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Center for Health Statistics
Health Status by Race and Ethnicity
A collection of Minnesota specific reports on the health status of racial/ethnic communities.
- Health Status Among Minnesota Adults, 2023 (PDF)
This report of 2023 BRFSS data (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System) on Minnesotans provides a comprehensive snapshot of health indicators collected by the BRFSS survey, offering valuable insights into the health of Minnesota’s adult population. This report highlights inequalities in health behaviors and outcomes across age, sex, income, education, race, disability status, and sexual orientation/gender identify. While the data presented in this report help to describe health inequalities, further analysis and additional data would be required to understand what factors explain these inequalities. Published February 2025. - The Health and Well-Being of Minnesota's Adolescents of Color: A Data Book, 2012 (PDF)
This report presents data on a variety of health topics for African American, American Indian, Asian, Hispanic and White adolescents. Data is drawn from the 2010 Minnesota Student Survey and other sources. Published May 2012 - Health Disparities by Racial/Ethnic Populations in Minnesota, 2003-2007 (PDF)
This report provides a perspective on health disparities by comparing rate and ratios for selected indicators. It describes existing health disparities, the extent of disparities, and how disparities disproportionately affect some communities in Minnesota. This information can assist policy makers and key stakeholders in the development of policy, priority-setting in public health, and programming that will contribute to the elimination of racial/ethnic disparities in Minnesota. Published December 2009. - Low Birth Weight Outcomes Among Medicaid and Non Medicaid Funded Births in Minnesota, 1997-2007 (PDF)
This report examines the relationship between income and low birth weight (LBW) using Medicaid status as a proxy for low income on several maternal characteristics that previous research has shown to be associated with LBW. Examined in this report are maternal age, race, ethnicity, country of birth, educational attainment, tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy and adequacy of prenatal care. Published September 2010. - Minnesota Student Survey Statewide Tables by Race and Ethnicity
Statewide tables have been prepared for students from different racial/ethnic groups attending regular public schools.
Last Updated: 02/26/2025