Assisted Living Licensure Relocation
Use the forms below to apply for a relocation of an existing license for an assisted living facility or an assisted living facility with dementia care. After you have downloaded and completed your application form, upload the application and additional documents to the Facility and Provider Licensing System.
An existing assisted living facility or assisted living facility with dementia care licensee may be eligible for relocation if all three of the following apply:
- The facility has a licensed resident capacity of five (5) or fewer residents.
- The new facility address is within the geographic boundaries of the municipality in which the facility is currently located or within the geographic boundaries of a contiguous municipality. For purposes of assisted living facility license relocation, a municipality is defined as a city, town, or village. Contiguous means being in actual contact, touching along a boundary or at a point.
- The licensee has not relocated within the previous three-year period. MDH may approve an additional relocation within a three-year period upon a licensee's demonstration of an extenuating circumstance.
No assisted living services shall be provided at the new facility location until the Minnesota Department of Health approves the licensee relocating to a new address. Upon approval of the relocation, the licensee will need to give 60 days' notice to residents at the current location regarding the move to the new facility location.
Contact information
If you have any questions, please contact or 651-201-4100.