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WIC Breastfeeding by Race and Ethnicity
Data on breastfeeding initiation and duration among WIC participants.
WIC will maintain at least 3 years of data on our website. For WIC local agency staff, previous years can be found in the appropriate ANNUAL REPORTS folder in Infoview.
On this page:
Breastfeeding Trends by Race and Ethnicity
Breastfeeding by Location
Breastfeeding by City
Breastfeeding Trends by Race and Ethnicity Alone
Breastfeeding Trends by Race and Ethnicity AOIC
Breastfeeding by City by Race and Ethnicity Alone
Data Tables
Tips for Navigating Interactive Data Dashboards (PDF)
Benchmarks for Breastfeeding Outcomes (PDF)
Suggested citation: Minnesota WIC Information System. Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration for Minnesota WIC Infants Born During Selected Time Period by Race and Ethnicity. Minnesota WIC Program: 2025.
Methodology and Interpretation: Location and Race/Ethnicity (PDF)
Location is where infants first enrolled in WIC. Counts and percentages are based on number of infants on whom breastfeeding information was collected.
* Totals and numbers breastfeeding < 5 are suppressed. Percentages are not calculated for agencies with < 30 participants.
When multiple years are selected, map totals are cumulative.
Note: As the birth cohort matures and participants are interviewed at their next WIC visit, numbers for the most recent years increase and rates may change. Most recent years’ data are considered preliminary until year-end numbers are finalized.
2022 data were finalized in June of 2024.
2023 and 2024 data are preliminary, most recently updated February 2025.
Breastfeeding Trends by Race and Ethnicity
Breastfeeding by Location
Breastfeeding by City
Breastfeeding Trends by Race and Ethnicity Alone
Breastfeeding Trends by Race and Ethnicity AOIC
Breastfeeding by City by Race and Ethnicity Alone
Data Tables
Downloadable file of WIC breastfeeding data by race and ethnicity (CSV)
Downloadable file of WIC breastfeeding data by race and ethnicity by City (CSV)
Downloadable file of WIC breastfeeding data by County and Race and Ethnicity Alone (CSV)
Downloadable file of WIC breastfeeding data by Race and Ethnicity Alone by City (CSV)
Downloadable file of WIC breastfeeding by race and ethnicity AOIC data by County (CSV)
For more information, please e-mail