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Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division
MIIC News Flash
A quarterly newsletter for all active Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC) users with important updates and other information to support their MIIC participation.
In this issue:
- Adult Td/Tdap immunization coverage in Minnesota
- Historical immunizations? Here's how to report them
- Complete data better supports immunization activities
- Want your practice to improve immunization coverage rates? IQIP can help!
- Learning corner: Forecaster 101
- Release updates: Production releases on security and infrastructure
- Provider spotlight: Steven Rudolph
In this issue:
- Help us improve health equity – share your voice!
- Where can you find MIIC data?
- Providers, we need your help with improving reminder/recall campaigns
- Results are in: MIIC’s data is top tier
- MIIC help desk: Login issue requests
- Learning corner: Allowable uses of MIIC and MIIC data
- Release updates: Assessment report
- Provider spotlight: Kelsey Peterson
In this issue:
- Timely and accurate data: It never gets old!
- New COVID-19 and influenza codes
- Watch out: Bad alias records
- Restricted access MIIC record: What it means and what to do?
- Child cares utilization of MIIC
- Planning for nirsevimab administration this year?
- Learning Corner: Pending Clients
- Release updates
- Provider spotlight: Hollie Blilie
In this issue:
- DUA at a glance
- DUA user guidance
- MIIC administrator - what do we mean?
- Monitor ACKs/data exchange feeds
- What can you do with the 'manage my account' function? Here are some tips!
- Provider spotlight: Victoria Standley, Sanford Health
Past issues:
In this issue:
- Webinar series alert!
- Implement “start at age 9” approach in your clinic: HPV Vaccination Strategies webinar
- Calling all school nurses before summer break
- Know your MMR schedules to improve rates
- Promote actions that can be used to improve rates
- Not sure how to enter non-U.S. vaccines? We’ve got you covered!
- What’s new with the MIIC application?
- Learning Corner: Utilize MIIC Client Follow-Up to improve MMR vaccination rates!
- Provider spotlight: Rice County Public Health’s Angie Nagel
In this issue:
- Speedy data submissions
- Learning corner: Data timeliness
- Test data: Think before you send it!
- Monitor data submission with the Vaccine Summary Report
- New recommended ages for HPV in MIIC
- MIIC data and statistics: What's available and where to find it
- New year, new MIIC Data Use Agreement
- Attention MIIC Administrators: Additional annual User Agreement implemented
- Long-Term Care users: Upcoming immunization webinar
- Provider spotlight: Mohammed Selim, Data Quality Advocate
In this issue:
- Keeping up with MIIC events: Fall webinar series
- Data corner: RSV vaccines on the rise
- Reminder: Universal adult hepatitis B vaccination recommendation
- Make MIIC records accurate! Don’t forget to update client demographics/addresses as they change
- COVID Pandemic vs COVID Routine vaccine groups in MIIC
- Updated COVID-19 resources are here!
- New RSV vaccine, new code sets
- Provider spotlight: Do you know a data quality champion?
- Learning corner: Forgot your password? Here's what to do next
- Routine Immunizations: What are 6-year-old and 13-year-old Minnesotans missing?
- Who are you going to email?
- Reporting a client’s race and ethnicity in MIIC
- New look: Vaccine Summary Report
- Heading out on that end of summer vacation?
- Attention Child care Centers: Upcoming changes to annual reporting
- Provider spotlight: Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health Department and Saint Paul Public Schools partnership
- MIIC learning corner: AKA’s
- It’s time to talk about timeliness
- Who is your MIIC administrator?
- MIIC Spring 2023 webinar series
- Accuracy in immunization data reporting
- MIIC postcards coming soon to a child near you
- Client follow-up: Select vaccine group and number of doses already received functionality and uses
- MIIC learning corner: Duplicate client records
- MIIC texting program
- Provider spotlight: Providers using text message-based immunization reminders
- Central Minnesota Immunization Connection (CMIC) closure
- Updated resource: COVID-19 vaccine product reference sheet
- Client screen updates
- Coming soon: MIIC user survey
- MIIC learning corner: What is a client?
- Happy 20th Birthday, MIIC!
- Exception screen directions
- Find My Immunization Record
- Client follow-up: COVID-19 doses report has expanded
- Save the date: MIIC Biannual Webinar Series
- Reminder: All organizations should have an active administrator
- Reminder: Schools can query MIIC using the bulk query function
- Gaps in Pediatric Immunizations
- MIIC Tip: Opt-Out Restricted Record
- New User Guides Available
- Immunization Quality Improvement Program (IQIP)
- Project Spotlight: Successes with Text-based Reminders for Vaccine!
- Updated MIIC Password Requirements
- Reporting Correct COVID-19 Vaccine Product
- New Public-Facing Resource for Adding Historical Immunizations to MIIC
- MIIC Tip: Viewing Immunization Details
- Reminder: Schools Can Now Query MIIC Using the Bulk Query Function
- Immunization Quality Improvement Program (IQIP)
- Provider Spotlight: Odam Medical Group
Last Updated: 03/06/2025