Contact Info
ORHPC Grants and Funding
Helpful Links:
Grant Resources - MN Dept. of Health (
Not open for applications at this time.
Clinical training is a requirement for dental professionals to become licensed, but opportunities to receive clinical training are limited. Under the authority of Minnesota Statutes Section Sec. 144.1913, the Commissioner of Health is authorized to award grants to sponsoring institutions and clinical dental training sites for projects that increase dental access for underserved populations and promote innovative clinical dental education or clinical training programs.
Eligible applicants include teaching institutions and clinical training sites that train dental professionals. The teaching institution or the clinical training site must provide accredited clinical training, an exception can be made if the organization is actively seeking accreditation with a reasonable assumption of success.
Grant funds are not transferrable to any other entity. Applicants that are aware of any upcoming mergers, acquisitions, or any other changes in their organization or legal standing, must disclose this information to MDH in their application, or as soon as they are aware of it.
All applicant organizations must also have a policy to ensure no person will be denied services due to inability to pay (e.g., sliding-fee scale).
An estimated $1,122,000 will be available for this grant cycle. Funds will be distributed in approximately 8-12 awards with a maximum award amount of $150,000 and a minimum of $30,000.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- FY2025 Clinical Dental Education Innovation Grant Program Request For Proposal (PDF)
- CDEI Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form
- Sample Grant Agreement
List of current grantees:
- FY 2024 CDEI Grant Program Recipient Organizations (PDF)
- FY 2025 CDEI Grant Program Recipient Organizations (PDF)
Informational webinar:
For more information please contact: or 651-201-5154
The 2025 Community Clinic Grant Application will open on Monday, January 6, 2025. All application submissions must be submitted through the ORHPC Grants Portal by 4:30 PM Central Time on Monday, March 3, 2025.
Minnesota Statute 145.9268 authorizes the Commissioner of Health to award grants to support the capacity of eligible organizations to plan, establish or operate clinical services for populations with low income and/or living in rural areas of the state.
Fiscal Year 2025 program funding will support clinic efforts to improve:
- Mental health services for all ages, or
- Oral health programs for all ages, with preference for projects supporting collaborative practice dental hygienists to provide services in community locations, or
- Clinical services for at-risk youth. This program defines youth as 25 and under. Programs may serve any age range of patients up to age 25.
To be eligible for a Community Clinic Grant, an entity must be:
- A Nonprofit clinic established to provide preventative, medical, dental, or mental health services to low-income or rural population groups.
- A government entity operating a clinic which provides preventative, medical, dental, or mental health services.
- An Indian Health Services unit or Indian tribal government operating a clinic which provides preventative, medical, dental, or mental health services; or,
- A consortium of these entities.
A total of $530,000 is available to grant and MDH anticipates awarding 10-13 grants with an award maximum of $45,000.
Grant application forms and guidelines
- 2025 Community Clinic Grant RFP (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Governing Board Resolution (PDF)
- CCG Questions and Answers (PDF)
Informational webinar
2025 Community Clinic Grant Program Informational Webinar (PDF)
List of Community Clinic Grant recipients:
- Fiscal Year 2024 Community Clinic Grant recipients (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2023 Community Clinic Grant recipients (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2022 Community Clinic Grant recipients (PDF)
- Fiscal Year 2021 Community Clinic Grant recipients (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
Minnesota Session Law Chapter 70, Article 4, section 97 authorizes the Commissioner of Health to award grants to critical access dental providers for dental infrastructure projects that maintain or expand the provider’s capacity to serve Minnesota Health Care Program enrollees.
Fiscal Year 2024 program funding will support critical access dental providers to update or expand:
- Physical infrastructure of a dental setting, including, but not limited to:
- Operations and clinical spaces in a dental clinic.
- Associated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning infrastructure and other mechanical infrastructure.
- Dental equipment needed to operate a dental clinic.
- Mobile dental equipment or other equipment necessary to provide dental services via a hub-and-spoke service delivery model or via teledentistry.
The aim of this project is to help critical access dental providers fund dental infrastructure projects that allow the provider to maintain or expand the provider’s capacity to serve Minnesota Health Care Program enrollees.
Approximately $2,375,000 will be available to grant in this cycle.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Critical Access Dental Infrastructure Grant RFP (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Budget Worksheet Form (Excel)
- Critical Access Dental Infrastructure Grant FAQ (PDF)
List of Grantees:
Changes to the RFP:
There are two changes to the RFP effective March 20, 2024. The Critical Access Dental Provider certification letter is now an optional attachment. The deadline for asking questions about the grant has been extended until 4:30 p.m. on March 25, 2024.
Informational webinar:
An informational webinar was held on Tuesday, March 12.
Critical Access Dental Infrastructure Grant Request for Proposal Webinar - YouTube
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
This opportunity is provided by the MN Flex Program that provides funding for training or technical assistance to CAHs to build capacity, encourage innovation, and promote sustainable improvements in the rural health care system. Visit the Minnesota Rural Hospital Flexibility Program to learn more about the Flex Program.
The MN Flex Program provides funding for training or technical assistance to CAHs to build capacity, encourage innovation, and promote sustainable improvements in the rural health care system. This grant will serve critical access hospitals and their boards by equipping them with information to understand population health and skills necessary to communicate key concepts for healthcare decision making to improve healthcare delivery in rural Minnesota. Funds will be awarded after a competitive review process.
Eligible applicants include for-profit or non-profit entities with a history of working with critical access hospitals and rural health care. Applicants will be selected based on their ability to complete proposed projects, evidence of experience providing training, evidence of experience working with health care leaders and hospital boards and experience with the proposed subject matter.
It is estimated that approximately $49,000 will be available for the grant program.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Critical Access Hospital Board Training on Engagement, Leadership and Population Health (PDF)
- CAH Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
For more information please contact: or 651-201-3528.
Not open for applications at this time.
MDH is soliciting proposals for grants to eligible dental providers who serve the uninsured. Funds will be awarded each year proportionally among all eligible programs, based on the total number of uninsured patients under the age of 21 served by providers.
The Legislature appropriates up to $113,000 each Fiscal Year. Annual funding will be allocated by formula, among eligible applicants over a 3-year project period.
The current grant project period is from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025.
Dental Safety Net Grant recipients:
- 2023-2025 Dental Safety Net Grant recipients (PDF)
- 2022 Dental Safety Net Grant recipients (PDF)
- 2021 Dental Safety Net Grant recipients (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
Federally Qualified Health Centers are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services.
Per legislation passed during the 2007 MN Legislative session, Minnesota Statute 145.9269 empowers the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health to distribute grants to FQHCs and FQHC Look-Alikes "operating in Minnesota to continue, expand, and improve federally qualified health center services to low-income populations."
The Legislature has appropriated up to $2,644,000 each Fiscal Year. Funding will be allocated by formula, among eligible applicants over a 3-year project period.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
2023 Federally Qualified Health Center Subsidy Grant Recipients:
- 2023 FQHC Subsidy Grant Recipients (PDF)
- 2022 FQHC Subsidy Grant Recipients (PDF)
- 2021 FQHC Subsidy Grant Recipients (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Workplace Safety Grants for Health Care Entities program, authorized by 2023 Session Law Chapter 70, Article 4, Section 109, is established to award grants to increase safety measures in health care settings and establish or expand programs to train staff in health care settings on de-escalation and positive support services. The program is focused on preventing workplace violence. The overarching goal of the Workplace Safety Grants for Health Care Entities program is to make long-term improvements in safety and stability for staff and patients in health care settings.
The following health care entities are eligible to apply for funding:
- Long-term care facilities
- Acute care hospitals that are staffed for 49 beds or fewer and located in a rural area
- Critical access hospitals
- Medical clinics
- Dental clinics
- Community health clinics
MDH anticipates awarding approximately $1,500,000 through 30 grants in this funding cycle. The maximum award amount is $50,000.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines
- Workplace Safety Grants for Health Care Entities Request for Proposal (PDF)
- Workplace Safety Grants for Health Care Entities Questions and Answers (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
- Budget Worksheet Form (Excel)
Informational webinar
Workplace Safety for Health Care Entities Grant Request for Proposal Webinar (
Orientation Webinar:
2024 Workplace Safety For Health Care Entities Grantee Orientation Webinar (PDF)
List of Current Grantees:
FY 2025 HCWPS Grant Program Recipient Organizations (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Health Professionals Clinical Training Expansion (HPCE) grant program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sec 144.1505 and updated in the 2024 legislative session, awards grants to support the establishment or expansion of clinical training for eligible health professional training programs. Providing funding opportunities for clinical training programs will strengthen Minnesota’s health care workforce and increase access to primary care and mental health services for rural and underserved communities. This grant program funds activities associated with planning and implementing new clinical training programs and expanding the number of professionals trained through existing clinical training programs in rural and underserved areas in Minnesota.
Eligible applicants are programs that:
- Are located in Minnesota and train, or propose to train, students residing and working in Minnesota.
- Plan to establish or expand clinical training for students in the following health professional programs:
- Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Program
- Dental Therapy Program or Advanced Dental Therapy Program
- Mental Health Professional Program
- Pharmacy Program
- Physician Assistant Program
An estimated $500,000 will be available for this grant cycle. Funds will be distributed in approximately 3-5 awards with a maximum award amount of $300,000. Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Online Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- FY2025 Health Professionals Clinical Training Expansion Grant Program Request for Proposal (PDF)
- HPCE Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
Informational Webinar:
2025 Health Professionals Clinical Training Expansion Grant Program Informational Webinar - YouTube
For more information please contact:
Joanne Madrid, Program Administrator, at
Not open for applications at this time.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Office of Rural Health and Primary Care (ORHPC) will award grants to eligible health professional training programs to administer scholarships to students enrolled during the 2023-24 school year. Scholarships will be in the amount of $25,000 per student and must be awarded prior to March 31, 2024.
Grantees will provide both academic and professional counseling, and prioritize rural clinical placements, for all scholarship recipients.
Students selected for scholarships must enter into an agreement with MDH to practice in a rural area of Minnesota for two years following graduation. For this grant program, rural is defined as areas outside the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area.
Grant recipients will be selected through a competitive review process. This pilot program is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and will inform future programs.
Eligible, accredited training programs must be located in Minnesota and must train students enrolled in at least one of the following programs: advanced practice nursing, dental therapy, mental health professional programs, or physician assistant programs.
During this cycle it is estimated that approximately $400,000 will be available for the grant program.
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Employee Scholarship Grant and Loan Forgiveness Program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 144.1503 assists HCBS provider organizations in funding employee scholarships. The program also repays qualified educational loans for employees nominated by HCBS provider organizations. Scholarships and loan forgiveness cover costs related to education in nursing and other health care fields, in courses of study that lead to career advancement with the provider or in the HCBS field.
Nonprofit and for-profit organizations that meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for a grant for HCBS employee scholarships and/or nominate employees for loan forgiveness.
An eligible applicant organization must:
- Be located in Minnesota.
- Primarily provide services to individuals who are 65 years of age and older in home and community-based settings. At least 51% of the organization’s patients/clients must be age 65 and older.
- Hold one of the following licenses:
- Assisted living facility as defined in Sec. 144G.08 MN Statutes, subdivision 7
- Adult day care facility as defined in MN Statute 245A.02, subdivision 2a
- Home care services provider as defined in MN Statute 144A.43, subdivision 3
Approximately $1,095,000 is available for grants to HCBS organizations for scholarship programs. MDH anticipates awarding around 25 grants ranging from $12,000 to $125,000 for scholarship programs.
MDH anticipates awarding loan forgiveness to around 45 individuals. The standard award amount is $12,000 over two years.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- FY 25 Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Employee Scholarship Grant RFP (PDF)
- Sample Budget (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Agreement (PDF)
- HCBS Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) Updated Periodically
Informational Webinar
2025 HCBS Employee Scholarship Grant and Loan Forgiveness Program Webinar ORHPC (PDF)
List of HCBS grantees:
FY2023 HCBS Employee Scholarship grantees and Loan Forgiveness grantees (PDF)
For more information please contact:
The 2025-2026 Hospital Safety Net Grant will open and begin accepting Letters of Intent on Monday, March 10, 2025 and all letters of intent must be submitted through the ORHPC Online Grants Portal by 4:30 PM Central Time on Friday, April 11, 2025.
The Hospital Safety Net Grant Program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 145.929, awards grant funding to help defray underpayments to hospitals for high-cost services provided to Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) enrollees. Funds will be awarded proportionally among all eligible hospitals who apply, based on the total dollar amount of qualifying EMA claims of over $50,000 between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. Grant funds must be used for costs to offset the cost of treating EMA enrollees.
Eligible applicants are licensed hospital in Minnesota who serve EMA enrollees.
An estimated $1,315,000 will be available for year one of the grant cycle, June 30, 2025 through June 29, 2027. Funds will be distributed based on the number of eligible applications and according to the distribution formula. Year two distributions are to be determined based on the number of awardees in year one.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Online Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- 2025-2026 Hospital Safety Net Grant Program Request for Proposal (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet Form (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
Hospital Safety Net Grant recipients:
- 2021-2024 Hospital Safety Net Grantees (PDF)
- 2020 Hospital Safety Net Grantees (PDF)
- 2019 Hospital Safety Net Grantees (PDF)
- 2018 Hospital Safety Net Grantees (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Bekah Ehlebracht, Primary Care Programs Administrator
Not open for applications at this time.
The FY 25-26 Indian Health Grant Program (Minnesota Statute 145A.14) provides assistance to eligible applicants to furnish clinical health services, including culturally informed preventive, medical, dental, and/or mental health care services, for American Indians who live off reservations.
Eligible applicants are Tribal Nations and nonprofit organizations.
$348,000 will be available to grant in this cycle for fiscal years 2025-2026, with an estimated 4 –5 awards. The maximum award is $100,000. There is no minimum award amount.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Indian Health Grant Program Request For Proposal (PDF)
- IHG Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form
Informational Webinar:
IHG informational webinar (PDF)
List of Indian Health Grant recipients:
- 2023-2024 Indian Health Grant Awards (PDF)
- 2020-2022 Indian Health Grant Awards (PDF)
- 2018-2019 Indian Health Grant Awards (PDF)
For more information, please contact:
Bekah Ehlebracht, Program Administrator, at, 651-201-3780
The next application cycle will open in summer 2026.
International medical graduates (IMGs) have the potential to contribute significantly to Minnesota’s efforts to strengthen the health care workforce and expand access to care, support healthy communities, and provide culturally responsive care to our underserved populations. Yet IMGs face many barriers to becoming licensed and practicing medicine in Minnesota.
To address these barriers, the IMG Career Guidance and Support program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sec. 144.1911, subd. 4 and updated in the 2024 legislative session, awards grants to eligible nonprofit organizations and postsecondary educational institutions to provide career guidance and support services to immigrant IMGs seeking to enter the Minnesota health workforce.
Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations and postsecondary educational institutions that are located in Minnesota, are in good financial standing, and demonstrate strong experience and success in:
- Working with immigrants and refugees
- Working with IMGs
- Providing health care (physician and non-physician) career guidance and support
An estimated $400,000-500,000 will be available to grant this cycle. Funds will be distributed in approximately one or two awards, with an estimated maximum award amount of $400,000 and a minimum of $100,000.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- FY2025 International Medical Graduate Career Guidance and Support Grant Program Request For Proposal (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Siham Abdellah, Program Administrator, at
Current IMG Career Guidance and Support grantees:
2025 International Medical Graduates Career Guidance and Support Grant Program Recipients (PDF)
International Institute of Minnesota.
Find more information about this program on their International Medical Graduates Program webpage.
Not open for applications at this time.
Minnesota Statues Section 144.1911 authorizes the Commissioner of Health to award grants to support clinical preparation for Minnesota immigrant international medical graduates (IMGs). This grant program addresses barriers to practice and facilitates pathways to assist immigrant IMGs to integrate into the Minnesota health care workforce, specifically by preparing IMGs for admission into medical residency programs. Integrating IMGs into our physician workforce increases access to primary care, particularly in rural and underserved areas of Minnesota. IMGs are well-positioned to serve Minnesota's diverse communities by providing linguistically and culturally responsive care.
Eligible applicants for this grant funding are existing clinical medical education programs that fulfill the following criteria:
- Are located in Minnesota,
- Currently provide clinical medical education, and
- Have the capacity and expertise to provide clinical preparation in primary care, including exposure to outpatient and inpatient medicine in one or more of the following specialties: family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics, and psychiatry.
Approximately $680,000 will be available to grant in this cycle.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Clinical Preparation for International Medical Graduates – Request for Proposal (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
- Budget Worksheet Form (Excel)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
Minnesota faces a shortage of primary care physicians, particularly in rural and underserved areas of the state. Immigrant physicians can help strengthen our primary care workforce and serve our diverse communities across the state. The IMG Primary Care Residency Grant Program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 144.1911, provides funding to accredited primary care residency programs in Minnesota to support residency positions for Minnesota immigrant international medical graduates (IIMGs).
IIMGs who accept a grant-funded residency position enter into an agreement with MDH to provide primary care for at least five years in a rural or underserved community in Minnesota after graduating from the residency program. IIMGs also make payments into a revolving account that contributes to sustaining MDH IMG assistance programs, including this residency grant program.
Eligible applicants are accredited residency programs located in Minnesota and training medical residents in one of the following primary care specialties: family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, or psychiatry (including child psychiatry fellowships).
An estimated $390,000 will be available for this grant cycle and will be distributed in approximately one award for one residency position. Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- FY2025 International Medical Graduate Primary Care Residency Grant Program Request For Proposal (PDF)
- IMG PCR Questions and Answers (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Roble Aden, IMG and Residency Programs Administrator, at
Not open for applications at this time.
Visit IMG Residency Preparation Program – BRIIDGE for more information.
Update 11/1/2024: ORHPC has received 30 complete applications as of Thursday, October 31, 2024. No additional applications will be accepted..
Visit J-1 Visa and Waiver for more information.
Not open for applications at this time.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) seeks to identify and support projects focused on increasing the number of workers entering the long-term care (LTC) workforce by leveraging educational opportunities, highlighting professional/career pathways, and/or by promoting careers in LTC through public relations and marketing outreach efforts
This project is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Funding will be allocated through a competitive process.
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Office of Rural Health and Primary Care (ORHPC), is soliciting grant proposals from mental health professionals from communities of color or underrepresented communities to become qualified to serve as supervisors for mental health practitioners pursuing licensure. The Mental Health Cultural Community Continuing Education (MHCCCE) Grant Program, authorized by Sec. 144.1511 MN Statutes, was established for the purpose of assisting mental health professionals to pursue a course of study, through post-secondary training or continuing education, that is expected to lead to recognition as a board-approved supervisor.
Current recipients' forms and guidelines:
Grantee Referral List for Continuing Education:
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Mental Health Cultural Community Continuing Education (MHCCCE) Grant Program for Trainers, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sec. 144.1511, was established for the purpose of assisting mental health professionals from communities of color and underrepresented communities to become qualified to serve as supervisors for mental health practitioners pursuing licensure.
Grantee Referral List for Continuing Education
Grantee Referral List for MHCCCE Grant Program 2024 (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Mental Health Grants for Health Care Professionals program, authorized by 2022 Session Laws Chapter 99, Article 1, Section 46, and updated in 2023 Session Laws Chapter 70, Article 3, Section 94, awards grants to health care entities for the purpose of establishing or expanding evidence-based or evidence-informed programs focused on improving the mental health of health care professionals. Grants are awarded to programs that address barriers to and stigma among health care professionals associated with seeking mental health care and substance use disorder services, encourage professionals to seek support and care, identify risk factors for mental health conditions and suicide, develop and make available resources to support health care professionals with self-care and resiliency, or identify and modify structural barriers in health care delivery that create unnecessary stress in the workplace.
Previous Mental Health Grant for Health Care Professionals awardees grantees:
FY2023 Mental Health Grant for Health Care Professionals awardees (PDF)
For more information, please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
Minnesota Statute 145.929 authorizes the Commissioner of Health to award grants to support eligible mental health providers who serve the uninsured.
This grant will serve uninsured mental health patients under the age of 21. Grant outcomes will include an increase in the number of served and/or treated uninsured mental health patients under the age of 21.
The Legislature appropriates up to $394,000 each Fiscal Year. Annual funding will be allocated by formula, among eligible applicants over a 3-year project period. The grant project period will be January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025.
List of Mental Health Safety Net Grant recipients:
- 2023-25 Mental Health Safety Net Grant recipients (PDF)
- 2022 Mental Health Safety Net Grant recipients (PDF)
- 2021 Mental Health Safety Net Grant recipients (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
Visit the Minnesota Health Care Loan Forgiveness Program webpage for more information.
Minnesota Rural Hospital Flexibility Program
The MN Flex Program provides funding for training or technical assistance to CAHs to build capacity, encourage innovation, and promote sustainable improvements in the rural health care system. Visit the Minnesota Rural Hospital Flexibility Program to learn more about the Flex Program.
Minnesota Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Billing and Coding Training
Not open for applications at this time.
The Minnesota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex Program) receives funds from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) to help critical access hospitals, emergency medical services and health professionals work together. This grant seeks to provide training to critical access hospitals (CAHs) and rural health clinics (RHCs) to improve critical access hospital and rural health clinic billing and coding practices. Federal funding for this grant opportunity limits the recipients of training and education created from this funding opportunity to critical access hospitals, critical access hospital staff, and provider-based rural health clinics. The CAH may utilize or build partnerships with community organizations through their participation in funded projects.
In determining which organizations will receive this award, the following criteria shall be considered:
- Demonstrated understanding of the basics of hospital finances.
- Demonstrated understanding of coding requirements including but not limited to ICD-10, ICD-11, CPT and HCPCs.
- Demonstrated understanding of third-party payer requirements, how these requirements impact coding practices and reimbursements in Minnesota.
- Ability to communicate how the proposed activities will improve CAH and RHC reimbursements.
- Ability to communicate how proposed activities will help CAHs and RHCs meet documentation requirements, coding accuracy, timely submissions, best practices for billing and coding, and how activities will result in measurable improvement in CAH and RHC finances.
Projects must include a training session(s) that will improve billing and coding accuracy and efficiency. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Implementation of best practices
- Accuracy and importance of documentation requirements
- Addressing common coding challenges
Eligible applicants include organizations that are either for-profit or not-for-profit entities that demonstrate extensive experience providing billing and coding training to critical access hospitals and rural health clinics with specific experience training rural health care staff. Applicants will be selected based on their ability to complete proposed projects and evidence of experience in the proposed subject matter, including demonstrable experience improving billing and coding accuracy using training techniques or topics described in the proposal to a target audience of different skill levels.
Applicants should also demonstrate experience training a large audience of different skill levels.
Applicants will be selected based on their ability to provide a structured billing and coding training and any materials needed or provided. Experience will be assessed based on details provided in the proposal.
Critical access hospitals are not the intended applicant organization(s). CAHs and CAH staff will be the recipients of any proposed education, training or resources developed with these grant dollars. CAHs that have questions about the funding should contact
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- MN Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Billing and Coding Training Grant Request for Proposal (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Review
- Sample Grant Agreement
- MN Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Billing and Coding Training Grant FAQ (PDF)
Informational Webinar:
An information webinar was held on June 26.
For more information, please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The MN Flex Program provides funding for training or technical assistance to CAHs to build capacity, encourage innovation, and promote sustainable improvements in the rural health care system. Visit the Minnesota Rural Hospital Flexibility Program to learn more about the Flex Program.
Minnesota Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Quality and Population Health
The Minnesota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex Program) receives funds from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) to help critical access hospitals, emergency medical services and health professionals work together. This grant seeks to create training or provide education to CAHs that will show and improve rural healthcare quality by way of activities that support implementation of the Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP) measures, quality reporting, quality improvement and population health education that addresses changing community needs, and ensures patient care is integrated throughout the rural health care delivery system.
Eligible projects will focus on critical access hospital quality and addressing rural population health. Eligible projects are based on CAH quality improvement activities necessary for implementing the Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP) quality measures, working with CAHs on activities to support quality improvement on MBQIP, or supporting population health as it relates to quality and community needs.
Applicants may propose projects that fall under one or more of the following key strategy areas:
- Strategy Area 1: MBQIP implementation
- Strategy Area 2: MBQIP quality improvement
- Strategy Area 3: Population health improvement
In determining which organizations will receive this award, the following criteria shall be considered:
- Understanding of health equity and the impacts health disparities have on health outcomes.
- Demonstrated understanding of the basics of critical access hospital quality.
- Demonstrated understanding of the core principles of quality improvement and/or population health, depending on the selected strategies.
- Demonstrated understanding of the Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project measures.
- Ability to communicate how the proposed activities will improve the quality of care that critical access hospitals are providing.
Eligible applicants include organizations that are either for-profit or not-for-profit entities that demonstrate extensive experience working in healthcare quality, to include experience with quality measurement, understanding State and Federal systems to report to quality measures, assessing accuracy in reported data, and quality improvement.
Applicants should demonstrate experience with the Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP) along with related quality reporting and quality measurement frameworks from organizations such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) or the Minnesota Quality Reporting System. Applicants should also demonstrate experience working in rural health care and with the proposed target audience. Applicants will be selected based on their ability to complete proposed projects and evidence of experience in the proposed subject matter. Eligible applicants are organizations with a history of providing in-depth, high-quality education and training and/or by developing resources that support critical access hospital quality. Experience will be assessed in the proposal.
Critical access hospitals are not the intended applicant organization(s). CAHs and CAH staff will be the recipients of any proposed education, training or resources developed with these grant dollars. CAHs that have questions about the funding should contact It is estimated that approximately $400,000 will be available for the grant program.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Minnesota Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Quality and Population Health Request for Proposal (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Review
- Sample Grant Agreement
- Flex Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Informational webinar
An informational webinar was held in March.
For more information, please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
Visit Minnesota State Loan Repayment Program for more information.
Not open for applications at this time.
The Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Training Grant Program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sec. 144.1509, awards grants for the development of new or expansion of existing pediatric mental health training programs located in outpatient primary care clinics. The training programs are designed to increase confidence, skills, and awareness of mental health resources among pediatric primary care providers caring for the mental health needs of pediatric patients. An overarching goal of this grant program is that pediatric patients served by participating outpatient primary care clinics will receive more effective, timely, longitudinal care for mental health needs.
To be eligible for a Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Training grant, a training program or proposed training program must:
- be located in an outpatient primary care clinic,
- focus on the training of pediatric primary care providers working with multidisciplinary mental health teams,
- provide training on conducting comprehensive clinical mental health assessments and potential pharmacological therapy,
- provide psychiatric consultation to pediatric primary care providers during their outpatient pediatric primary care experiences,
- emphasize longitudinal care for patients with behavioral health needs, and
- develop partnerships with community resources.
A total of $900,000 is available to grant and MDH anticipates awarding 4 grants with an award minimum of $50,000 and an award maximum of $250,000.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Training Grant Program Request for Proposal (PDF)
- Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Training Grant FAQ (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
Informational webinar:
2025 Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Training Grant Request for Proposal Webinar (PDF)
For more information, please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The 2025 Preventive Services in Long-term Care Grant Program will award grants to increase the capacity of residential facilities serving older adults to meet critical needs and provide services for their residents. The grant program is focused on the development and dissemination of resources to improve long-term care (LTC) communities’ capacity to ensure the safety and continuity of services provided to residents in skilled nursing/nursing facilities (SNF/NFs) and assisted living facilities (ALFs) operating in Greater Minnesota (outside of the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area).
The goal of the Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) in Long-term Care grant program is to develop systems and strategies to ensure that LTC community residents have the safest, most appropriate, and cost-effective transportation services to participate in essential non-emergency health related appointments. Applicants are encouraged to propose creative solutions and unexplored approaches, as well as modifications to current resources, to fulfill this goal.
This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement (CDC-RFA-CK19-1904) awarded to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
Eligible applicants meet the following criteria:
- Applicant is one of these entities: Clinic, Community Health Board/Local Public Health, For-profit Entity, Hospital, Institution of Higher Education, Local Unit of Government, Nonprofit Organization, or Tribal Government.
- Applicant is located in Minnesota.
- Applicant entity is in good financial standing.
- Applicant demonstrates a strong history of working with LTC stakeholders in Minnesota.
- Applicant and its collaborating partners demonstrate expertise in non-emergency medical transportation and/or other LTC transportation systems.
Clinics, hospitals, and health care systems that do not operate long-term care facilities are ineligible for this grant funding, either as the primary applicant or as a collaborating partner.
Transportation providers that receive funding from Medical Assistance (MA) are ineligible for this grant funding, either as the primary applicant or as a collaborating partner.
A total of $2,000,000 is available for grants through the 2025 Preventive Services in Long-term Care Grant Program: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in Long-term Care.
MDH anticipates making multiple grant awards of varying amounts. Eligible applicants may request the full $2,000,000 if they are proposing a large-scale, regional or statewide solution.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- 2025 Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in Long-term Care Request For Proposal (PDF)
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation FAQ (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
Informational Webinar:
NEMT Webinar (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The 2025 Preventive Services in Long-term Care Grant Program will award grants to increase the capacity of residential facilities serving older adults to meet critical needs and provide services for their residents. The grant program is focused on the development and dissemination of resources to improve long-term care (LTC) communities’ capacity to ensure the safety and continuity of services provided to residents in skilled nursing/nursing facilities (SNF/NFs) and assisted living facilities (ALFs) operating in Greater Minnesota (outside of the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area).
The Infection Prevention and Control Capacity Building in Long-term Care grant program priorities include:
- Priority Area 1: Increasing transferrable infection prevention and control capacity (knowledge, skills, and practices) among the LTC workforce and other LTC stakeholders in facilities or organizations serving older adults in a way that considers settings with high staff turnover.
- Priority Area 2: Improving facility ventilation and/or broader plant infrastructure to reduce transmission of infectious diseases among residents and staff in LTC facilities. Proposed improvements should focus on evidence-based recommendations to reduce the transmission of infectious disease.
Applicants are encouraged to propose innovative approaches, as well as modifications to current resources, to address priority areas.
This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019 Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement (CDC-RFA-CK19-1904) awarded to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
Eligible applicants meet the following criteria:
- Applicant is one of these entities: Clinic, Community Health Board/Local Public Health, For-profit Entity, Hospital, Institution of Higher Education, Local Unit of Government, Nonprofit Organization, or Tribal Government.
- Applicant is located in Minnesota.
- Applicant entity is in good financial standing.
- Applicant demonstrates a strong history of working with LTC stakeholders in Minnesota.
- Applicant and its collaborating partners demonstrate expertise in one or more of the following areas as relevant to the proposed project:
- Infection prevention and control,
- LTC workforce development, and
- LTC plant operations.
A total of $3,000,000 is available for grants through the 2025 Preventive Services in Long-term Care Grant Program: Infection Prevention and Control Capacity Building in Long-term Care.
MDH anticipates making multiple grant awards of varying amounts. Eligible applicants may request the full $3,000,000 if they are proposing a large-scale, regional or statewide solution.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- 2025 Preventive Services in Long-term Care Grant Program: Infection Prevention and Control Capacity Building in Long-term Care Request For Proposal (PDF)
- 2025 IPCB FAQ (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form
- Sample Grant Agreement
Informational Webinar:
2025 Infection Prevention and Control Capacity Building Webinar (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Primary Care Residency Expansion Grant Program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 144.1506, supports the establishment of new primary care residency programs or the training of eligible residents in newly created residency positions within existing programs in Minnesota. This grant program was enacted to address the shortage of primary care physicians in many areas of the state, with the goal of increasing access to primary care for rural and underserved communities.
Eligible applicants are accredited residency programs, sponsors, or potential sponsors located in Minnesota and training medical residents in one of the following primary care specialties: family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, psychiatry (including child psychiatry fellowships), geriatrics, or general surgery.
An estimated $1,900,000 will be available for this grant cycle. Funds will be distributed in approximately 4-6 awards with a maximum award amount of $400,000 and a minimum of $75,000.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- FY2025 Primary Care Residency Expansion Grant Program Request for Proposal (PDF)
- PCRE Questions and Answers (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form
For more information please contact:
Roble Aden, Residency Programs Administrator, at
Not open for applications at this time.
The Rural and Underserved Clinical Rotations (RUCR) grant program, authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sec 144.1505, is established to award health professional training site grants to eligible physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, pharmacy, dentistry, dental therapy, and mental health professional programs to augment existing clinical training programs to add rural and underserved rotations or clinical training experiences, such as credential or certificate rural tracks or other specialized training. For physician and dentist training, the expanded training must include rotations in primary care settings such as community clinics, hospitals, health maintenance organizations, or practices in rural communities.
The following training program types are eligible to apply for funding:
- Physician,
- Physician assistant,
- Advanced practice registered nurse,
- Pharmacy,
- Dentistry,
- Dental therapy, and
- Mental health professional programs.
MDH anticipates awarding $1,500,000 through approximately 4-6 grants in this funding cycle. On April 22, 2024 the request for proposal was updated to reflect an estimated grant period of two years.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal:
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Rural and Underserved Clinical Rotations Grant Request for Proposal (PDF)
- RUCR Questions and Answers (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
- Budget Worksheet form (Excel)
List of Grantees:
FY 2025 RUCR Grant Program Recipient Organizations (PDF)
Informational webinar:
Rural and Underserved Clinical Rotations Grant Request for Proposal Webinar - YouTube
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Rural Community Health Center Apprenticeship Grant (RCHC) supports registered apprenticeship programs in federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) operating in rural Minnesota. The goal of the funding is to support the rural primary care workforce by establishing new FQHC registered apprenticeship programs or funding costs of existing FQHC registered apprenticeship programs in rural parts of the state. This grant program is being administered by the Office of Rural Health and Primary Care within the Minnesota Department of Health.
This program uses federal funds from a grant from the Centers for Disease Control, CDC-RFA-OT21-2103: National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities. 100% of the costs are funded with federal money, and 0% of the costs are funded by non-governmental sources.
Eligible applicants include federally qualified health centers and nonprofit associations of community health centers that are operating registered apprenticeship programs at FQHCs located in rural Minnesota outside of the Twin Cities Seven County Metro Area (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington.) The applicant does not need to be located in greater Minnesota, but must use the funds to support registered apprenticeship programs at FQHCs located in rural parts of the state.
A total of $50,000 is available for this grant opportunity. Funds will be distributed in approximately 1-5 awards with a maximum award amount of $50,000 and a minimum award of $10,000.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Rural Community Health Center Apprenticeship Grant Request For Proposal (PDF)
- RCHC Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form
- Sample Grant Agreement
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
Minnesota Statute Sec. 144.1912 authorizes the Commissioner of Health to award grants to support Rural Family Medicine Residency programs. The grant program assists Family Medicine Residency programs outside the 7–county metropolitan area by funding costs associated with training eligible residents.
Eligible applicants are family medicine residency programs that fulfill all of the following criteria:
- Located outside the 7–county metropolitan area of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, or Washington counties.
- Accredited as a family medicine residency program or is a candidate for accreditation with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
- Focused on education and training of family medicine physicians to serve communities outside the 7–county metropolitan area.
- Able to demonstrate that at least 25 percent of program graduates from the previous three calendar years currently practice in Minnesota communities outside the 7–county metropolitan area.
During this cycle it is estimated that approximately $1,000,000 will be available for the grant program. Funds will be allocated first to proposed new family medicine residency positions. Up to $400,000 will be available for each new residency position. New residency positions will be funded for up to three years.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal website.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- 2025 Rural Family Medicine Residency Request for Proposal (PDF)
- Rural Family Medicine Residency Budget Worksheet Form (EXCEL)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Rural Health Assessment Extension Grant provides funding to previous recipients of the Rural Health Assessment Grants to continue work on the project that was originally funded. The goal of the funding is to support collaboration in rural Minnesota between hospitals, community health boards, tribal health, and/or community stakeholders working on community level health assessments and implementation planning. Funds will support collaborative efforts to improve health equity, reduce health disparities, and address social determinants of health through community level health assessments and implementation planning.
Grant application forms and guidance:
- Rural Health Assessment Extension Grant RFP (PDF)
- Applications must be submitted online through the MDH Grants Portal
For more information please contact:
Laura Sutter
Not open for applications at this time.
This program awards grants to eligible rural hospitals for modernization projects to update, remodel or replace aging hospital facilities and equipment necessary to maintain the operations of a hospital. Minnesota Statutes, Section 144.148.
An eligible applicant for this grant program is a non-federal, general acute care hospital in Minnesota that:
- Is located in a rural area, as defined in federal Medicare regulations, or in a community with a population of less than 15,000 according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, outside the seven-county metropolitan area,
- Has 50 or fewer beds, and
- Is not for profit.
A total of $1,755,000 is available to grant and MDH anticipates awarding 18 grants with an award minimum of $45,000 and an award maximum of $125,000.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- 2025 Rural Hospital Capital Improvement Grant RFP (PDF)
- RHCI Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Sample Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
Informational Webinar:
2025 Rural Hospital Capital Improvement Grant Webinar (PDF)
List of Rural Hospital Capital Improvement grantees:
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The purpose of the Rural Hospital Planning and Transition Grant Program is to award grants to eligible hospitals. The program helps small hospitals (50 or fewer beds) preserve or enhance access to health services through planning or implementation projects. Minnesota Statutes Sec. 144.147.
An eligible applicant for this grant program is a non-federal, general acute care hospital in Minnesota that:
- Is located in a rural area, as defined in federal Medicare regulations, or in a community with a population of less than 15,000 according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, outside the seven-county metropolitan area,
- Has 50 or fewer beds, and
- Is not for profit.
A total of $300,000 is available to grant and MDH anticipates awarding 10 grants with an award minimum of $25,000 and an award maximum of $45,000.
Grant application forms and guidance:
Application submission must be made through the online Grants Portal.
- 2025 Rural Hospital Planning and Transition Grant RFP (PDF)
- Sample Budget (Excel)
- MDH Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
- RHPT Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- Consortium Summary Sheet (PDF)
Informational Webinar:
2025 Rural Hospital Planning and Transition Grant Program Informational Webinar (PDF)
List of Rural Hospital Planning and Transition grantees:
FY2024 Rural Hospital Planning and Transition Program Recipient Hospitals (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Rural Primary Care Residency Training Grant Program (RPCRT), authorized by Minnesota Statutes Section 144.1507, awards grants to eligible programs to plan, implement, and sustain rural primary care residency training programs. Grants support programs with costs such as planning and development, obtaining accreditation, recruiting and training residents and faculty, and improving training sites. The program is designed to increase training opportunities in rural Minnesota, with the goal of strengthening the rural primary care physician workforce.
Eligible applicants are programs, sponsors, and potential sponsors of rural primary care residency programs located in Minnesota. Program partners such as clinical training sites are eligible applicants for program sustainability funds. Eligible programs:
- Train, or propose to train, medical residents in:
- A new rural residency training program,
- A new rural residency training track within an existing residency program, or
- A community-based ambulatory care center that primarily serves the underserved and is proposing to add a rural residency training program or track.
- Train, or propose to train, medical residents in the following primary care specialties:
- Family medicine,
- General internal medicine,
- General pediatrics,
- General surgery,
- Geriatrics, or
- Psychiatry.
- Are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or present a credible plan to obtain accreditation.
An estimated $1,500,000-2,000,000 will be available to grant this cycle. Funds will be distributed in approximately two or three awards, with an estimated maximum award amount of $250,000 per year for Planning and Development Projects and $225,000 per resident per year for Sustaining Program Projects.
Applications must be submitted online through the ORHPC Grants Portal.
Grant Application Forms and Guidelines
- Rural Primary Care Residency Training Grant Program Request For Proposal (PDF)
- Rural Primary Care Residency Training Grant Program Budget Worksheet (Excel)
- RPCRT Questions and Answers (PDF)
- MDH Due Diligence Form
- Sample Grant Agreement
Informational Webinar Slides:
FY 2025 Rural Primary Care Residency Training Grants Informational Webinar Slides (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Erik Larson, Program Administrator, at
The Site-Based Clinical Training Grant is authorized under Minnesota Statute Sec. 144.1508. It is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health. The purpose of the grant is to support clinical health care training in Minnesota.
Funding and how grants are determined:
Funding | Estimate |
FY 2025 (for FY2023 clinical training) | $5,550,000 |
Estimated Number of Awards | Unknown |
Estimated Award Maximum | Unknown |
Estimated Award Maximum | Unknown |
Grants are determined based on eligibility criteria, formula, and Commissioner priorities.
The grant was funded for the first time in fiscal year 2024 for clinical training that occurred in fiscal year 2022. Commissioner priorities were 1) rural primary care and 2) oral health, whether the training occurred in rural or urban sites. Rural was determined using the county data on record for the site’s enrollment in the Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) and defined as counties outside the seven (7) metropolitan counties. Primary care was determined utilizing fiscal year 2022 data submitted to the Medical Education and Research Costs (MERC) program by Minnesota teaching programs.
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- The SBCT Grant will follow the MERC Grant Application, timeline, application workflow, funding workflow
- The application will be completed in the MERC Online Portal due to the close alignment to the MERC grant.
- SBCT Application Information (PDF)
- SBCT Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
Grant Distribution Reports:
Submit questions in writing no later than 4:30 p.m. Central Time, on September 25, 2024 to Identify the Application ID Number and Clinical Training Site Name in all correspondence.
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program (SHIP) is supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP). Section 1820(g)(3) of the Social Security Act authorizes SHIP to assist eligible hospitals in meeting the costs of implementing data system requirements established under the Medicare Program, including using funds to assist hospitals in improving health care quality and value.
Eligible small rural hospitals are non-federal, short-term general acute care facilities located in a rural area of the United States and the territories, including faith-based hospitals. They may be for-profit, not-for-profit or tribal organizations.
- "Eligible small rural hospital" is defined as a non-federal, short-term general acute hospital that: (i) is located in a rural area as defined in 42 U.S.C1395ww(d) and (ii) has 49 available beds or fewer, as reported on the hospital's most recently filed Medicare Cost Report;
- "Rural area" is defined as either: (1) located outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA); (2) located within a rural census tract of an MSA, as determined under the Goldsmith Modification or the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (RUCAs) or (3) is being treated as if being located in a rural area pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1395(d)(8)(E); and,
- Eligible SHIP hospitals may be for-profit or not-for-profit, including faith-based. Hospitals in U.S. territories as well as tribally operated hospitals under Title I. and V. of P.L. 93-638 are eligible to the extent that such hospitals meet the above criteria.
- Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) are rural by definition and qualify for SHIP.
To verify that your location meets HRSA requirements, use the Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer tool Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer
Grant application forms and guidelines:
- Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program Notice of Grant Opportunity (PDF)
- Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Sample Grant Agreement (PDF)
- SHIP Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)
- 2024-2025 SHIP Reporting Guidance (PDF)
Informational Webinar:
2025-2026 Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) Application Webinar (PDF)
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Minnesota ARP Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) grant period was: December 1, 2022 - December 31, 2023.
Health Resources and Services Administration's Federal Office of Rural Health Policy received funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to support eligible small, rural hospitals to expand COVID-19 testing and mitigation efforts. Funds may be used to support:
- Testing education
- Establishment of alternate testing sites
- Test result processing
- Arranging for the processing test results
- Engaging in other activities within the CDC community mitigation framework to address COVID-19 disparities in rural communities
Download the non-exhaustive list about Allowable Uses of Funds (PDF).
Grant application forms and guidelines:
ARP SHIP Reporting instructions, January 2023 (PDF)
ARP SHIP Operating Grantee's Expenditure Report Form page
For more information please contact:
Not open for applications at this time.
The Summer Health Care Internship Program (SHCIP) brings students and healthcare employers together. Students are given the opportunity to experience working in various health care environments, and employers have the opportunity to become more involved in their community and encourage student to consider healthcare careers.
Participating organizations employ students for 6 to 12 weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day, for at least minimum wage. Up to half of the intern's hourly wages will be reimbursed through SHCIP.
Eligible organizations:
Any Minnesota hospital, clinic, nursing facility, home care provider or adult day program can participate in SHCIP.
Please refer to the Summer Health Care Internship 2024 Program (PDF) informational brochure for employers.
For more information please contact:
Sarah Bohnet,