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Environmental Health Division
Rulemaking for Submerged Closed Loop Heat Exchangers
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is amending Minnesota Rules, chapter 4725 (Wells and Borings) to include requirements for the permitting and installation of submerged closed loop heat exchangers (SCLHE) in water-supply wells. A submerged closed loop heat exchanger must not be installed in a water-supply well without a permit granted by the commissioner.
Minnesota Statutes, chapter 103I was amended during the 2023 Legislative Session authorizing the commissioner to adopt rules “to implement requirements for the permitting and installation of submerged closed loop heat exchangers…” Amended language is reflected in the following sections: 103I.005 Definitions, 103I.208 Notification Filing Fees and Permit Fees, 103I.209 Submerged Closed Loop Heat Exchanger System; Requirements, 103I.210 Submerged Closed Loop Heat Exchanger System; Temporary Permits.
On this page:
How to Comment
Revision documents
Proposed draft rule language
Advisory Committee
Rulemaking contacts
How to comment for SCLHE rulemaking
MDH published a Dual Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules in the Minnesota State Register for Submerged Closed Loop Heat Exchangers Rule Amendments on November 12, 2024. No comments or requests for a hearing were received during the 30-day comment period.
If you have comments on the proposed rule language (dated 11/15/2024), or topics related to Submerged Closed Loop Heat Exchangers such as isolation distances and screen configurations, please submit your suggestions through the comment form below.
Proposed revision documents
- Order on Review of Rules: Office of Administrative Hearings Order on Review of Rules, OAH 65-9000-40335 (PDF)
- Dual Notice Published on November 12, 2024: Minnesota State Register Volume 49, Number 20, pages 477-496 (PDF)
- Dual Notice, Notice of Intent to Adopt Rules without a hearing and Notice of Hearing: Dual Notice of Proposed Amendments to Minnesota Rules, chapter 4725 (PDF)
- Statement of Need and Reasonableness: SONAR for the Proposed Amendments of Minnesota Rules, chapter 4725, Wells and Borings (PDF)
- Office of the Revisor Proposed Rule Amendments (dated 10/18/2024): Proposed Rule Amendments for Minnesota Rules, chapter 4725 (PDF)
- Office of the Revisor Proposed Rule Amendments (dated 11/15/2024): Updated Proposed Rule Amendments for Minnesota Rules, chapter 4725 (PDF)
- Request for Comments: Request for Comments for the Possible Amendment of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4725 (PDF)
- State Register Posting published on July 17, 2023: Minnesota State Register Volume 48, Number 3 (PDF)(Pages 61-62)
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Proposed draft rule language
- Rule Revision 4725: 09/18/2024 v7 (PDF)
- Rule Revision 4725: 07/26/2024 v6 (PDF)
- Rule Revision 4725: 07/15/2024 v5 (PDF)
- Definitions 4725.0100: 06/06/2024 v4 (PDF)
- Definitions 4725.0100: 05/28/2024 v3 (PDF)
- Definitions 4725.0100: 05/06/2024 v2 (PDF)
- Definitions 4725.0100: 03/15/2024 v1 (PDF)
- Installation Requirements: 06/06/2024 v2 (PDF)
- Installation Requirements: 05/28/2024 v1 (PDF)
- Permit Requirements: 05/28/2024 v3 (PDF)
- Permit Requirements: 05/06/2024 v2 (PDF)
- Permit Requirements: 03/15/2024 v1 (PDF)
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Advisory Committee
Next meeting
Date: April 3, 2025
Location: Metropolitan Council, 390 Robert St. N., Room LLA, St. Paul, MN 55101
Time: 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Public Participation: 11:15 a.m.
Please email wellrules.mdh@state.mn.us if interested in attending. You must attend in-person to speak during open forum.
Meeting agendas and minutes
- Advisory Committee Agenda 04/03/2025 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Agenda 03/20/2025 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Minutes 03/20/2025 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Agenda 07/19/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Minutes 07/19/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Agenda 06/10/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Minutes 06/10/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Agenda 05/31/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Minutes 05/31/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Agenda 05/06/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Minutes 05/06/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Agenda 03/15/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Minutes 03/15/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Agenda 01/12/2024 (PDF)
- Advisory Committee Minutes 01/12/2024 (PDF)
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Rulemaking contacts
Questions regarding the rulemaking process or the revised rules may be directed to:
Avery Guertin or Jon Olson
651-201-4600 or 800-393-9808