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Section 4: Individual and Small Group Health Insurance Markets - Chart Summaries
Below are summaries of the charts, tables and graphs contained in Section 4 of the Minnesota Health Care Chartbook by page number. This chartbook was last updated in October and contains 40 pages. Pages without charts, tables or graphs are not listed below.
Page 6 - Enrollment Trends
- This chart depicts the enrollment in Minnesota’s Individual Market from 2014 to 2023.
- 2014= 293.4K
- 2015= 291.5K
- 2016= 237.2K
- 2017= 149.4K
- 2018= 141.1K
- 2019= 145.1K
- 2020= 153.1K
- 2021= 159.7K
- 2022= 156.1K
- 2023= 163.5K
- Note: Enrollment reported as end of year enrollment from all plans and issuers in Minnesota’s Individual Market. MDH has included health plan companies included in annual Department of Commerce Medical Loss Ratio reporting with slight variations to match data reported within the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of NAIC Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1 (2014 to 2023).
Page 7 – Annual Premiums and Percent Change in Premiums
- This chart depicts the per member per year premium and percent change from previous year in Minnesota’s Individual Market from 2014 to 2023.
- 2014: per member per year premium = $3.4K; percent change = 21.4%
- 2015: per member per year premium = $3.5K; percent change = 2.4%
- 2016: per member per year premium = $4.4K; percent change = 23.8%
- 2017: per member per year premium = $6.1K; percent change = 41.1%
- 2018: per member per year premium = $5.8K; percent change = -5.2%
- 2019: per member per year premium = $5.4K; percent change = -7.4%
- 2020: per member per year premium = $5.3K; percent change = -2.3%
- 2021: per member per year premium = $5.1K; percent change = -3.8%
- 2022: per member per year premium = $5.7K; percent change = 11.7%
- 2023: per member per year premium = $5.6K; percent change = -0.4%
- Note: Based on total per member per year (PMPY) health premiums earned from NAIC Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1 line 01.1 for Minnesota’s Individual Market. Minnesota passed legislation in April 2017 aimed at stabilizing premiums in the Individual Market through a state-based reinsurance program (the Minnesota Premium Security Plan). This program took effect for plans that began on January 1, 2018. Health plan companies varied in their inclusion and treatment of Affordable Care Act programs for 2014-2017, affecting premiums. MDH has included health plan companies included in annual Department of Commerce Medical Loss Ratio reporting with slight variations to match data reported within the NAIC Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1, except for HealthPartners’ 2018 data.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of NAIC Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1 (2014-2023).
Page 8 – Plans Offered and Selected
- This chart depicts Individual Market plans offered and plans selected.
- 2019: plans offered=444, plans selected=267
- 2020: plans offered=637, plans selected=415
- 2021: plans offered=813, plans selected=524
- 2022: plans offered=879, plans selected=511
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. Plans Offered represent the total number of health plans made available by health plan companies in the Individual Market. Plans Selected refer to the subset of these offered plans with recorded member month enrollment.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019-2022).
Page 9 - Health Plan Company Market Share by Health Premiums Earned
- This chart depicts the health plan market shares in Minnesota’s Individual Market by premiums earned.
- 2019 (Premium Volume= $814.7 million): Blue Plus=21.9%, HealthPartners=27.5%, UCare=19.4%, Medica=30.7%, PreferredOne=0.5%, Quartz=0.0%
- 2020 (Premium Volume= $837.4 million): Blue Plus=23.8%, HealthPartners=25.8%, UCare=23.7%, Medica=26.0%, PreferredOne=0.7%, Quartz=0.0%
- 2021 (Premium Volume= $829.7 million): Blue Plus=24.4%, HealthPartners=25.0%, UCare=26.3%, Medica=22.5%, PreferredOne=1.3%, Quartz=0.5%
- 2022 (Premium Volume= $927.9 million): Blue Plus=24.8%, HealthPartners=26.0%, UCare=26.9%, Medica=20.3%, PreferredOne=1.2%, Quartz=0.7%
- 2023 (Premium Volume= $924.8 million): Blue Plus=26.8%, HealthPartners=26.4%, UCare=26.0%, Medica=19.2%, PreferredOne=0.9%, Quartz=0.8%
- Note: Market share is based on percent of total Individual Market health premiums earned from NAIC Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1 (Line 01.1). Some companies with common ownership have been combined. Health plans without any market share are not shown. Quartz entered the individual market in 2021. MDH has included health plan companies included in annual Department of Commerce Medical Loss Ratio reporting with slight variations to match data reported within the NAIC Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1, except for HealthPartners’ 2018 data.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of NAIC Supplemental Health Care Exhibit Part 1 (2019 to 2023).
Page 10 – Market Share On/Off Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure) by Health Plan Company
- This chart depicts health plan market share in Minnesota’s Individual Market on and off MNsure (exchange) in 2019 and 2023.
- 2019 MNsure: Blue Plus=18.6%, HealthPartners=24.1%, UCare=32.9%, Medica=24.4%, PreferredOne=0.0%, Quartz=0.0%
- 2019 Off Exchange: Blue Plus=24.6%, HealthPartners=59.1%, UCare=0.0%, Medica=15.4%, PreferredOne=0.9%, Quartz=0.0%
- 2023 MNsure: Blue Plus 21.3%, HealthPartners=20.5%, UCare=44.2%, Medica=12.9%, PreferredOne=0.0%, Quartz=1.1%
- 2023 Off Exchange: Blue Plus=33.8%, HealthPartners=46.5%, UCare=0.3%, Medica=15.1%, PreferredOne=4.0%, Quartz=0.3%
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. Some companies with common ownership have been combined for purposes. Market share is based on percent of member months. Health plans without any market share are not shown. Quartz entered the Individual Market in 2021.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of member months from NAIC and MNsure, Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (2019 & 2023).
Page 11 – Enrollment On/Off Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure)
- This graph shows the percent of member months in the Individual Market that enrolled through MNsure (on exchange) or through other sources (off exchange) between 2019 and 2023.
- 2019 (Average Monthly Enrollment = 151.1K): MNsure=64.9% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 98.0K), Off Exchange=35.1% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 53.1K)
- 2020 (Average Monthly Enrollment = 158.9K): MNsure=66.3% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 105.3K), Off Exchange=33.7% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 53.6K)
- 2021 (Average Monthly Enrollment = 163.6K): MNsure=65.9% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 107.9K), Off Exchange=34.1%% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 55.8K)
- 2022 (Average Monthly Enrollment = 163.9K): MNsure=66.2% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 108.5K), Off Exchange=33.8% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 55.3K)
- 2023 (Average Monthly Enrollment = 164.0K): MNsure=67.4% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 110.5K), Off Exchange=32.6% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 53.5K)
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. Enrollment in Individual Market plans may fluctuate during the plan year; average monthly enrollment is reported as total member months divided by 12 to account for fluctuations during the plan year.
- Source: Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of member months from NAIC Exhibit of Premiums, Enrollment, and Utilization, and MNsure, Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (2019 to 2023).
Page 12 – Distribution of Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure) Enrollees with Federal Premium Subsidies
- This graph shows the percent of individual market enrollees who received federal premium subsidies from 2019 through 2023.
- 2019: Enrolled through MNsure, Tax Credits=39.2% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 59.2K), Enrolled through MNsure, No Tax Credits=25.7% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 38.8K), Enrolled Off Exchange, No Tax Credits=35.1% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 53.1K)
- 2020: Enrolled through MNsure, Tax Credits=36.3% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 57.6K), Enrolled through MNsure, No Tax Credits=30.0% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 47.7K), Enrolled Off Exchange, No Tax Credits=33.7% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 53.6K)
- 2021: Enrolled through MNsure, Tax Credits=36.5% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 59.7K), Enrolled through MNsure, No Tax Credits=29.4% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 48.2K), Enrolled Off Exchange, No Tax Credits=34.1% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 55.8K)
- 2022: Enrolled through MNsure, Tax Credits=39.6% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 64.9K), Enrolled through MNsure, No Tax Credits=26.6% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 43.6K), Enrolled Off Exchange, No Tax Credits=33.8% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 55.3K)
- 2023: Enrolled through MNsure, Tax Credits=39.2% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 64.2K), Enrolled through MNsure, No Tax Credits=28.2% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 46.3K), Enrolled Off Exchange, No Tax Credits=32.6% (Average Monthly Enrollment = 53.5K)
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. Federal Premium Subsidies are also called Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC), which limit premiums to a percent of income. APTC are available to those who do not have access to employer-based coverage, enroll through MNsure, and provide required proof of income; prior to mid-2021, they were only available to those with incomes under 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines; in mid-2021 eligibility was expanded to all income levels. If premiums are lower than the percent of income limit for APTC, you do not receive a tax credit; this is more likely to happen for younger people in lower-premium areas of the state. Enrollment in Individual Market plans may fluctuate during the plan year; average monthly enrollment is reported as total member months divided by 12 to account for fluctuations during the plan year.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of member months from NAIC and MNsure, Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (2019 to 2023).
Page 13 – Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure) Per Member Per Month Advanced Premium Tax Credit Amount and Enrollment
- This chart depicts the average Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) amount received and the total enrollment in Individual Market coverage on MNsure with a tax credit from 2019 to 2023.
- 2019: Average APTC= $310; MNsure Enrollment with APTC= 59.2K
- 2020: Average APTC= $287; MNsure Enrollment with APTC= 57.6K
- 2021: Average APTC= $316; MNsure Enrollment with APTC= 59.7K
- 2022: Average APTC= $349; MNsure Enrollment with APTC= 64.9K
- 2023: Average APTC= $355; MNsure Enrollment with APTC= 64.2K
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. Federal Premium Subsidies are also called Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC), which limit premiums to a percent of income. APTC are available to those who do not have access to employer-based coverage, enroll through MNsure, and provide required proof of income; prior to mid-2021, they were only available to those with incomes under 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines; in mid-2021 eligibility was expanded to all income levels. If premiums are lower than the percent of income limit for APTC, you do not receive a tax credit; this is more likely to happen for younger people in lower-premium areas of the state. Enrollment in Individual Market plans may fluctuate during the plan year; average monthly enrollment is reported as total member months divided by 12 to account for fluctuations during the plan year.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of MNsure data, Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (2019 to 2023).
Page 14 – Enrollment On/Off Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure) by Metal Level
- This chart depicts Individual Market average monthly enrollment by metal level on and off exchange in 2019 and 2022.
- On Exchange (MNsure), 2019: Catastrophic = 1.7K Bronze = 30.6K, Expanded Bronze = 19.9K, Silver = 31.6K, Gold = 14.2K, Platinum = 0
- Off Exchange, 2019: Catastrophic = 2.4K, Bronze = 25.3K, Expanded Bronze = 4.3K, Silver = 10.0K, Gold = 8.4K, Platinum = 0.1K
- On Exchange (MNsure), 2022: Catastrophic = 2.3K, Bronze = 0, Expanded Bronze = 54.2K, Silver = 34.1K, Gold =17.4K, Platinum = 0
- Off Exchange, 2022: Catastrophic = 1.6K, Bronze = 0.1K, Expanded Bronze = 26.4K, Silver = 13.9K, Gold = 11.5K, Platinum = 0.1K
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. All plans have an actuarial value (AV), which estimates the percent of health care costs the plan will cover for an average consumer; metal levels are assigned based off the plan AV. Platinum represents an AV of 90%, Gold 80%, Silver 70%, Expanded Bronze 65%, Bronze 60%, and Catastrophic <60%. Enrollment by metal level excludes legacy plans. Plans can be purchased from the state’s health insurance exchange, MNsure, or directly from a health plan or broker (off exchange). Enrollment in Individual Market plans may fluctuate during the plan year; average monthly enrollment is reported as total member months divided by 12 to account for fluctuations during the plan year. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 and 2022).
Page 15 – Enrollment Distribution On/Off Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure) by Metal Level
- This chart depicts individual market enrollment by metal level on and off exchange in 2019 and 2022.
- On Exchange (MNsure), 2019: Catastrophic= 1.7%, Bronze= 31.3%, Expanded Bronze= 20.3%, Silver= 32.2%, Gold=14.5%, Platinum= 0.0%
- Off Exchange, 2019: Catastrophic= 4.7%, Bronze= 50.1%, Expanded Bronze= 8.5%, Silver= 19.7%, Gold=16.7%, Platinum= 0.2%
- On Exchange (MNsure), 2022: Catastrophic= 2.1%, Bronze= 0.0%, Expanded Bronze= 50.2%, Silver= 31.6%, Gold=16.1%, Platinum= 0.0%
- Off Exchange, 2022: Catastrophic= 2.9%, Bronze= 0.2%, Expanded Bronze= 49.3%, Silver= 25.9%, Gold=21.5%, Platinum= 0.1%
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. All plans have an actuarial value (AV), which estimates the percent of health care costs the plan will cover for an average consumer; metal levels are assigned based off the plan AV. Platinum represents an AV of 90%, Gold 80%, Silver 70%, Expanded Bronze 65%, Bronze 60%, and Catastrophic <60%. Enrollment by metal level excludes legacy plans. Plans can be purchased from the state’s health insurance exchange, MNsure, or directly from a health plan or broker (off exchange). Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 16 - Enrollment Trends by Cost Sharing Variation
- This chart depicts enrollment in the Individual Market by cost sharing reduction, 2019 to 2022.
- 2019= No Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 137.1K (92.3%), Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 11.4K (7.7%)
- 2020= No Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 146.4K (93.3%), Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 10.5K (6.7%)
- 2021= No Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 151.0K (93.7%), Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 10.2K (6.3%)
- 2022= No Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 152.7K (94.5%), Cost Sharing Reduction Average Monthly Enrollment = 8.9K (5.5%)
- Note: Cost sharing reductions lower the amount paid for deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance in the Individual Market. Enrollment in Individual Market plans may fluctuate during the plan year; average monthly enrollment is reported as total member months divided by 12 to account for fluctuations during the plan year.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 17 – Percent Enrollment in High Deductible Health Plans with Health Savings Account Eligibility
- This chart depicts the Individual Market share of enrollees in high deductible health plans with health savings account eligibility, 2019 to 2022.
- HSA eligible: 2019=44.6%, 2020=45.8%, 2021=46.0%, 2022=44.8%
- Not HSA eligible, meets deductible minimum: 2019=39.4%, 2020=37.2%, 2021=40.5%, 2022=41.7%
- Deductible too low for HSA eligibility: 2019=16.0%, 2020=17.0%, 2021=13.5%, 2022=13.5%
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. This is the percent of plans that are Qualified High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP), as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (for 2019 the minimum deductible was $1,350; for 2020 to 2022 the minimum deductible was $1,400); plans have the option to be paired with a Health Savings Account (HSA). The proportion of people with an HSA is unknown. Health Plan Binder Data reports only if plans are HSA eligible and Minnesota All Payer Claims Database data do not report HSA utilization. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 19 - Average Deductible by Metal Level
- This chart depicts Individual Market average deductible by metal level, 2019 to 2022.
- Platinum: 2019= $0.8K, 2020= $0.8K, 2021= $0.8K, 2022= $0.9K
- Gold: 2019= $1.0K, 2020= $1.1K, 2021= $1.1K, 2022= $1.2K
- Silver: 2019= $3.1K, 2020= $3.2K, 2021= $3.2K, 2022=$3.1K
- Expanded Bronze: 2019= $6.6K, 2020= $6.5K, 2021= $6.7K, 2022=$6.7K
- Bronze: 2019= $6.6K, 2020= $6.8K, 2021= $7.5K, 2022=$7.9K
- Catastrophic: 2019= $7.9K, 2020= $8.2K, 2021= $8.6K, 2022=$8.7K
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. All plans have an actuarial value (AV), which estimate the percent of health care costs the plan will cover for an average consumer; metal levels are assigned based off the plan AV. Platinum represents an AV of 90%, Gold 80%, Silver 70%, Expanded Bronze 65%, Bronze 60%, and Catastrophic <60%. Plans could be purchased from the state’s health insurance exchange, MNsure, or directly from a health plan or broker (off exchange). Plans with cost-sharing reductions are excluded. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 20 – Percent Distribution of Per Person Annual Deductibles
- This bar graph shows the distribution of deductibles in the Individual Market from 2019 to 2022.
- 2019: $0 Deductible= 0.1%, $1 to $2,500= 24.2%, $2,501 to $6,350= 30.8%, $6,351+ = 44.9%
- 2020: $0 Deductible= 0.1%, $1 to $2,500= 23.1%, $2,501 to $6,350= 35.3%, $6,351+ = 41.5%
- 2021: $0 Deductible= 0.3%, $1 to $2,500= 21.9%, $2,501 to $6,350= 36.2%, $6,351+ = 41.6%
- 2022: $0 Deductible= 0.1%, $1 to $2,500= 21.7%, $2,501 to $6,350= 39.4%, $6,351+ = 38.8%
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Deductibles cannot exceed maximum out-of-pocket limits set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Maximum out-of-pocket limits were introduced in 2014 and apply to in-network coverage. Limits increase annually after 2014: 2019 – $7,900; 2020 – $8,150; 2021 – $8,550; 2022 – $8,700. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 21 - Per Person Deductible Ranges by Plans Offered and Plans Selected
- This slide shows box plots of the averages and ranges of per person deductibles for plans offered and selected in the Individual Market from 2019 to 2022.
- 2019 Plans Offered: Average= $3.9K, Maximum= $7.9K, 75th Percentile= $6.8K, Median= $4.0K, 25th Percentile= $1.2K, Minimum= $0.1K
- 2020 Plans Offered: Average= $4.1K, Maximum= $8.2K, 75th Percentile= $6.9K, Median= $4.2K, 25th Percentile= $1.4K, Minimum= $0.2K
- 2021 Plans Offered: Average= $4.2K, Maximum= $8.6K, 75th Percentile= $6.9K, Median= $3.9K, 25th Percentile= $1.5K, Minimum= $0.6K
- 2022 Plans Offered: Average= $4.1K, Maximum= $8.7K, 75th Percentile= $6.8K, Median= $3.2K, 25th Percentile= $2.0K, Minimum= $0.7K
- 2019 Plans Selected: Average= $4.9K, Maximum= $7.9K, 75th Percentile= $6.8K, Median= $6.2K, 25th Percentile= $3.0K, Minimum= $0.8K
- 2020 Plans Selected: Average= $4.9K, Maximum= $8.2K, 75th Percentile= $6.8K, Median= $5.9K, 25th Percentile= $3.0K, Minimum= $0.9K
- 2021 Plans Selected: Average= $4.9K, Maximum= $8.6K, 75th Percentile= $7.0K, Median= $5.9K, 25th Percentile= $3.0K, Minimum= $0.9K
- 2022 Plans Selected: Average= $4.8K, Maximum= $8.7K, 75th Percentile= $7.0K, Median= $5.9K, 25th Percentile= $2.9K, Minimum= $0.9K
- Note: Plans Offered represent the total number of health plans made available by health plan companies in the Individual Market. Plans Selected refer to the subset of these offered plans with recorded member month enrollment. Graph is intended to show enrollee tendencies (plans selected) compared to the market availability (plans offered). Box and whisker charts display data distribution. The box shows the middle 50% of data, with the median line inside. Whiskers extend to minimum and maximum values, excluding outliers. Outliers, if present, appear as individual points beyond the whiskers. Cost-sharing reduction plans excluded. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 22 - Per Person Deductible Ranges by Metal Level, 2022
- This slide shows per person deductibles box plots of the averages and ranges for plans chosen and plans offered by metal level in the Individual Market, 2022.
- Catastrophic Plans Offered: Average= $8.7K, Maximum= $8.7K, 75th Percentile= $8.7K, Median= $8.7K, 25th Percentile= $8.7K, Minimum= $8.7K
- Catastrophic Plans Selected: Average= $8.7K, Maximum= $8.7K, 75th Percentile= $8.7K, Median= $8.7K, 25th Percentile= $8.7K, Minimum= $8.7K
- Expanded Bronze Plans Offered: Average= $6.7K, Maximum= $8.7K, 75th Percentile= $7.1K, Median= $6.9K, 25th Percentile= $6.0K, Minimum= $2.5K
- Expanded Bronze Plans Selected: Average= $6.3K, Maximum= $7.1K, 75th Percentile= $7.1K, Median= $7.0K, 25th Percentile= $6.3K, Minimum= $4.0K
- Silver Plans Offered: Average= $3.1K, Maximum= $8.5K, 75th Percentile= $3.5K, Median= $3.0K, 25th Percentile= $2.8K, Minimum= $2.0K
- Silver Plans Selected: Average= $3.4K, Maximum= $5.3K, 75th Percentile= $3.0K, Median= $3.0K, 25th Percentile= $2.9K, Minimum= $2.0K
- Gold Plans Offered: Average= $1.2K, Maximum= $3.4K, 75th Percentile= $1.5K, Median= $1.4K, 25th Percentile= $1.0K, Minimum= $0.9K
- Gold Plans Selected: Average= $1.5K, Maximum= $2.0K, 75th Percentile= $1.4K, Median= $1.0K, 25th Percentile= $1.0K, Minimum= $0.9K
- Note: Plans Offered represent the total number of health plans made available by health plan companies in the Individual Market. Plans Selected refer to the subset of these offered plans with recorded member month enrollment. Graph is intended to show enrollee tendencies (plans selected) compared to the market availability (plans offered). Box and whisker charts display data distribution. The box shows the middle 50% of data, with the median line inside. Whiskers extend to minimum and maximum values, excluding outliers. Outliers, if present, appear as individual points beyond the whiskers. Cost-sharing reduction plans excluded. Bronze and Platinum Plans excluded due to low enrollment (less than 200 enrollees). All plans have an actuarial value (AV), which estimate the percent of health care costs the plan will cover for an average consumer; metal levels are assigned based off the plan AV. Platinum represents an AV of 90%, Gold 80%, Silver 70%, Expanded Bronze 65%, Bronze 60%, and Catastrophic <60%. Plans could be purchased from the state’s health insurance exchange, MNsure, or directly from a health plan or broker (off exchange).
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders, 2022.
Page 23 - Per Person Out-of-Pocket Limits
- This bar graph shows the per person distribution of out-of-pocket limits in the individual market from 2019 to 2022.
- 2019: Less than or equal to $1,350= 0.2%, $1,351 to $2,500= 0.3%, $2,501 to $4,500= 0.4%, $4,501 to $6,350 = 7.7%, $6,351 to $7,899 = 81.6%, $7,900= 9.8%
- 2020: Less than or equal to $1,400= 0.2%, $1,401 to $2,500= 0.2%, $2,501 to $4,500= 0.3%, $4,501 to $6,350 = 3.0%, $6,351 to $8,149 = 75.2%, $8,150= 21.1%
- 2021: Less than or equal to $1,400= 0.9%, $1,401 to $2,500= 0.1%, $2,501 to $4,500= 0.5%, $4,501 to $6,350 = 0.7%, $6,351 to $8,549 = 73.0%, $8,550= 24.8%
- 2022: Less than or equal to $1,400= 0.1%, $1,401 to $2,500= 0.0%, $2,501 to $4,500= 0.2%, $4,501 to $6,350 = 0.8%, $6,351 to $8,699 = 79.2%, $8,700= 19.5%
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Out-of-pocket limit applies to covered services provided by in-network providers only. Limits increase annually after 2014: 2019 – $7,900; 2020 – $8,150; 2021 – $8,550; 2022 – $8,700. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 24 – Percent Distribution of Family Annual Deductibles
- This bar graph shows the distribution of family level deductibles in the Individual Market from 2019 to 2022.
- 2019: $0 Deductible=0.1%, $1 to $5,000= 21.6%, $5,001 to $10,000= 17.1%, $10,000+ = 61.2%
- 2020: $0 Deductible=0.1%, $1 to $5,000= 20.3%, $5,001 to $10,000= 18.8%, $10,000+ = 60.8%
- 2021: $0 Deductible=0.3%, $1 to $5,000= 20.6%, $5,001 to $10,000= 19.3%, $10,000+ = 59.8%
- 2022: $0 Deductible=0.1%, $1 to $5,000= 19.8%, $5,001 to $10,000= 27.9%, $10,000+ = 52.2%
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota’s Individual Market. Deductibles cannot exceed maximum out-of-pocket limits set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Maximum out-of-pocket limits were introduced in 2014 and apply to in-network coverage. Limits increase annually after 2014: 2019 – $15,800; 2020 – $16,300; 2021 – $17,100; 2022 – $17,400. Distributions are by share of total enrollment. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 25 – Family Deductible Ranges by Plans Offered and Plans Chosen
- This slide shows a box plot of the averages and ranges of family level deductibles in the Individual Market from 2019 to 2022.
- 2019 Plans Offered: Average= $8.9K, Maximum= $15.8K, 75th Percentile= $13.5K, Median= $12.0K, 25th Percentile= $3.6K, Minimum= $0.3K
- 2020 Plans Offered: Average= $9.3K, Maximum= $16.3K, 75th Percentile= $13.7K, Median= $12.0K, 25th Percentile= $4.1K, Minimum= $0.6K
- 2021 Plans Offered: Average= $9.5K, Maximum= $17.1K, 75th Percentile= $13.9K, Median= $10.5K, 25th Percentile= $4.2K, Minimum= $1.2K
- 2022 Plans Offered: Average= $8.9K, Maximum= $17.4K, 75th Percentile= $13.6K, Median= $8.4K, 25th Percentile= $5.8K, Minimum= $1.7K
- 2019 Plans Selected: Average= $10.2K, Maximum= $15.8K, 75th Percentile= $13.5K, Median= $12.4K, 25th Percentile= $6.0K, Minimum= $2.0K
- 2020 Plans Selected: Average= $10.1K, Maximum= $16.3K, 75th Percentile= $13.5K, Median= $12.0K, 25th Percentile= $6.0K, Minimum= $1.8K
- 2021 Plans Selected: Average= $10.2K, Maximum= $17.1K, 75th Percentile= $13.9K, Median= $12.5K, 25th Percentile= $6.0K, Minimum= $1.8K
- 2022 Plans Selected: Average= $9.8K, Maximum= $17.4K, 75th Percentile= $14.0K, Median= $11.8K, 25th Percentile= $6.0K, Minimum= $1.8K
- Note: Plans Offered represent the total number of health plans made available by health plan companies in the Individual Market. Plans Selected refer to the subset of these offered plans with recorded member month enrollment. Graph is intended to show enrollee tendencies (plans selected) compared to the market availability (plans offered). Box and whisker charts display data distribution. The box shows the middle 50% of data, with the median line inside. Whiskers extend to minimum and maximum values, excluding outliers. Outliers, if present, appear as individual points beyond the whiskers. Cost-sharing reduction plans excluded. Data from 2015 to 2018.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 26 - Family Deductible Ranges by Metal Level, 2022
- This slide shows family level deductible box plots of the averages and ranges for plans chosen and plans offered by metal level in the Individual Market, 2022.
- Catastrophic Plans Offered: Average= $17.4K Maximum= $17.4K, 75th Percentile= $17.4K, Median= $17.4K, 25th Percentile= $17.4K, Minimum= $17.4K
- Catastrophic Plans Selected: Average= $17.4K, Maximum= $17.4K, 75th Percentile= $17.4K, Median= $17.4K, 25th Percentile= $17.4K, Minimum= $17.4K
- Expanded Bronze Plans Offered: Average= $13.4K, Maximum= $17.4K, 75th Percentile= $14.1K, Median= $13.7K, 25th Percentile= $12.0K, Minimum= $6.1K
- Expanded Bronze Plans Selected: Average= $12.8K, Maximum= $14.1K, 75th Percentile= $14.1K Median= $14.0K, 25th Percentile= $12.5K, Minimum= $8.0K
- Silver Plans Offered: Average= $6.7K, Maximum= $17.0K, 75th Percentile= $8.8K, Median= $7.0K, 25th Percentile= $6.0K, Minimum= $5.8K
- Silver Plans Selected: Average= $7.9K, Maximum= $10.6K, 75th Percentile= $7.0K, Median= $6.0K, 25th Percentile= $6.0K, Minimum= $5.8K
- Gold Plans Offered: Average= $2.9K, Maximum= $6.8K, 75th Percentile= $4.2K, Median= $4.0K, 25th Percentile= $3.0K, Minimum= $1.8K
- Gold Plans Selected: Average= $3.7K, Maximum= $4.2K, 75th Percentile= $3.9K, Median= $3.0K, 25th Percentile= $2.0K, Minimum= $1.8K
- Note: Plans Offered represent the total number of health plans made available by health plan companies in the Individual Market. Plans Selected refer to the subset of these offered plans with recorded member month enrollment. Graph is intended to show enrollee tendencies (plans selected) compared to the market availability (plans offered). Box and whisker charts display data distribution. The box shows the middle 50% of data, with the median line inside. Whiskers extend to minimum and maximum values, excluding outliers. Outliers, if present, appear as individual points beyond the whiskers. Cost-sharing reduction plans excluded. Bronze and Platinum Plans excluded due to low enrollment (less than 200 enrollees). All plans have an actuarial value (AV), which estimate the percent of health care costs the plan will cover for an average consumer; metal levels are assigned based off the plan AV. Platinum represents an AV of 90%, Gold 80%, Silver 70%, Expanded Bronze 65%, Bronze 60%, and Catastrophic <60%. Plans could be purchased from the state’s health insurance exchange, MNsure, or directly from a health plan or broker (off exchange).
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 27 – Family Out-of-Pocket Limits
- This bar graph shows the family level distribution of out-of-pocket limits in the Individual Market from 2019 to 2022.
- 2019: Less than or equal to $2,700= 0.2%, $2,701 to $6,000= 0.4%, $6,001 to $12,000= 4.3%, $12,001 to $15,799 = 85.4%, $15,800 = 9.8%
- 2020: Less than or equal to $2,800= 0.2%, $2,801 to $6,000= 0.3%, $6,001 to $12,000= 0.7%, $12,001 to $16,299 = 77.8%, $16,300 = 21.1%
- 2021: Less than or equal to $2,800= 0.8%, $2,801 to $6,000= 0.5%, $6,001 to $12,000= 0.9%, $12,001 to $17,099 = 73.0%, $17,100 = 24.8%
- 2022: Less than or equal to $2,800= 0.1%, $2,801 to $6,000= 0.0%, $6,001 to $12,000= 0.4%, $12,001 to $17,399 = 79.9%, $17,400 = 19.5%
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Out-of-pocket limit applies to covered services provided by in network providers only. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 28 – Out-of-Network Deductible Limits by Per Person and Family
- This bar graph shows the out of network deductible limit distribution for per person and family level in the individual market from 2019 to 2022.
- 2019:
- Per Person: $0 Deductible= 0.2%, $1 to $5,000 Deductible= 6.7%, $5,001 to $10,000 Deductible = 6.7%, $10,001 to $15,000 Deductible = 41.0%, $15,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 45.4%
- Family: $0 Deductible= 0.2%, $1 to $10,000 Deductible= 6.7%, $10,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 6.7%, $20,001 to $30,000 Deductible = 41.0%, $30,001 to $40,000 Deductible = 45.4%
- 2020:
- Per Person: $0 Deductible= 0.2%, $1 to $5,000 Deductible= 6.6%, $5,001 to $10,000 Deductible = 8.4%, $10,001 to $15,000 Deductible = 20.4%, $15,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 64.4%
- Family: $0 Deductible= 0.2%, $1 to $10,000 Deductible= 6.6%, $10,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 8.4%, $20,001 to $30,000 Deductible = 46.5%, $30,001 to $40,000 Deductible = 38.4%
- 2021:
- Per Person: $0 Deductible= 0.1%, $1 to $5,000 Deductible= 7.0%, $5,001 to $10,000 Deductible = 8.6%, $10,001 to $15,000 Deductible = 24.0%, $15,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 60.3%
- Family: $0 Deductible= 0.1%, $1 to $10,000 Deductible= 7.0%, $10,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 8.7%, $20,001 to $30,000 Deductible = 48.4%, $30,001 to $40,000 Deductible = 35.8%
- 2022:
- Per Person: $0 Deductible= 0.1%, $1 to $5,000 Deductible= 0.5%, $5,001 to $10,000 Deductible = 0.2%, $10,001 to $15,000 Deductible = 38.4%, $15,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 60.7%
- Family: $0 Deductible= 0.1%, $1 to $10,000 Deductible= 0.5%, $10,001 to $20,000 Deductible = 0.2%, $20,001 to $30,000 Deductible = 38.4%, $30,001 to $40,000 Deductible = 60.7%
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 29 – Enrollment Distribution by Office Visit Cost Sharing Requirements
- These graphs show the per person office visit cost sharing requirement in the Individual Market from 2019 to 2022.
- Coinsurance Only: 2019= 23.9%, 2020= 24.5%, 2021= 29.3%, 2022=27.8%
- Copayment Only: 2019= 19.2%, 2020= 20.5%, 2021= 23.1%, 2022=31.9%
- Copayment and Coinsurance: 2019= 28.2%, 2020= 25.0%, 2021= 16.1%, 2022=9.4%
- No additional cost sharing aside from deductible and premium: 2019= 28.8%, 2020= 30.1%, 2021= 31.5%. 2022=30.9%
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Plans with only a deductible and no copayment and no coinsurance, as well as plans with no deductible and no cost sharing are included in “No Additional Cost Sharing Aside from Deductible and Premium”. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 30 – Enrollment Distribution by Hospitalization Cost-Sharing Requirements
- These graphs show the per person hospitalization cost sharing requirement in the individual market from 2019 to 2022.
- 1% to 10% Coinsurance: 2019= 0.1%, 2020= 0.1%, 2021= 0.3%, 2022=0.0%
- 11% to 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 36.8%, 2020= 33.0%, 2021= 32.1%, 2022=28.0%
- Greater than 20% Coinsurance= 2019= 31.5%, 2020= 33.7%, 2021= 33.2%, 2022=38.9%
- No additional cost sharing aside from deductible and premium: 2019= 31.6%, 2020= 33.2%, 2021= 34.4%, 2022=33.0%
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Plans with only a deductible and no copayment and no coinsurance, as well as plans with no deductible and no cost sharing are included in “No Additional Cost Sharing Aside from Deductible and Premium”. For Copayment only, there was 0% enrollment from 2019 to 2022. Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 31 - Prescription Drug Cost Sharing
- This graph shows prescription drug cost sharing by prescription tier in the Individual Market from 2019 to 2022.
- Generic Drugs:
- Copayment (no coinsurance): 2019= 48.9%, 2020= 48.3%, 2021= 49.2%, 2022= 51.3%
- Less than or equal to 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 16.7%, 2020= 16.4%, 2021= 13.1%, 2022= 8.6%
- Greater than 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 2.9%, 2020= 2.3%, 2021= 3.3%, 2022= 7.2%
- No Additional Cost Sharing Aside from Deductible and Premium: 2019= 31.5%, 2020= 33.0%, 2021= 34.3%, 2022= 32.9%
- Preferred Brand Drugs:
- Copayment (no coinsurance): 2019= 9.6%, 2020= 29.5%, 2021= 27.4%, 2022= 25.6%
- Less than or equal to 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 34.5%, 2020= 30.0%, 2021= 28.4%, 2022= 24.2%
- Greater than 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 24.3%, 2020= 7.3%, 2021= 9.9%, 2022= 17.2%
- No Additional Cost Sharing Aside from Deductible and Premium: 2019= 31.6%, 2020= 33.2%, 2021= 34.4%, 2022= 33.0%
- Non-Preferred Brand Drugs:
- Copayment (no coinsurance): 2019= 0.0%, 2020= 0.0%, 2021= 0.0%, 2022= 0.0%
- Less than or equal to 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 7.2%, 2020= 7.6%, 2021= 4.8%, 2022= 3.7%
- Greater than 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 21.1%, 2020= 41.1%, 2021= 44.0%, 2022= 45.4%
- No Additional Cost Sharing Aside from Deductible and Premium: 2019= 71.7%, 2020= 51.3%, 2021= 51.2%, 2022= 50.9%
- Specialty Drugs:
- Copayment (no coinsurance): 2019= 9.6%, 2020= 10.2%, 2021= 15.8%, 2022= 17.7%
- Less than or equal to 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 8.3%, 2020= 11.2%, 2021= 4.4%, 2022= 0.7%
- Greater than 20% Coinsurance: 2019= 50.5%, 2020= 45.5%, 2021= 46.2%, 2022= 49.3%
- No Additional Cost Sharing Aside from Deductible and Premium: 2019= 31.6%, 2020= 33.2%, 2021= 33.7%, 2022= 32.2%
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Plans with only a deductible and no copayment and no coinsurance, as well as plans with a deductible and no cost sharing are included in “No Additional Cost Sharing Aside from Deductible and Premium”. This chart only applies to drugs in the pharmacy benefit (not the medical benefit). Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 32 – Average Prescription Drug Copay per Fill
- These graphs show prescription drug average copays by prescription drug tiers in the Individual Market, 2019 to 2022.
- Generic Drugs: 2019= $21, 2020= $18, 2021= $18, 2022= $17
- Preferred Brand Drugs: 2019= $108, 2020= $158, 2021= $162, 2022= $170
- Specialty Drugs: 2019= $536, 2020= $544, 2021= $631, 2022=$669
- Note: Distributions are by share of Individual Market enrollment. Average copays were calculated by taking the mean copay amount for each drug category across all enrolled plans per year. Prescription drug copays are fixed amounts paid by enrollees for covered medications. Copays may count towards deductibles and always contribute to out-of-pocket maximums, depending on the plan. Plans with non-preferred brand drugs benefit reported $0 in copayment from 2019 to 2022. This chart only applies to drugs in the pharmacy benefit (not the medical benefit). Data from 2015 to 2018 are not available.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program analysis of the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database and National Association of Insurance Commissioners Health Plan Binders (2019 to 2022).
Page 33 - Loss Ratio Experience, 2017 to 2023
- This graph shows the loss ratios of plans in the individual market from 2017 to 2023.
- 2017:
- Total Market= 75%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 71%
- HealthPartners= 74%
- Medica= 82%
- PreferredOne = 46%
- UCare= 74%
- Statutory Minimum= 72%
- 2018
- Total Market= 63%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 56%
- HealthPartners= 68%
- Medica= 65%
- PreferredOne = 62%
- UCare= 62%
- Statutory Minimum= 72%
- 2019
- Total Market= 85%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 95%
- HealthPartners= 82%
- Medica= 83%
- PreferredOne = 91%
- UCare= 80%
- Statutory Minimum= 72%
- 2020
- Total Market= 84%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 88%
- HealthPartners= 78%
- Medica= 89%
- PreferredOne = 97%
- UCare= 82%
- Statutory Minimum= 72%
- 2021
- Total Market= 95%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 89%
- HealthPartners= 97%
- Medica= 90%
- PreferredOne = 102%
- Quartz = 82%
- UCare= 101%
- Statutory Minimum= 72%
- 2022
- Total Market= 89%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 84%
- HealthPartners= 92%
- Medica= 87%
- PreferredOne = 106%
- Quartz = 82%
- UCare= 92%
- Statutory Minimum= 72%
- 2023
- Total Market= 89%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 91%
- HealthPartners= 84%
- Medica= 81%
- PreferredOne = 84%
- Quartz = 83%
- UCare= 97%
- Statutory Minimum= 89%
- Note: Minnesota passed legislation in April 2017 to stabilize Individual Market premiums through the state-based reinsurance program, the Minnesota Premium Security Plan, effective January 1, 2018. The graph starts in 2017 to highlight market dynamics before and after the reinsurance program's implementation. Health plan companies with common ownership are combined. BCBS of MN refers to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. Quartz entered the Individual Market in 2021. “Statutory Minimum” refers to Minnesota’s minimum required share of premium dollars spent on beneficiary health expenditures, not the federal Affordable Care Act medical loss ratio. Loss Ratios and statutory minimums presented are Minnesota-specific.
- Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce, "Report of 2023 Loss Ratio Experience for Insurance Companies, Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations, and Health Maintenance Organizations" June 2024 and prior reports.
Page 36 - Enrollment Trends
- This chart depicts the enrollment in Minnesota’s Small Group Market from 2014 to 2023.
- 2014= 268.7K
- 2015= 253.4K
- 2016= 254.3K
- 2017= 293.8K
- 2018= 277.5K
- 2019= 258.7K
- 2020= 236.9K
- 2021= 226.7K
- 2022=216.4K
- 2023=200.1K
- Notes: Data reported for Minnesota residents in the Small Group fully insured market.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program; Health Plan Financial and Statistical Report (2014 to 2023).
Page 37 – Annual Premiums and Percent Change in Premiums
- This chart depicts the premium per member changes in Minnesota’s Small Group Market from 2014 to 2023.
- 2014= per member per year premium = $4.7K, percent change= 12.1%
- 2015= per member per year premium = $4.7K, percent change= 0.5%
- 2016= per member per year premium = $4.8K, percent change= 2.2%
- 2017= per member per year premium = $5.0K, percent change= 2.9%
- 2018= per member per year premium = $5.6K, percent change= 12.3%
- 2019= per member per year premium = $6.0K, percent change= 7.1%
- 2020= per member per year premium = $6.3K, percent change= 4.5%
- 2021= per member per year premium = $6.4K, percent change= 2.9%
- 2022= per member per year premium = $6.7K, percent change= 4.6%
- 2023= per member per year premium = $7.0K, percent change= 4.4%
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota residents in the Small Group fully insured market. Based on total per member per year (PMPY) premiums collected.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program; Health Plan Financial and Statistical Report (2014 to 2023).
Page 38 - Health Plan Company Market Share by Health Premiums Earned
- This chart depicts the market shares in Minnesota’s Small Group Market from 2019 to 2023.
- 2019 (Premium Volume= $1.5 billion): HealthPartners=40.2%, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN=32.1%, Medica=21.0%, UHC=0.6%, PreferredOne=6.0%, Other=0.1%
- 2020 (Premium Volume= $1.5 billion): HealthPartners=35.4%, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN=33.7%, Medica=20.1%, UHC=1.0%, PreferredOne=9.5%, Other=0.2%
- 2021 (Premium Volume= $1.5 billion): HealthPartners=32.3%, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN=34.6%, Medica=18.9%, UHC=1.5%, PreferredOne=12.5%, Other=0.3%
- 2022 (Premium Volume= $1.5 billion): HealthPartners=31.4%, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN=33.9%, Medica=19.3%, UHC=2.4%, PreferredOne=12.6%, Other=0.4%
- 2023 (Premium Volume= $1.4 billion): HealthPartners=37.1%, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN=36.9%, Medica=19.0%, UHC=5.2%, PreferredOne=1.5%, Other=0.4%
- Note: Data reported for Minnesota residents in the Small Group fully insured market. Some companies with common ownership have been combined for purposes of this analysis. UHC is UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company which entered the market in 2019. Percentages may differ from other data reporting due to use of different data sources. Market share is based on percent of small group market premiums collected.
- Source: MDH Health Economics Program; Health Plan Financial and Statistical Report (2019 to 2023).
Page 39 - Loss Ratio Experience 2017 to 2023
- This graph shows the loss ratios of plans in the Small Group Market from 2017 to 2023.
- 2017:
- Total Market= 89%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 85%
- Medica= 87%
- HealthPartners= 93%
- PreferredOne= 95%
- Statutory Minimum= 82%
- 2018:
- Total Market= 85%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 82%
- Medica= 90%
- HealthPartners= 84%
- PreferredOne= 95%
- Statutory Minimum= 82%
- 2019:
- Total Market= 86%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 88%
- Medica= 86%
- HealthPartners= 82%
- PreferredOne= 90%
- UHC= 83%
- Statutory Minimum= 82%
- 2020:
- Total Market= 82%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 78%
- Medica= 85%
- HealthPartners= 81%
- PreferredOne= 88%
- UHC= 84%
- Statutory Minimum= 82%
- 2021:
- Total Market= 91%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 89%
- Medica= 85%
- HealthPartners= 95%
- PreferredOne= 102%
- UHC= 80%
- Statutory Minimum= 82%
- 2022:
- Total Market= 92%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 88%
- Medica= 89%
- HealthPartners= 96%
- PreferredOne= 101%
- UHC= 89%
- Statutory Minimum= 82%
- 2023:
- Total Market= 91%
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota (BCBS of MN)= 88%
- Medica= 92%
- HealthPartners= 95%
- PreferredOne= 73%
- UHC= 86%
- Statutory Minimum= 82%
- Note: The graph for Minnesota’s Small Group Market starts in 2017 to highlight health plan company loss ratios. Health plan companies with common ownership have been combined for purposes of this analysis. BCBS of MN is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota UHC is UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co, which entered the Minnesota small group market in 2019. Not all companies listed in the loss ratio report are illustrated. “Statutory Minimum” refers to Minnesota’s minimum required share of premium dollars spent on beneficiary health expenditures, not the federal Affordable Care Act medical loss ratio.
- Source: Minnesota Department of Commerce, "Report of 2023 Loss Ratio Experience for Insurance Companies, Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations, and Health Maintenance Organizations" June 2024 and prior reports.
Last Updated: 10/08/2024