Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative
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- Safe Sleep Certified Hospitals and Birth Centers
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Grief and Loss Support
- Preterm Birth
- Healthy Beginnings Healthy Families: Infant Health
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Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative
Infant mortality is defined as the death of an infant before age one. In 2022, 290 infants born in Minnesota died before their first birthday.
The Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative reviews vital records and other data to identify factors associated with infant deaths and aims to reduce preventable mortality in Minnesota.
Learn more about the Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative and its programs in the section below.
- Healthy Beginnings, Healthy Families Act: Infant Health
Established in 2023, Healthy Beginnings, Healthy Families Act creates opportunities for the state to address infant mortality. This work aims to build equitable, inclusive, and culturally and linguistically responsive systems that ensure the health and well-being of young children and their families by establishing the Minnesota Partnership to Prevent Infant Mortality, and funding statewide grants to improve infant health outcomes. - Infant Mortality Awareness Week in Minnesota
Infant Mortality Awareness Week provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, government entities, health care systems, community partners, and coalitions to promote awareness and education about infant morality. - Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (Includes SIDS and other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths) and Safe Sleep Prevention
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all infants sleep on their backs in their own safety-approved crib, bassinet, or play yard and in a smoke-free environment to reduce the risk of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID). SUIDs includes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation in a Bed (ASSB). Sleep related tragedies during infancy are largely preventable. - Abusive Head Trauma (AHT)
Abusive Head Trauma, which also includes Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), is 100% preventable. There are numerous resources available to parents and caregivers to provide support and encouragement. - Grief and Loss Support
The loss of a baby can be devastating. The good news is that help is available to Minnesota families who have experienced a stillbirth (pregnancy loss) or an infant death. - Preterm Birth
A preterm birth is when a baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. In Minnesota, prematurity is the leading cause of infant death. There are information and resources available to help you learn about the causes, costs, and resources on prematurity.
Last Updated: 03/14/2025