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WIC Civil Rights Resources
On this page: Annual Civil Rights Training | How to File a Complaint | Nondiscrimination Statement Requirements | Public Notification Requirements | Rights & Responsibilities
Annual Civil Rights Training
WIC staff are required to complete the WIC Civil Rights Training annually. Additional information about annual trainings can be found on WIC Annual Required Trainings.
How to File a Complaint
WIC staff can help a participant file a report of a possible civil rights violation by completing the following form, or by following the instructions found at: How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint, which will be submitted directly to USDA.
- USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF)
- Formulario de queja por discriminación del programa del USDA (PDF)
If a WIC staff is assisting a participant complete a discrimination complaint, notify your State WIC Consultant and State Civil Rights Coordinator ( Keep a record of the complaint received orally or in writing (note the date and nature of the complaint, name of the staff who handled the complaint, and subsequent actions regarding the complaint). Discrimination complaints are confidential; restrict the access of civil rights related records to authorized persons only (e.g. clinic supervisor and state WIC staff).
See Minnesota Operations Manual Section 1.10: Civil Rights (PDF) for additional information on Complaints of Discrimination.
Nondiscrimination Statement (NDS) Requirements
There are two version of the Nondiscrimination statement – a long (full) version, and a short (single statement) version: This institution is an equal opportunity provider. The NDS is required on any WIC-specific public notifications or outreach, websites, and any documents "vital" to an applicant's/participant's eligibility for, or participation in, WIC.
Long Version:
- Website Home Pages - may be provided via a "USDA Nondiscrimination Statement" link.
- Vital documents - the font size must match the font of the majority of the text on the document (it may work best in some cases to provide the long NDS on the back of the document).
Short version: Public notifications/outreach.
Public Notification Requirements
WIC is required to actively notify applicants, participants, and anyone coming to WIC, of the availability of free interpreter services and that accommodations will be made for anyone with a disability, upon request.
WIC Agencies are required to display the Interpreter poster and the And Justice for All poster.
These posters can be ordered using the WIC Agency Materials Order Form (search for: "interpreter" and "and justice for all"). Currently, the And Justice for All poster is out of stock.
2/27/25 - NOTE: The And Justice for All poster is being updated. If you need additional posters while we wait for the revised version you may print your own in color on 11X17 inch paper or reach out to the Civil Rights Coordinator, or your State Consultant for support.
Information about the revised poster's availability will be provided in the Weekly Update. Continue to display your current version until you are able to order and receive the new poster.
Rights & Responsibilities
Provide a copy of participant’s Rights and Responsibilities at certification. Participants can view them using the WIC App in the "About" section.
The Rights and Responsibilities have been updated and are available for local agencies to print directly from our website as needed. See Exhibit 1-K, Rights & Responsibilities.