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WIC New Staff Training
A training and staff development program for local WIC agency staff is key to maintaining quality services. Completing required trainings with the support of a preceptor, along with real-world practice, will assure new WIC staff will have the knowledge and skills to perform their role in the WIC clinic.
New Coordinators - Ask your state WIC consultant for WIC Coordinator training and materials.
All new WIC staff must go through an initial training program. New staff must either complete all the New Staff Training (NST) Guide Phase(s) appropriate to their role/activities or complete a similar training program provided by the local agency.
- Each new staff member should have a supervisor/preceptor to walk them through the NST and to answer questions and share additional training resources as needed.
- Training provided by the local agency must cover all topics included in the state New Staff Training Guide.
- The New Staff Training Guide Phases 1-4 is frequently updated. Agencies should regularly assure their agency-specific training plan is comparable.
- If you have questions about your local agency training, contact your State Consultant.
NOTE: Local Agencies with their own training plan can request a tracking document from;that shows what changes have been made to the NST guide to assure that their training plan is comparable to the state training guide. You may also reach out if you would like the NST phases in a different format.
The New Staff Training Guide - Phases 1-4:
- Offers a comprehensive outline of WIC training required to attain minimum competencies.
- Includes training resources Minnesota WIC developed and materials from other sources.
- Defines preceptor role in training new staff.
- Lists training activities and resources for each core WIC function.
- Lists required trainings based on staff role.
The guidance document should be read by all coordinators/preceptors that will be orienting new staff members into the agency. This document provides the necessary administrative tasks, describes one’s role as a preceptor, gives an overview of each phase within the NST, and the requirements for the various roles within the clinic environment.
The required training for each job classification and clinic role provides an overview of the training(s) required and those recommended for completion based on the staff role in the WIC agency and clinic.
Please reach out to your state consultant with questions regarding your role as a supervisor/preceptor in training new staff and/or with the new staff member's requirements for training based on their role.
REQUIREMENT: Save an electronic (or paper) copy of the documentation form for levels 1-4 for each employee. Check off and date the training activities that have been completed throughout each phase of the new staff training.
Welcome to the Minnesota WIC program. We are delighted you are joining the WIC team.
Each phase (1-4) in the WIC New Staff Training (NST) Guide provides a comprehensive outline of training necessary for you to attain minimum competencies within WIC. Full training is intended to be completed over a 12–18-month time period (18 mo. for part-time staff). The timeline will vary depending on the new staff person’s duties in WIC.
Ask your supervisor if there are any special instructions for you and who can answer questions you may have. Your supervisor/preceptor may refer to the Training New WIC Staff: Guidance for Coordinators/Preceptors (PDF) for additional guidance to support you.
NOTE: Each Phase in the NST will have “Additional Training Resources” or “Additional Staff Resources”; unless noted otherwise, these trainings are optional resources that may help you further develop your skills and understanding when working with WIC participants.
If you have questions as you are learning and practicing what you have learned, reach out to your preceptor to assist you.
Phase 1 of the New Staff Training focuses on immediate skills and competencies that will allow a new staff person to begin navigating WINNIE and performing tasks in the clinic. Staff who do not meet the education requirements of a CPA may be trained to perform all Phase 1 tasks if desired by the agency.
After completion of Phase 1, the staff person is qualified to complete demographics, income assessment, height/weight/hematological measurements, and some WINNIE functions.
It is recommended that after completion of Phase 1, CPAs be given the opportunity to observe appointments while practicing Information System functions and completing the Height/Weight/Blood portions of appointments, with additional mentoring.
Remember to document the completion of each module on the Phase 1 New Staff Training Documentation (WORD) form.
**Required for all new staff
Introduction to WIC**
- Complete: Introduction to WIC Module
Additional training resources (optional)
- WIC 101: WIC Learning Online (USDA Module)
- The Story of WIC (NWA)
Introduction to WINNIE
WINNIE Training -The training modules are a comprehensive review of all the functions in WINNIE. You can use them to support your learning as needed based on your role within the WIC clinic.
- Review the reference documents to help ensure your browser is properly set for WINNIE.
WINNIE training modules
The following modules provide an overview of WINNIE access, navigation, creating/opening participant records, and scheduling appointments.
- Hardware
- Accessing WINNIE
- Participant Search
- Participant Folder
- Prescreen
- Transfers
- Scheduler
Security training**
Required: Within 10 days of receiving WINNIE access
- View Security Training modules
- Review MOM Section 1.19: Avoid Conflict of Interest to Assure Program Integrity
Overview of certification**
- Complete WIC Certification Overview (PDF) module
Breastfeeding support & skill development**
As you continue through the NST Guide, build your skills in breastfeeding support, assessment, and education by completing the Breastfeeding Curriculum Level (1-4) appropriate for your role in the WIC clinic.
- Review the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum (PDF) Topic of the Month.
- Begin completing the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum training level applicable to your role. Completion of the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum training will continue throughout the four training phases.
- Self-Study for the Breastfeeding Curriculum is found on the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Learning Center. (Log on and search “breastfeeding” to see available options).
- Level 1: Required for Clerk, Peer, CPA, and DBE
- Level 2. Required for Peer, CPA, and DBE
- Level 3: Required for CPA and DBE
- Level 4: Required for Designated Breastfeeding Expert (DBE)
The Local Agency Breastfeeding Coordinator should provide one-to-one breastfeeding training until the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum is completed.
Additional staff resources (optional)
- Read and complete Breastfeeding Promotion (PDF) and Practice Activities
- Explore the Breastfeeding 101 (USDA) topic areas
Anthropometric measurements
- Complete WIC Anthropometrics Module
- Utilize the MN WIC Anthropometrics Guidebook - Trainee (WORD) edition to complete the module
- Complete the Anthropometrics Module Post-test (WORD)
Preceptor resource:
-Use the MN WIC Anthropometrics Guidebook- Preceptor (PDF) edition to support staff learning.
-Use the MOM Exhibit 4-H: Checklist for Certification Observation (PDF) when evaluating anthropometric competencies.
Additional staff resource (optional)
- Complete MN WIC Anthropometric Manual (PDF)
- Reference this manual for Minnesota WIC specific anthropometric procedures and equipment requirements.
Hematological measurements & assessment
NOTE: All Local Agencies are required to have a written Exposure Control Plan. The Exposure Control Plan establishes guidelines, precautions, laboratory rules and standard operating procedures that will limit occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens and other infectious agents.
Preceptor resource:
Use the Observation of correct procedure for blood collection and assessment chart (page 6 of Introduction to Hematological Assessment (PDF)) when observing hematological assessment proficiencies.
Additional staff resource (optional)
- Prerecorded The Valuable Role WIC Staff Play in Preventing and Addressing Iron Deficiency Anemia. Found on the MDH Learning Center.
WINNIE training modules
WINNIE Training - The following modules provide an overview of performing tasks necessary to meet processing standards, determining eligibility, and documenting measurements.
- Initial Contacts
- Demographics
- Income Assessment
- Length/Height/Weight & Growth Grids
- Bloodwork
Put your training into practice:
- Complete height, weight, and hemoglobin measurements in WIC clinic.
- Observe certifications with another CPA.
- Practice the WIC Information System (WINNIE) skills from this phase in the Training Environment (information about the Training Environment is provided on the WINNIE Training webpage). Find or create participants to practice.
- WINNIE Training Scenarios (Scenario 1: #1 - #2F-1) Optional tool.
Phase 2 introduces the nutrition assessment and education portions of certification appointments, including Information System procedures. It also introduces the food prescription and food package education.
After completion of Phase 2, begin completing low risk certs/recerts/midcerts/additional education visits under the supervision of another CPA.
Phase 2 additionally continues development of breastfeeding support and skill development as recommended based on your role in the WIC clinic.
Remember to record the completion of these modules on the Phase 2 New Staff Training Documentation (WORD) form.
**Required for all new staff
Nutrition assessment & risk assignment
Additional training resource (optional)
- Found on the MDH Learning Center
- Prerecorded Improving the Health of WIC Participants through the Nutrition Assessment: Practical Applications
- Prerecorded Improving the Health of WIC Participants through the Nutrition Assessment: Enhancing Nutrition Assessment Skills
- WIC Nutrition Assessment
- Skills Spotlight: Developing Specific Assessment Skills
WINNIE training modules
WINNIE Training - The following modules provide an overview of completing Certifications, Mid-Certification Assessments (MCAs), and out-of-state transfers, documenting health information and nutrition assessments, assigning risk factors and understanding pseudo-certs.
- Certification
- Mid-Certification Assessment (MCAs)
- Certification History
- VOCs
- Health Information
- Nutrition Assessment
- Risk Factors
Nutrition education
- Complete Nutrition Education module
- Complete Nutrition Education Module Discussion Guide (PDF) activities
- Review MOM Section 6.3: Initial Education (PDF)
- Review MOM Section 6.7: Additional Education (PDF)
Additional staff resources (optional)
- Additional documentation information can be found WIC Nutrition Education Documentation
- Found on the MDH Learning Center
- Prerecorded Improving the Health of WIC Participants through Nutrition Education: Practical Applications
Preceptor resource:
-MOM Exhibit 4-H: Checklist for Certification Observation (PDF)
Breastfeeding support & skill development
As you continue through the NST Guide, build your skills in breastfeeding support, assessment, and education by completing the Breastfeeding Curriculum Level (1-4) appropriate for your role in the WIC clinic.
- Continue completing the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum training levels applicable to your role. Completion of the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum trainings will continue throughout the four training phases.
- Self-Study for the Breastfeeding Curriculum is found on the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Learning Center. (Log on and search “breastfeeding” to see available options).
- Level 1: Required for Clerk, Peer, CPA, and DBE
- Level 2: Required for Peer, CPA, and DBE
- Level 3: Required for CPA and DBE
- Level 4: Required for Designated Breastfeeding Expert (DBE)
The Local Agency Breastfeeding Coordinator should provide one-to-one breastfeeding training until the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum is completed.
WINNIE training modules
WINNIE Training - The following modules provide an overview of documenting nutrition education, notes, alerts, and referrals in WINNIE.
- Nutrition Education
- Notes
- Alerts
- Referrals
Food prescription
- Review Minnesota Operations Manual (MOM)Chapter 7: Food Package
- Review MOM Exhibits 7-J: Mom & Baby WIC Food Packages (PDF) and 7-K: Standard Food Packages at a Glance Children & Women (PDF)
- Review the WIC Food Package Pictorials for reference on individual food packages.
WINNIE training modules
WINNIE Training - The following modules provide an overview of creating and managing food prescriptions.
- Food Prescription (modules 1A – 2B)
Food package & shopping**
- View Welcome to WIC Video
- View Using Your WIC Card video
- View My MN WIC App module
- Complete The WIC Shopping Experience module
WINNIE training modules (if appropriate and not already viewed)
WINNIE Training - The following modules provide an overview of assigning the WIC Card and managing representatives, issuing benefits, assessing redemption, and changing issued benefits.
- WIC Card
- eWIC Customer Service
- Transaction History
- Issue Benefits
- Benefits History
- Adjust Benefits
- Change Household ID
Civil rights training**
Must be completed within 6 months of start date.
WINNIE training modules
WINNIE Training - The following modules provide an overview of system help, downloading and managing documents with private data, and scanning or importing documents into WINNIE.
- Help
- Documents
- Document Imaging
Put your training into practice:
- Practice the WIC Information System (WINNIE) skills from this phase in the Training Environment (information about the Training Environment is provided on the WINNIE Training webpage). Find or create participants, assign cards, and issue benefits to practice.
- WINNIE Training Scenarios (Complete all Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 – Day 1) Optional tool.
- Begin completing low risk certifications, recertifications, and mid-certifications under the supervision of another CPA.
Phase 3 focuses on competencies in nutrition assessment and education by participant category. Participant Centered Education skills are also introduced. Competencies in Nutrition Assessment and Education by participant category are evaluated through observation of certification and additional education appointments.
It is suggested that a new staff person focus on one participant category until competencies are attained and demonstrated, and then move on to another category. This may not always be possible. Trainees can utilize the education resources as needed to develop competencies while practicing with participants.
Once competencies are demonstrated, the staff person is qualified to see that category of participant independently, through the entire certification process.
Observations by the preceptor to evaluate competencies may count towards the required observations in the first year of employment. (See Exhibit 4-G: MN WIC Program Staff Monitoring Plan (PDF) for specific requirements.)
The Basic Nutrition modules are required for those without a degree in nutrition (i.e., nurses, health educators, etc.). They are optional for those with a nutrition degree but are recommended as a review. Additional training resources are available under the WIC Training for Local Agency Staff section of the MN WIC website. We encourage staff to look through the many resources available.
Remember to record the completion of these modules on the Phase 3 New Staff Training Documentation (WORD) form.
Basic nutrition modules
Module required for non-nutrition credentialed staff.
- WIC Nutrition Modules
- Nutrition Basics
- Micronutrients and Water
- Energy Balance and Metabolism
- Nutrition Related Diseases
Module required for non-nutrition credentialed staff.
- Prerecorded WIC/FHV Maternal & Child Nutrition Webinars- First in a Series (covers prenatal health and nutrition). Found on the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Learning Center.
- WIC Nutrition Modules
- Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes
Additional staff resources (required):
- Review MOM Section 6.4: Drug and Harmful Substance Use Education (PDF)
- Review MOM Section 6.5: Breastfeeding Education for Pregnant Women (PDF)
Additional training resources (optional):
Preceptor resource
Infant nutrition
Modules required for all CPA staff.
- WIC Nutrition Modules
- Introduction to Infant Formula
- Standard Infant Formula
- WIC Baby Behavior Training (Arizona WIC). Found on the MDH Learning Center.
Additional modules required for non-nutrition credentialed staff.
- Prerecorded WIC/FHV Maternal & Child Nutrition Webinars- Second in a Series (covers infant health and nutrition). Found on the MDH Learning Center.
Additional staff resource (optional)
- Prerecorded Formula 101: Understanding the Basics to Help Make Informed Formula Choices. Found on the MDH Learning Center.
Preceptor resource
-MOM Exhibit 4-H: Checklist for Certification Observation (PDF)
Additional staff resources (optional)
- MN WIC Baby Behavior Education video clips
- WIC Baby Behavior
- Contains Staff Training, Staff Tools, Baby Behavior Spotlights
Child nutrition
Modules required for all CPA staff.
- WIC Toddler Behavior Training (AZ WIC). Found on the MDH Learning Center.
Additional modules required for non-nutrition credentialed staff.
- Prerecorded WIC/FHV Maternal & Child Nutrition Webinars- Third in a Series (covers toddler and preschools nutrition and health). Found on the MDH Learning Center.
- WIC Nutrition Modules
- Pediatric Overweight and Obesity
Additional training resources (optional):
- Topic of the Month: Iron Deficiency Anemia (PDF)
- Responsive Feeding Exercise for Staff (MDH Learning Center- WIC Toddler Behavior Training Resource)
- Raising Happy, Healthy Eaters (Health Education/Nutrition Services/Kaiser Permanente)
- Early Childhood Nutrition: How to Get Feeding off to a Positive and Healthy Start (Dairy Council of California)
Breastfeeding support & skill development
As you continue through the NST Guide, build your skills in breastfeeding support, assessment, and education by completing the Breastfeeding Curriculum Level (1-4) appropriate for your role in the WIC clinic.
- Continue completing the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum training levels applicable to your role.
- Self-Study for the Breastfeeding Curriculum is found on the MDH Learning Center. (Log on and search “breastfeeding” to see available options).
- Level 1: Required for Clerk, Peer, CPA, and DBE
- Level 2: Required for Peer, CPA, and DBE
- Level 3: Required for CPA and DBE
- Level 4: Required for Designated Breastfeeding Expert (DBE)
The Local Agency Breastfeeding Coordinator should provide one-to-one breastfeeding training until the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum is completed.
- Postpartum Module (PDF)
- Section 6.7: Additional Nutrition Education: Review components of the “Exit Counseling” contact.
Additional training resource (optional):
Preceptor resource
-MOM Exhibit 4-H: Checklist for Certification Observation (PDF)
Found at the MDH Learning Center:
- View the Introduction to Participant-Centered Counseling Skills training.
- View the Participant-Centered Counseling Skills in Action training.
Complete additional activities assigned by preceptor.
Preceptor resource
-Use tools found in WIC Mentor Resources for evaluating competencies.
Putting it into practice:
- Continue completing low risk certifications, recertifications, midcertifications, under the supervision of another CPA until competencies for each category are demonstrated.
- Practice Participant Centered Skills.
Phase 4 focuses on additional skill development, specifically in the areas of High-Risk Counseling, Medical Formula, Breastfeeding, and PCS skills. The training areas can be completed in any order or even simultaneously.
These trainings should be completed within 12 months of a new staff’s start date (18 months for part-time staff) because developing skills in these areas is an integral part of providing quality WIC services.
As a reminder to preceptors, staff need time and opportunities for training and mentorship in order to continue to develop their skills in these areas.
Remember to record the completion of these modules on the Phase 4 New Staff Training Documentation (WORD)form.
**Required for all new staff
High risk counseling
Required for individuals who will be doing High Risk Counseling. (See MOM Section 6.6: High Risk Individual Nutrition Care (PDF))
- Complete High Risk Counseling modules:
- High Risk Policy & Criteria, Module 1: High Risk Care Policy and Criteria
- Providing High Risk Care, Module 2: Providing High Risk Care
- High Risk Documentation, Module 3: Documenting High Risk Care and Follow-up
Staff should become familiar with the “Implications for WIC Services” section of the WIC Risk Criteria for each high risk condition. This information helps guide high risk care for specific conditions including clarification on the risk and interventions strategies to best support WIC participants.
- Open the WIC Risk Criteria webpage, then open one of the high risk conditions listed (201, 211, 354), next scroll down to the “Implications for Minnesota WIC Services” section.
- The Implications provide screening or assessment recommendations specific to the risk code along with suggestions for nutrition counseling related to the risk code.
Other (required)
- Complete Medical Formula Module
- Review MOM Section 6.6: High-Risk Individual Nutrition Care Plans (PDF)
- Review Exhibit 6-A: High Risk and Medical Referral Criteria (PDF)
- Review MOM Section 7.6: Medical Documentation (PDF)
- Review MOM Section 7.9: Food package for infants, women, and children with qualifying Medical Conditions (Food Package 3) (PDF)
- Review relevant Formula Guidance- WIC Staff
Preceptor resource
-MOM Exhibit 4-H: Checklist for Certification Observation (PDF)
WINNIE training modules
WINNIE Training - The following modules provide an overview of high risk and Food Package III.
- High Risk
- Food Prescription (modules 3a – 3b: Food Package III)
Breastfeeding support & skill development
As you continue through the NST Guide, build your skills in breastfeeding support, assessment, and education by completing the Breastfeeding Curriculum Level (1-4) appropriate for your role in the WIC clinic.
- Complete the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum training levels applicable to your role.
- Self-Study for the Breastfeeding Curriculum is found on the MDH Learning Center. (Log on and search “breastfeeding” to see available options).
- Level 1: Clerk, Peer, CPA, DBE
- Level 2: Peer, CPA, DBE
- Level 3: CPA, DBE
- Level 4: Designated Breastfeeding Expert (DBE)
The Local Agency Breastfeeding Coordinator should provide one-to-one breastfeeding training until the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum is completed.
Breastfeeding activity for front-line staff
Preceptor resource
Preceptor notes
-Contact the state BF Coordinator with questions on completing the WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum.
-Use the materials below along with one-to-one coaching to support staff skill building.
Additional staff resources (optional):
- WIC Lactation Continuing Education
- WIC Breastfeeding Support Video Gallery (USDA)
- Review Breastfeeding Resources & References for Health Professionals (Order the most current version on WIC Agency Materials Order Form.)
PCS training & skills development
- Review Skills Spotlight series to assist in developing specific assessment skills.
- Review PCS Counseling Skills (PDF) handout and complete a self-evaluation of competencies in each PCS skill.
If trainee has already attained/demonstrated competencies in a PCS skill, training for that skill is optional.
Skills include:
The following resources cover basic skills in participant-centered counselling skills. These tools are the foundation of quality nutrition counseling. It is recommended that you practice each of these skills one at a time. It will be helpful to return to these resources every six months or so as you are developing the skills and learn how they work all together.
- Listen to the Molly Kellogg's WIC Step by Step podcast for the topics below:
- Building Rapport- Engaging the Client podcast
- Open-ended Questions- Open-ended Questioning podcast
- Affirmations- Affirming podcast
- Reflective Listening- Reflecting podcast
- Summarizing- Summarizing podcast
- Review and complete activities in Active Listening
- "Active Listening...." (PDF) (Oregon WIC)
- Review the Explore/Offer/Explore Sandwich Technique:
- View the Goal Setting- March 2016 webinar (MDH WIC)
Preceptor note
-Focus on one of the PCS Counseling Skills (PDF) at a time
-Additional PCS Skills and Resources on the MN WIC Website
Preceptor resource
PCS Mentoring Resources - Required for PCS Mentors (Champions)
Note: Each agency is encouraged to assign a PCS Mentor to each new staff person. Developing PCS skills is an ongoing process.
Customer service training*
- Review Welcoming Participants
- View one or more of the following trainings and discuss with your preceptor:
- Telephone Communications (MDH WIC)
- Dealing with Difficult People (MDH WIC)
- Communication Skills for Dialoguing Across Differences (edX) Choose the 'audit course' options.
Additional training resources (optional):
- Communications and Critical Thinking-WIC Learning Online (WLOL) (USDA)
- Communication and Counseling Over the Phone (PDF) (MDH WIC)
- WIC Customer Service Playlist (Arizona WIC)
- Sign up for the Learning Dynamics Customer Service Notes for WIC
- Send name and email address to
Cultural humility & services**
- View Working with Language Interpreters Module
- Read and review 11 Helpful Tips for Working with an Over-the-Phone Interpreter (PDF) (Language Line Solutions)
- View Cultural Awareness: Introductions (WI WIC)
Observe at least 2 appointments using the Language Line and an in-house interpreter (if applicable for agency)
Additional staff resources (optional)
Minnesota specific resources on cultures found within our state.
- Diversity in Minnesota (MDH WIC)
- WIC Cultural Toolkits (MDH WIC)
- Introduction to working with other cultures.
- Toolkits for highlighted cultures.
- Staff resources included.
Resources developed by other agencies.
- Cultural Humility -People, Principles and Practices, a documentary by Vivian Chavez.
WINNIE Agency Administrator and Infoview modules
WINNIE Training – for Agency Admin Staff - The following modules provide an overview of functions managed by staff with the Agency Administrator and Calendar roles in WINNIE and staff who have access to WIC’s ad-hoc reporting tool, Infoview.
- Calendar (create clinic calendars)
- Maintaining Medical Clinics and Providers
- Maintaining Local Use Questions
- Maintaining Referrals
- Potential Duplicate Participants
- Infoview
Putting your training into practice
- Complete certifications/recertifications/midcertifications/follow up for participants meeting high risk criteria.
- Assist participants requiring a medical formula.
- Continue developing Participant Centered Skills.
- Practice the WINNIE skills from this phase. Find or create participants in the Training Environment and use Infoview (as appropriate).
- WINNIE Training Scenarios (Scenario 2 – Day 2) Optional tool
- Practice agency admin functions. For WINNIE Agency Administrators only
- Practice running reports in Infoview. For WINNIE Agency Administrators only
The answers to the Minnesota developed training modules can be found on the Module Answer Keys webpage.
If you have questions about any of the training on the new staff training or related training on your local agency training plan, please contact your State Consultant.