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On this page: Breastfeeding | Counseling | Feeding Behavior | Foods | General | Healthy Habits | Nutrition | Pregnancy | Substance Use | Vitamin Supplements | Weight Inclusive
Dietary Intake During Lactation (PDF)
Contraceptives and Milk Making (PDF)
WIC Breastfeeding Curriculum (PDF)
Donor Milk and Information Milk Sharing (PDF)
Mastitis Updated Guidance (PDF)
Supporting Breastfeeding During Challenging Times (PDF)
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Using Positive Deviance in Counseling (PDF)
Communication and Counseling Over the Phone (PDF)
Trauma-Informed Care in Nutrition (PDF)
Feeding Behavior
A New Look at Responsive Feeding Practices (PDF)
Sensory Disorder or Picky Eating (PDF)
Trauma Effects on Child and Infant Feeding Behaviors (PDF)
Milk & Milk Alternatives (PDF)
Tips on Shopping for WIC Foods (PDF)
Addressing Social Media Hype and Misinformation (PDF)
Developmental Delays and WIC Resources (PDF)
Infant Stools: What's Normal? (PDF)
Healthy Habits
Encouraging Family Mealtime (PDF)
Get Moving and Stay Active (PDF)
Media and Young Children (PDF)
Micronutrients that Support Immunity (PDF)
Vegetarian Diets for Children (PDF)
Health Pregnancy Outcomes (PDF)
Substance Use
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (PDF)
Marijuana Use While Pregnant or Lactating (PDF)
Vitamin Supplements
Weight Inclusive
Weight Inclusivity & Growth (PDF)
Discussing Child's Weight (PDF)