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Center for Health Statistics
Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey
The 2020 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey (MYTS) measured the use of eight types of commercial tobacco products and included additional questions related to use of e-cigarettes (also known as "vaping"). The survey also measured exposure to tobacco advertising, secondhand smoke, and e-cigarette aerosol. One hundred public schools and classrooms across the state were randomly selected. 34 schools and 2,184 students in grades 6 through 12 took the survey resulting in an overall response rate of 29.4 percent. Prior to analysis, the data were adjusted for nonresponse and weighted to produce statewide prevalence estimates while accounting for the complex survey design.
In a typical administration year, about 70 schools participate in the MYTS. In 2020, we had to end data collection early, when the schools switched to distance learning in response to the coronavirus pandemic. After extensive investigation into the possible risk of nonresponse bias, we conclude that the 2020 MYTS data are sufficiently reliable to share with the public and use for decision-making but ask the reader to interpret these data with more caution than with previous MYTS administrations.
- Teens and Commercial Tobacco in Minnesota: Highlights from the 2023 Youth Tobacco Survey (PDF)
New data from the 2023 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey (MYTS) reveal that fewer middle school and high school students are vaping than there were three years ago. However, signs of nicotine dependence have intensified among those who vape. These results suggest that fewer young people are experimenting with vaping but those who vape may need help to stop. - Teens and Tobacco in Minnesota: Highlights from the 2020 Youth Tobacco Survey (PDF)
This report covers survey results on conventional tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure. It also presents results on the use of electronic cigarettes by Minnesota youth. - Teens and Tobacco in Minnesota: Highlights from the 2017 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey (PDF)
- Teens and Tobacco in Minnesota 2014 - Executive Summary (PDF)
For more information on tobacco statistics, please visit Tobacco NUMBRS.
Archived reports from 2008 and 2011, as well as the Minnesota Adult Tobacco Use Survey (1999-2014) are available upon request from the Center for Health Statistics.