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On this page: FileZilla | Infoview | Mobile Management | Minnesota WIC App | Security Training | State Use Questions | MDH WIC State Staff: Accessibility Training
FileZilla Introduction (PDF)
Guidance on how to use FileZilla; the secure FTP site where sensitive documents and reports are stored for Local Agency access.
Introduction to Infoview - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of Infoview & the MDH WIC website, data security when using Infoview, and logging in.
Using Infoview 1 - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
Tabs, preferences, Documents tab: My Documents, Folders, and Search.
Using Infoview 2 - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
Guidance documents and report templates.
Using Infoview 3 - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Exporting ad-hoc reports, managing My Favorites and logging off.
Using Infoview 4 - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Input controls, reference tabs, and modifying report outputs.
- Using Reports with Local Use Answers (PDF) - Information about how to use reports that have a prompt requiring an input for Local Use answers if your agency does or does not have Local Use Questions.
Mobile Management
Mobile Management Available July 3! - 6/21/23 Memo (PDF)
Mobile Management and Contact Us Overview (PDF)
Provides an overview of Mobile Management and the Contact Us feature in the Minnesota WIC App.
Installing the Download and Recycle Bin Script (PDF) - Instructions for installing a script (required on any state-owned computers using Mobile Management or WINNIE) that automatically deletes downloaded files that may contain private data from the Downloads folder and the Recycle Bin daily.
- Downloaded Files and Mobile Management - memo (PDF) - a 7/12/23 memo providing information about security requirements for deleting downloaded files.
Minnesota WIC App
Minnesota WIC App - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the modernized Minnesota WIC App and its features - available February 8, 2025.
My MN WIC App Training Module
An overview the My MN WIC App's functionality (Version 5.4). Includes information about registering and its advantages; managing multiple households on one device; and general functionality. (Revised 3/2/21)
My MN WIC App Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
More information about the Minnesota WIC App
Security Training
Annual security training is required for all WIC staff every Federal Fiscal Year (October 1 - September 30). Local Agencies are responsible for ensuring that all staff review the security training modules every Federal fiscal year and for tracking completion of each staff person's training.
The Security Training Module Tracking (WORD) can be used to help track training completion and should be signed by each staff person once the annual security training has been completed. Please note that individual staff signatures are required for verification and auditing purposes.
Security Training Module - 18 minutes (Script - PDF)
A review of data privacy, system security features, passwords, roles and features, user deactivations, physical security, data storage, electronic communications, social engineering and lost/stolen equipment.
Security Module: Review Questions - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
This module has 15 questions with explanations for the correct answer(s). This module should also be reviewed by all WIC staff and can be used as a training self-assessment.
State Use Questions
Guidance and definitions for using State Use Question #1: Breastfeeding Exclusivity and State Use Question #6: Cultural Identity can be found in the INFOVIEW TEMPLATES >> State Use Questions folders.
Accessibility Training
The following training information provides an overview of how to create accessible PDFs and were developed for MDH WIC State Office staff.
Is Your PDF Accessible? Module #1 - 18 minutes (Script - PDF)
Is Your PDF Accessible? Module #2 - 19 minutes (Script - PDF)
Making Translated Documents Accessible (PDF)