2025. For a listing of UPCs, please visit the UPC Codes - MN WIC APL section on this page. If you have eggs in your store that you believe should be added to the Approved Product List (APL), please complete our Minnesota WIC UPC Submission Form.
Minnesota WIC will not be allowing organic, pasture raised, or free-range at this time. WIC customers are being made aware of this change and are being encouraged to use the WIC app to make sure the eggs they bring to checkout are WIC allowed.
Please address questions to health.wicvendor@state.mn.us.
UPC Codes - MN WIC APL (Approved Product Listing)
- Produce Mapping is a functionality of the integrated Point of Sale (POS) software that allows vendors to link a UPC to a PLU listed in the MN WIC Approved Product List (APL). For more information about mapping and why it's necessary for WIC Program vendors: Mapping Fresh Produce.
- Learn more about produce mapping and its importance for successful WIC transactions: Introduction to Produce Mapping for Integrated Stores - 5 minutes (Script-PDF)
Food Manufacturers & Distributors
If you think a product should be added to the APL, you can submit the required information for review using the: UPC Submission Form
You will be required to attach clear pictures of the label that include all of the following information:
- - Brand name
- - Product name
- - Package size
- - Ingredient list
- - Nutrition Facts label
- - Full UPC Code (usually 12 digits)
If you have any questions, please email Health.mnwicupc@
You can propose medical formulas for Minnesota WIC to review.
If you think a product should be added as an allowed MN WIC formula, you can submit the formula for review using the: MN WIC Formula Submission (form).
If a product meets Federal and State requirements and availability it will be reviewed by a team of Nutrition and WIC experts. Individuals submitting requests will be notified if a product is approved and added to the MN WIC APL (Approved Product List).
WIC Vendor Advisory Group
The WIC Vendor Advisory Group was created in 2002. It is comprised of representatives from both large and small stores in both the metro and non-metro areas, the Minnesota Grocer's Association, and others who can advise the Minnesota WIC Program on vendor management policies. The Vendor Advisory Group meets 1 to 2 times a year.
If you would like to be a part of this Vendor Advisory Group or attend a meeting, please email: health.wicvendor@
WIC Vendor Newsletters
All vendors are expected to read the vendor newsletter and share it with all store employees.
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 25, Issue 1 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 24, Issue 2 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 24, Issue 1 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 23, Issue 2 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 23, Issue 1 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 22, Issue 4 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 22, Issue 2 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 22, Issue 1 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 21, Issue 3 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 21, Issue 2 (PDF)
- WIC Matters Newsletter for Vendors – Volume 21, Issue 1 (PDF)
Vendor Resources
- WIC Vendor Materials Order Form
Quantities are based on packaging unit. - Customer Incident Report
Complete of there are issues with a participant at your store. - Vendor Data Request - Minnesota WIC
Request vendor data/information. All submissions will be reviewed and fulfilled with respect to any time constraints. - Subscribe/Unsubscribe to MN WIC Email Communications
These short training videos can supplement your WIC cashier/store staff training. Each video addresses a different, important topic related to WIC and the WIC transaction. These videos are available in English, Spanish, and Somali.
- See the Forms dropdown above to order materials.
- Food Package Final Rule
- See the Forms dropdown above to order materials.
- Pharmacy Guide for Ordering Medical Formula for WIC Participants - eWIC (PDF)
- Checking and Updating the Stand-Beside APL (PDF)
Updating the APL for stand-beside terminals - Mapping of WIC Allowed Produce Items (PDF)
- Minnesota WIC App - Brochure (PDF)
- WIC Vendor Materials Order Form
Amendment to Rules Governing the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC Program)
Requirements & Responsibilities
The Federal WIC Regulations and State WIC Rules require WIC vendors to purchase all infant formula provided to WIC customers from authorized wholesalers and retailers contained on a list developed and maintained by the State WIC Office. To view the list for Minnesota: Authorized Suppliers of WIC-Allowed Infant Formulas (PDF)
If your store purchases WIC infant formula from a source not appearing on this list, please contact us at (651) 201-4401.
Stores are reimbursed for WIC foods up to the maximum price allowed by the MN WIC program for each food category. Maximum prices are determined by grouping similar sized stores together and analyzing average prices by peer group. Prices are determined twice a year and may be adjusted at other times if necessary.
Maximum Prices for WIC foods are no longer posted due to peer group variations and frequency of pricing adjustments.
If your wholesale cost for an item has increased and exceeds the MN WIC program's maximum price, please contact us at: 651-201-4404.
WIC Retail Food Vendor Authorization Application
You must be authorized for the SNAP Program before you can apply for the WIC Program.
eWIC for Vendors
WIC Shopping Help
Questions & Feedback