Contact Info
WIC Advisory Group
The WIC Advisory Group serves as a vehicle for the State WIC Program to receive input from local Advisory Group Agency leaders on program policy, procedures, and planning, and to share critical program information. Members will provide recommendation(s) to the State WIC Management Team on how the state and local Advisory Group Agencies can work together to effectively administer the WIC Program in Minnesota.
The Advisory group brings together representatives from local Advisory Group Agencies administering the WIC Program to:
- Identify WIC issues; and
- Make recommendations to the state.
The Advisory Group serves in an advisory capacity. Recommendations are not binding.
The group meetings quarterly on the fourth Mondays in January, April, July, and October.
Advisory Group members please submit agenda items for the upcoming meeting by completing the Advisory Group Agenda Request Form.
January 27, 2025, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
October 28, 2024, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
July 22, 2024, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
April 22, 2024, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
January 22, 2024, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
October 23, 2023, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
July 24, 2023, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
April 24, 2023, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
January 23, 2023, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
October 24, 2022, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
July 25, 2022, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
April 25, 2022, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
January 24, 2022, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
Advisory Group Meeting Notes – October 25, 2021 (PDF) - 11/10/21
July 26, 2021, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
April 26, 2021, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
January 25, 2021, Advisory Group Meeting (PDF)
Advisory Group Meeting Notes - October 26, 2020 (PDF) - 11/10/20
MN WIC Advisory Group - July 27, 2020 Meeting Notes (PDF) - 8/19/20
MN WIC Advisory Group - January 27, 2020 Meeting Notes (PDF) - 2/19/20
Jenny Barta, Carlton County
Term ends 12/2027
Northeast Region: Kirsten Lejonvarn, Kanabec County
Term ends 12/2027
East Central Region: Terrie Jorgenson, Isanti County Public Health
Term ends 12/2027
Southeast Region: Wendy O'Leary, Olmsted County
Term ends 12/2027
South Central Region: Teresa Severson, Brown County
Term ends 12/2027
Southwest Region: Vacant
West Central Region: Amy Wittnebel, Horizon Public Health
Term ends 12/2027
Northwest Region: Kristy Rott, Polk County (Norman-Mahnomen-Polk)
Term ends 12/2026
Metro Region: Marianne Nelson, Bloomington
Term ends 12/2025
Group 1 (Caseload 10,000+): Jill Wilson, Hennepin County
Term ends 12/2027
Local Agencies: Hennepin and Ramsey
Group 2 (Caseload 3,000-10,0000): Katie Galloway (Dakota County)
Term ends 12/2025
Local Agencies: Dakota, Anoka, Stearns, Olmsted
Group 3 (Caseload 1,600-2,999): Somadee Cheam, Sherburne County
Term ends 12/2027
Local Agencies: Sherburne, St. Louis, Washington, Bloomington
Group 4 (Caseload 1,000-1,599): Michelle Weberg, Quin Community Health System
Term ends 12/2027
Local Agencies: Wright CAP, Kandiyohi (Renville), Sherburne, Partners 4 Health (Clay & Otter Tail), Scott, Rice, Nobles, Mower, Crow Wing, Blue Earth, Beltrami, Countryside, Quin
Group 5 (Caseload 500-999): Maria Bernhardt, Pine County Contact:
Term ends 12/2027
Local agencies: Southwest (SWHHS) -- Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Rock, Redwood, Benton, Steele, Isanti , Meeker-McLeod-Sibley , Itasca, Norman-Mahnomen-Polk, Morrison-Todd-Wadena, Partners 4 Health - Becker, Clay, Wilkin Otter Tail, Horizon -- Douglas, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, Grant, Morrison-Todd-Wadena, Freeborn, Pine , Carver, Chisago, Goodhue, Winona, Meeker-McLeod-Sibley , Mille Lacs County, , Des Moines Valley - Cottonwood, Jackson, Carlton, North Country -- Lakewood, Clearwater, St. Josephs, Watonwan, Brown-Nicollet
Group 6 (caseload less than 500) Polly Ahrens, Renville County
Term ends 12/2025
Local Agencies: Brown-Nicollet, Faribault-Martin, Kanabec, Southwest (SWHHS) -- Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Rock, Redwood, Kandiyohi – Renville, Brown-Nicollet, Fillmore-Houston, Le Sueur-Waseca, Meeker-McLeod-Sibley, Morrison-Todd-Wadena, Dodge, Faribault-Martin, Norman-Mahnomen-Polk, Southwest (SWHHS) -- Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Rock, Redwood, Wabasha, Horizon -- Douglas, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, Grant, Lake, Aitkin, Fillmore-Houston, Koochiching, Horizon -- Douglas, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, Grant, Southwest (SWHHS) -- Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Rock, Redwood, Horizon -- Douglas, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, Grant, Southwest (SWHHS) -- Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Rock, Redwood, Partners 4 Health - Becker, Clay, Wilkin, Otter Tail, North Country -- Lakewood, Clearwater, Hubbard, St. Josephs, Cook, Southwest (SWHHS) -- Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Rock, Redwood, North Country -- Lakewood, Clearwater, Hubbard, St. Josephs, Horizon -- Douglas, Pope, Stevens, Traverse, Grant
Tribal Agency: Vacant Local Agencies/Reservations: Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, Leech Lake, Mille Lacs, Red Lake, White Earth
CHB Administrators: Kristine Klopp, Mille Lacs County
Term ends 12/2025
LPHA: Marlee Morrison, Community Health Director, CHI St. Joseph's Health
Term ends 12/2025
MDH Team: Kate Franken, WIC director; Tami Matti, MIS and Data Unit supervisor; Tammie Edmundson, Financial Management Analyst; Jessie Zins, Vendor Unit supervisor; Rebecca Gruenes, Nutrition and Clinic Services Unit supervisor; Tina Breitenbach, Breastfeeding, Training and Communications Unit supervisor
Advisory Group Chair: The Chair volunteers (or is selected) from among representatives on the Advisory Group at the time (this is done at the October meeting). If more than one person volunteers or is nominated, the Advisory Group members vote.
Regional Representatives (8): Advisory Group representatives will be selected by the Local Agencies in each of the 8 MN WIC regions.
Representations by Local Agency Participation (caseload, 7): State WIC staff created 7 Local Agency groupings, based on the number of participants served. Each grouping will be represented on the Advisory Group. If more than one person volunteers, the Local Agency Coordinators in the group will vote.
Representation of WIC Tribal Programs (1): MN WIC’s seven tribal programs will have a representative on the Advisory Group.
Community Health Boards: One CHB administrator will serve on the Advisory Group, representing other CHBs.
MN Local Public Health Association (LPHA): LPHA will have one representative on the Advisory Group.
Advisory Group Chair: The Chair is selected at the October meeting of the out-going Chair’s last meeting and assumes the role of Chair at the following January meeting. The Chair serves 2 years.
Advisory Group Representatives: Terms are 3 years – beginning in January and ending in December. About 1/3 of the Advisory Group membership changes each year.
Advisory Group Chair: The Chair is selected at the October meeting of the out-going Chair’s last meeting and assumes the role of Chair at the following January meeting. The Chair serves 2 years.
Advisory Group Representatives: Terms are 3 years – beginning in January and ending in December. About 1/3 of the Advisory Group membership changes each year.
As a member of the MN WIC Advisory Group, you are selected by your peers or volunteer:
- To represent the interests of your constituents and WIC participants.
- To advise the State WIC Management Team on program policy, planning, and procedural matters impacting WIC services at the state, local or federal level.
General Duties
- Participating in quarterly meetings, and conference calls as needed.
- Representing your region or “categorical” constituency group in Advisory Group discussions by facilitating two-way communication with your region or group about WIC issues:
- Soliciting and bringing forward suggestions/concerns/etc.from the Advisory Group Agencies you represent, to the State through Advisory Group meetings.
- Sharing during your WIC regional meeting, information discussed at the Advisory Group meetings.
- Sharing information with your alternate and arranging for him/her to cover for you when necessary so that your region is consistently represented.
- Notifying the state WIC office if you are no longer able to serve.
- To solicit Advisory Group agenda items from Advisory Group Members.
- Working w/ the State WIC staff, to develop the Advisory Group agenda for the quarterly meetings.
- To facilitate quarterly Advisory Group meetings.
- To serve as the Minnesota Local Advisory Groupency representative in the National WIC Association (NWA):
- Participate in NWA MWR Local Agency section monthly calls.
- Share with Advisory Group members pertinent information & updates from the NWA LA Section calls.
- Attend and represent MN-Local Advisory Group Agencies at the annual NWA Business Meeting held in conjunction with the NWA Conference, with travel support (funding) from the State WIC Program. Share highlights from the conference with Advisory Group members, and with all Local Agencies through the WIC Weekly Update.
- To set the agenda in collaboration with the Advisory Group Chair.
- To disseminate the agenda and any related materials, to all local agencies via the WIC Weekly Update.
- To schedule the meetings and arrange meeting logistics.
- To write up notes from the meetings and disseminate to Advisory Group members, and statewide via the WIC Weekly Update; (goal is to have them completed ASAP or before Regional Meetings).
- To facilitate recruitment and selection of new members.
- To orient new members: roles & responsibilities; agencies represented, including contact information (phone & email list).