WIC Reports and Data
WIC provides data, reports, maps, and fact sheets on many topics. In general, WIC will maintain at least 3 years of data on our website. Questions or Feedback?
Tips for Navigating Interactive Data Dashboards (PDF)
Annual summary of WIC health outcome information for women, infants and children.
Fact Sheets on specific health topics can be found under those topic headings, including Breastfeeding, Anemia in Children, and Anemia in Women, and Children’s Weight Status.
WIC Participation is based on monthly issuance of food benefits. For unduplicated counts, participants are counted once per year as their WIC Type (infant, child, pregnant, postpartum, etc.) the first time they received services in the calendar year.
- Enrollment
- Prenatal Participation
- Children by Age
- Child Participation in Minnesota WIC by Age and Calendar Year (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- WIC Children by Age (unduplicated by calendar year) - by CHB, County, City, Agency and Grantee
- Category
- Minnesota WIC Unduplicated Participation by CY and WIC Category (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- WIC Category (unduplicated by calendar year) - by CHB, County, City, Agency and Grantee
- WIC Category by Race/Ethnicity (unduplicated by calendar year) - by CHB, County, City, Agency and Grantee
- WIC Category by Race/Ethnicity Alone or In Combination (AOIC) with Other Races (unduplicated by calendar year) - by CHB, County, City, Agency and Grantee
- Race/Ethnicity
- Monthly Participation
- Maps
Minnesota WIC Benefit Utilization Summary
Includes data on the count of households receiving benefits, percent of households who are using any of their benefits, and the percent of food benefits used (utilization). Report data is provided beginning October 2019.
WIC collects breastfeeding initiation and duration information on infants who participate in the WIC Program.
- Breastfeeding Summary (Interactive Data)
- Monthly and Quarterly Breastfeeding Rates (Interactive Data)
- WIC Breastfeeding and Maternal Prenatal Participation (Interactive Data)
- Breastfeeding Among Infants Born in Minnesota (Interactive Data)
- Breastfeeding Exclusivity (Interactive Data)
- Trends in Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration at Two Weeks, Three, Six and Twelve Months for Infants in the Minnesota WIC Program by Age of the Mother 2015-2021 (PDF)
- Race/Ethnicity or Cultural Identity
- Fact Sheets - Hospital
- Fact Sheets - Minnesota WIC
- Fact Sheets - Peer Program
- Fact Sheets - Communities
- Breastfeeding Maps
WIC collects information about birth weight, gestational duration, and mother's prenatal participation in the WIC Program. The following provides annual summary reports and data for the birth weight of infants participating in Minnesota WIC.
WIC tests hemoglobin for 8-month (or older) infants and children up to 5 years of age who are participating in the WIC Program. Summary annual data about anemia in infants (>8 months old) and children (1 to 5 years old) participating in Minnesota WIC.
- Child Anemia (2000-2019) - by CHB, County and City of Residence
- Anemia by Year in Infants and Children Participating in Minnesota WIC, 2000-2019 (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Race/Ethnicity
- Statewide Multi Year Anemia in Minnesota WIC Infants and Children by Race/Ethnicity (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Multi Year Anemia in Minnesota WIC Infants and Children by Race/Ethnicity Alone or in Combination with Other Races (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Child Anemia by Race/Ethnicity (Unduplicated and Alone or in Combination - 2011-2019) - by CHB, County and City of Residence
- Child Anemia in Minnesota WIC Fact Sheet, 2019 (PDF)
- Child Anemia Maps - by County of Residence
WIC tests hemoglobin for pregnant and postpartum women participating in the WIC Program. Summary annual reports of anemia in women during and after pregnancy.
- Women Anemia - by CHB, County and City of Residence
- Anemia in Women Participating in Minnesota WIC Delivering During Calendar Year, 2011-2019 (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Anemia in Pregnant and Postpartum Women Minnesota WIC Fact Sheet, 2019 (PDF)
- Anemia in Women Maps (Pregnancy, Third Trimester, and Postpartum) - by County of Residence
WIC measures weight and height for all children participating in the WIC Program.
- Age
- Children's Weight Status - by CHB, County, City and Zip Code of Residence
- Weight Status by Year in Minnesota WIC Children Ages 2 up to 5 years (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Overweight and Obesity Status in Children Ages 2 to 5 Years of Age Participating in Minnesota WIC by Year and Ages (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Gender
- Race/Ethnicity and Cultural Identity
- Children's Weight Status by Race/Ethnicity (Unduplicated and Alone or in Combination) - by CHB, County and City of Residence
- Multi Year Overweight and Obesity Status in Minnesota WIC Children Ages 2 to 5 Years of Age by Race/Ethnicity (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Multi Year Overweight and Obesity Status in Minnesota WIC Children Ages 2 to 5 Years of Age by Race/Ethnicity Alone or In Combination with Other Races (AOIC) (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Obesity and Overweight Status in Asian Children 2 to 5 Years of Age Participating in MN WIC by Year and Cultural Identity, 2016-2019 (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Obesity and Overweight Status in Black Children 2 to 5 Years of Age Participating in MN WIC by Year and Cultural Identity, 2016-2019 (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Obesity and Overweight Status in Minnesota WIC Children Fact Sheet, 2019 (PDF)
- Children's Weight Status Maps (Obesity, Obesity and Overweight, Overweight)
- Childhood Obesity (MN Public Health Data Access Portal - Interactive
WIC measures weight and height for all women participating in the WIC Program. Annual summary reports by calendar year.
- Women's Weight Status - by CHB, County and City of Residence
- Pre-pregnancy Weight Status by Year in Minnesota WIC (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Race/Ethnicity
- Women's Weight Status by Race/Ethnicity (Unduplicated and Alone or In Combination)
- Multi Year Pre-pregnancy Weight Status in Minnesota WIC by Race/Ethnicity - Unduplicated (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Multi Year Pre-pregnancy Weight Status in Minnesota WIC by Race/Ethnicity Alone or In Combination with Other Races (AOIC) (PDF) - Statewide Trend Data
- Women's Weight Status Maps (Obesity, Obesity and Overweight, Overweight)
WIC assesses health risk behaviors such as pre-pregnancy cigarette use and the amount of time between pregnancies for women participating in the WIC Program.
- Minnesota Public Health Data Access - Interactive maps, charts, and queries with data on multiple health and environment topics.
- Minnesota County Health Tables - A compilation of public health data for Minnesota and its 87 counties.
- WIC Interactive Graphs (scroll below Key Findings section) - The PC 2020 report, provided by USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), summarizes demographic, income and health-related characteristics and behaviors of participants certified to receive WIC benefits in April 2020.
- WIC Eligibility and Coverage Rates - 2022 Charts (scroll below Key Findings section to Figure 5) - This report, provided by USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), presents 2022 national and state estimates of the number of people eligible for WIC benefits and the percentage of the eligible population and the US population covered by the program, including estimates by participant category and race/ethnicity.
Reports Requests
Can't find what you are looking for? Local Agency staff can request data, assistance with reports, or ad-hoc reports using the Local Agency Reports & Data Request
An ad-hoc reporting tool used to create Local Agency WIC requested reports that can be run by Infoview users and is also a storage site for other reports.
- Previous years of data can be found in the appropriate Infoview ANNUAL REPORTS folder.
- WIC End-of-Month (EOM) Reports for Breastfeeding, Formula, and Nutrition can be found in the Infoview AGENCY EOM folder. The WIC EOM Reports page provides guidance documents explaining how to read these reports and where to find them.
If you can't find the data you're looking for on this page, you can request data/information using the following forms. Please note that all data request submissions will be reviewed and fulfilled, if possible, with respect to any indicated time constraints.
WIC follows federal regulations and continuously evaluates the program to maintain program integrity, improve services, and meet participants’ needs. WIC works with research partners such as universities and independent evaluators, while safeguarding confidential participant data.
For local WIC Agencies: Coordinating with MDH WIC on Studies
Please contact your state consultant to conduct or use any WIC study. This includes situations where outside organizations approach local agencies with plans to do a study involving WIC. Provide a short description early in the planning process, so WIC state staff are aware of current studies and can offer technical assistance.
WIC studies can attract media coverage or other attention and can be presented as if everything in the study is true regardless of the quality of the study. It is important WIC state staff are aware of all current studies.
For potential research partners:
Minnesota WIC mentors students interested in research related to the WIC program and can partner with other research entities. Contact the WIC State Office for more information.
WIC Research and Evaluation
Published research on the WIC Program