MN Food Code
Related Topics
Environmental Health Division
Food Business Fact Sheets
Minnesota Food Code Fact Sheets
Fact sheets on proper cooking, cooling, date marking, hygiene, sanitizing, catering and more.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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- Catering (PDF)
- Cleaning and Sanitizing (PDF)
- Consumer Advisory (PDF)
- Cooking Whole Meat Roasts (PDF)
- Cooling Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS) (PDF)
- Cooling Infographic (PDF)
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- Employee Illness Decision Guide Poster (PDF)
- Employee Personal Hygiene (PDF)
- Equipment Requirements (PDF)
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- Fish Intended for Raw Consumption (PDF)
- Food Cart (PDF)
- Food Labeling for Retail Food Establishments (PDF)
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- Handwashing for Employees (PDF)
- Harvesting and Selling Wild Mushrooms in Minnesota (PDF)
- Highly Susceptible Population (PDF)
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- Temperature and Time Requirements for Food (PDF)
- Time as a Public Health Control (TPHC) (PDF)
- Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food (PDF)
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Additional food safety guidance for businesses
- Approved Sources of Meat and Poultry for Food Facilities (PDF)
- Consumer Notice: Total Coliform Bacteria in a Noncommunity Drinking Water System (PDF)
- Food Safety During Power Outage (PDF)
- Food Safety After a Fire (PDF)
- Mass Feeding for Emergency Operations (PDF)
- Reducing Food Waste through Donation (PDF)
- Reduced Oxygen Packaging Guidance Document (PDF)
- Safe Use of Salad bars in Schools (PDF)
- Sale of Home or Farm Raised Poultry (PDF)
- Safely Selling or Buying Locally Produced Eggs (PDF)
- Selling or Serving Locally Grown Produce in Food Facilities (PDF)
- Testing Positive for E.coli/fecal Coliform Bacteria (PDF)
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Food Safety Templates and Forms
- Cooling Log (PDF)
- Employee Illness Log (PDF)
- ph Testing Log (PDF)
- Risk Control Plan Template (DOCX)
- Risk Control Plan: Cold Holding Example (DOCX)
- Risk Control Plan: Hot Holding Example (DOCX)
- Risk Control Plan: Poor Personal Hygiene Handwashing Example
- Time as Public Health Control (TPHC) Form (PDF)
- Written Procedures Approval Form: Noncontinuous Cooking of Raw Animal Foods (PDF)
Of interest
- Make Hand Washing a Healthy Habit
- Foodworker Illness Awareness
- Reporting Suspected Foodborne and Waterborne Illness
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Last Updated: 03/20/2025