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WIC Formula
Other languages: Fórmula de WIC | Af Soomaali
Most formula large can size substitutions are no longer allowed. Participants can use their benefits to purchase large can sizes of Enfamil Enfacare, if they find it in store, through January 2025.
Minnesota WIC Enfamil Formula Substitutions (PDF)
If you cannot find your Enfamil formula in your area, call your local WIC agency for assistance.
Minnesota WIC offers these formulas:
- Enfamil Infant Formula (12.5 oz. powder, 13.0 oz. concentrate)
- Enfamil Gentlease (12.4 oz. powder)
- Enfamil Reguline (12.4 oz powder)
- Enfamil A.R. Added Rice (12.9 oz. powder)
Infants receiving soy formula receive Abbott Nutrition soy formula.
- Similac Soy Isomil (12.4 oz. powder, 13.0 oz. concentrate)
Participants who need medically prescribed formulas should contact their WIC clinic for more information.
Minnesota WIC Contract Formula
Infant Formula (PDF) - handout in English and Spanish
Other Resources for Your Family
Changing Formulas (PDF) - what to expect when changing your baby's formula and how to safely switch to a new formula.