Prescription Drug Price Transparency
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Prescription Drug Price Transparency
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To increase transparency into the pricing of prescription drugs, the Minnesota Legislature passed the Minnesota Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act in 2020, which requires MDH to develop a system for collecting and reporting data from drug manufacturers on high and quickly increasing prescription drug prices (Minnesota Statutes 62J.84 as amended by MN 2023 Session Law Chapter 70, Article 2, Sections 8-21, 43).
MDH will publicly post information from manufacturers on this website and produce an annual report to the legislature. The goals of these efforts are to:
- Promote transparency in pharmaceutical pricing in Minnesota.
- Enhance the understanding of pharmaceutical spending trends.
- Assist the state and other payers in the management of pharmaceutical costs.
This is a legislative requirement that grew out of bi-partisan deliberations in the Minnesota Legislature to better understand prescription drug pricing issues in Minnesota to more effectively design possible future prescription drug policies. Minnesota is in close contact with other states to learn from their efforts and identify any available information that is not being collected in Minnesota but could be of use to the stakeholders in the state. There is variation in the drugs reported, data elements included in a report, and timeline for reporting and public disclosure of reported information across states.
Additional Resources
Following nearly a year of public study and deliberation, the task force released a report and executive summary examining the prescription drug industry, pricing incentives, causes and contributors to high prices, the impact of drug prices on Minnesotans, as well as offering recommendations for lowering prescription drug prices.
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