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Minnesota WIC App Messages
March 25
Crédito Fiscal por Hijos de Minnesota
March 14
WIC Permanece Abierto!
WIC de Minnesota permanecerá abierto incluso si hay un cierre parcial del gobierno federal. Continúe usando sus beneficios y mantenga sus citas hasta nuevo aviso. Estaremos actualizando cualquier aviso. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a su clínica local de WIC.
March 25
Kiridhitka Minnesota ee loogu talagalay cashuur bixiyayaasha carruurta leh
March 14
WIC waa furan yahay.
MN WIC waxay sii furnaan doontaa xitaa haddii ay dhacdo xannibaad qayb ah oo dowladda federaalka ah. Sii wad isticmaalka faa’iidooyinkaaga & xafid ballamahaaga ilaa ogeysiis dheeraad ah. Waxaan kuu soo diri doonaa warbixinno. Su’aalo? Wac hay’addaada deegaanka.
April 1
More Egg Options
You can now use your WIC benefits to buy brown and cage-free eggs, as well as white eggs. Do not buy organic, pasture-raised, free-range and pasteurized eggs with WIC benefits. For easier shopping, use your WIC app to scan eggs and see if they are WIC allowed. If you find a brown or cage-free egg product you think should be included, use the Suggest a UPC in the app to share information with WIC.
March 25
Child Tax Credit
The Minnesota Department of Revenue wants to remind you about the Child Tax Credit. It offers up to $1,750 per child under 18. Income phaseouts apply. Don't miss out. Check eligibility and claim your credit when you file. Check the website for more information. Child Tax Credit
March 14
MN WIC will stay open even if there is a partial federal government shutdown. Continue using your benefits & keep your appointments until further notice. We’ll send updates. Questions? Call your local agency.