Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative
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Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), also known as inflicted Traumatic Brain Injury (iTBI), is a type of Abusive Head Trauma occurring in children, usually under 1 year. SBS involves violent or vigorous shaking of a baby, and a single episode as short as 5-20 seconds can result in the following:
SBS is 100% preventable and there are numerous resources available to parents and caregivers to provide support and encouragement.
Learn more about Shaken Baby Syndrome at CDC: Preventing Abusive Head Trauma
Shaken Baby Syndrome Laws in Minnesota
Minnesota Statute 144.574: Dangers of shaking infants and young children
The following videos have been approved by MDH and are available to hospitals to educate parents of newborns delivered in hospitals about the dangers of shaking infants and young children pursuant to Minnesota Statute 144.574
- Children's Trust Fund (Watch the video or order a DVD.)
- The Period of Purple Crying
- What is the Period of PURPLE Crying? (YouTube)
- Period of PURPLE Crying program materials (Includes videos and booklets for parents.)