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Vendor Reauthorization Process
Resources and information for WIC Authorized Grocery Stores & Pharmacies.
On this page:
How often must my store reapply for the WIC Program?
How will I be notified when my vendor agreement is due to expire?
When will my vendor agreement expire?
What requirements do I have to meet to continue as a WIC Vendor?
What training will be provided to me?
How long will I be reauthorized for the WIC program?
How often must my store reapply for the WIC Program?
Generally, stores will need to reapply for WIC Program authorization once every three years. All vendor agreements are scheduled to end on the same date, March 31, 2026*. The ending date of all agreements executed after this will be March 31, 2029*. Vendor agreements cannot exceed three years in length.
*There are occasionally exceptions made to this; some stores are offered shorter agreements.
How will I be notified when my vendor agreement is due to expire?
The WIC Program will notify you in writing approximately six months before your current vendor agreement will expire. You will be provided information on how to apply for reauthorization at that time.
When will my vendor agreement expire?
If your store is authorized as a WIC vendor, its current agreement expires on March 31, 2023*. If your store is reauthorized, the ending date of the new agreement will be March 31, 2026*.
*There are occasionally exceptions made to this; some stores are offered "provisional agreements" which are six months in length.
What requirements do I have to meet to continue as a WIC vendor?
The requirements for WIC vendors have not changed since the execution of your current contract.
WIC Vendor Program Requirements List (PDF)
What training will be provided to me?
Prior to initial authorization, a store representative who will train store cashiers must attend a group training session. After authorization, a store representative who trains the store cashiers must attend group training approximately every three years. Stores will receive additional training through newsletters, videos, and store monitoring visits by WIC personnel. If your store is found to be violating WIC Program rules, store staff may be required to complete additional training as well.
How long will I be reauthorized for the WIC Program?
WIC Vendor agreements never exceed three years in length. All agreements currently being executed have ending dates of March 31, 2023*. The agreements executed after this will have ending dates of March 31, 2026*.
*There are occasionally exceptions made to this; some stores are offered "provisional agreements" which are six months in length.