Source Water Protection (SWP)
- SWP Home
- Protecting Drinking Water Sources
- SWP Requirements and Recommendations
- SWP Grants
- Groundwater Protection Initiative - Accelerated Implementation Grant
- SWP Awards
- Laws and Rules
- SWP Web Map Viewer
- Surface Water Program
- SWP Reports and Data
- SWP Implementation Resources
- Source Water Assessments
- Stories from the Source
Related Topics
- Water: Business and Government
- Drinking Water Information for Consumers
- Water Testing and Data Reports
- Minnesota Well Index
- Clean Water Fund
Environmental Health Division
Resources for Source Water Protection Implementation
Source Water Protection
Funding Source Water Protection activities
- In 2019, the Minnesota State Legislature approved a sub-grant program within the Projects and Practices program to support drinking water protection. This grant is part of the Board of Water & Soil Resources (BWSR) Clean Water Fund Competitive Grant program. Read the Drinking Water Protection Grant fact sheet (PDF) for more information. Visit the BWSR website to learn about eligible and ineligible projects and apply.
- Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has a variety of grants available to help public water suppliers fund source water protection activities. Visit our grants page for more information or see the Source Water Protection Grants information sheet (PDF).
Technical assistance contacts
- MDH Planner and Hydrologist staff by area of the state (PDF): assistance on wellhead protection/surface water intake plan development and implementation
- Minnesota Rural Water Association (MRWA): assistance on wellhead protection/surface water intake plan development and implementation
- Minnesota Soil and Water Conservation Districts: coordinates local Soil and Water Conservation Districts who offers assistance to landowners in their counties to protect natural resources
- Minnesota Technical Assistance Program: assistance on industry-tailored solutions that prevent pollution at the source, maximize efficient use of resources, and reduce energy use and costs to improve public health and the environment
- University of Minnesota Extension Service, Environment: assistance on education, outreach, and research on a variety of issues pertaining drinking water protection
- Minnesota Department of Agriculture: assistance on nutrient management planning
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: assistance on on water conservation, also issues appropriation permits and requires water supply plans from from certain communities
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: assistance on feedlots, storage tanks, and other regulated potential contaminant sources
- Minnesota Ground Water Association: promotes public policy and scientific education about ground water
- Minnesota Geological Survey: provides basic public information on the geology of the state,set up geologic databases, and provide technical guidance for water resource planning and land management
Conducting education and outreach in your community
- Source Water Educational Resources: infosheets developed by MRWA and MDH on source water protection issues
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Resources: videos and infographics describing the unique geology of southeastern Minnesota and how it affects drinking water
- Sourcewater Collaborative: many resources for source water protection education
- The Groundwater Foundation: resources available for educators
Managing potential sources of contamination
- Guidance for Preparing a Conjunctive Delineation (PDF): guidance to determine if a surface water contribution area should be appended to a wellhead protection area
- Minnesota Well Index: database of information about wells and borings in Minnesota
- Mining (PDF): guidance in revising local government land use comprehensive plans, rules, or regulations regarding aggregate mining in a Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA)
- Stormwater: guidance and recommendations for determining the appropriateness of infiltrating stormwater in a Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMAs)
- Subsurface Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (SSTS or Septic Systems) (PDF): issue paper about potential impacts to drinking water from Subsurface Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (SSTS or Septic Systems)
- Feedlots (PDF): issue paper about potential impacts to drinking water from feedlots
- Industrial and Commercial Liquid Chemical and Fuel Storage Tanks (PDF): issue paper about potential impacts to drinking water from Industrial and Commercial Liquid Chemical and Fuel Storage Tanks
- Whats in My Neighborhood: online application used to search for potentially contaminated sites and environmental permits and registrations
- Whats in My Neighborhood? Agricultural Interactive Mapping: Agricultural Chemical Incident Response Unit incident investigations, which were closed prior to March 1, 2004.
Last Updated: 10/18/2024