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WIC Vendor Training Videos for Cashiers and Store Staff
These short (3 minutes or less) vendor training videos can be used as a complement to your regular cashier or store staff training. Each video covers an important topic related to accepting WIC cards at your grocery store.
Card Declines and Troubleshooting. This WIC shopping video has information for WIC Vendors about card declines and troubleshooting.
- Rechazos de tarjetas e identificación y resolución de problemas
- Diidmooyinka Kaarka & Cillad ka Saarista
Contacting WIC. This WIC shopping video has information for WIC Vendors on how to contact Minnesota WIC.
Customer Service. This WIC shopping video has information for WIC Vendors on how to provide excellent customer service to WIC customers.
Fresh Produce Mapping for Integrated Stores . This WIC shopping video has information for integrated stores on how to set up fresh produce for WIC sale.
- Productos Agrícolas Frescos y Mapeo Solo Para Tiendas Integradas
- Wax Soo Saarka Saafiga Ah Iyo Khariiradaynta Dukaamada Isku Dhafan oo Kaliya
Receipts. This WIC shopping video has information on the different receipts that print during a WIC transaction.