Vital Records and Certificates
- Minnesota Vital Records and Certificates
- Available Records and Services
- Who Can Order Records
- Stillbirth Records
- Verify a Death (1997 – present)
- Directory of County Offices
Change a Vital Record
Adoption and Parentage
- Birth Records and Adoption
- Birth Records and Parentage
- Vital Records for Child Support
- Minnesota Fathers’ Adoption Registry
County Vital Records Offices
Birth and Death Registration
- Birth Registration for Hospitals
- Death Registration for Funeral Directors
- Provide Cause of Death
- Birth and Death Registration for Families
Vital Records Data
Office of Vital Records
Vital Records for Child Support
Minnesota state, county, and tribal child support agencies work together to ensure that birth records are accurate and complete. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) shares data with these partners to help child support workers establish parentage and enforce orders.
Child support workers may request certified or noncertified birth records and searches of the Minnesota Fathers’ Adoption Registry as part of their work:
- Birth Certificate Application (PDF)
- Noncertified Birth Record Application (PDF)
- Minnesota Fathers’ Adoption Registry (MFAR) Search Request (PDF)
Use the Certified Parentage Document Request (PDF) form to request copies of:
- Recognition of Parentage (ROP) or ROP revocation
- Spouse's Non-parentage Statement (SNPS) or SNPS revocation
- Husband's Non-paternity Statement (HNPS) or HNPS revocation
- Declaration of Parentage (DOP) or DOP revocation
See the Birth Records and Parentage page for information about adding a father to a birth record.
You may need to work with parents to add or amend the mother’s marital status on a birth record to properly establish parentage:
- Request to Add Mother's Marital Status to a Minnesota Birth Record (PDF)
- Request to Amend Marital Status on a Minnesota Birth Record (PDF)
Access Minnesota Registration and Certification (MR&C)
Child support workers use Minnesota Registration and Certification (MR&C), the statewide vital records system, to view summary information on birth records for child support enforcement purposes. You must be an authorized user to access the system. Complete and return the Child Support Worker User Agreement for MR&C (PDF) to become an authorized user.
For assistance using MR&C: MR&C User Guide for Child Support Workers (PDF)
When an MR&C user leaves a child support agency, fill out the user agreement form and mark the “Disable user” box and enter the effective date. Email the form to so we can remove their access to the system.
Child support workers outside of Minnesota
Child support employees from government agencies outside of Minnesota may request copies of some Minnesota public vital records. See the Available Records and Services page to request records.
Access to birth records deemed confidential, and to certified parentage documents, is not available to child support agencies outside of Minnesota. However, a non-Minnesota child support employee may:
- Ask a parent to request the birth certificate or parentage forms
- Ask the subject of the record (the child) to request the record, if they are 16 or older.
- Obtain a U.S. court order releasing the record to you.
- Contact the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Child Support Division (CSD), which can help agencies outside Minnesota obtain a confidential birth record for child support purposes.
Please provide feedback: Office of Vital Records Customer Satisfaction Survey