Universal Health Care Finance System
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Analysis of a Universal Health Care Finance System
The Minnesota Legislature directed the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to contract with one or more independent entities to conduct an analysis of the benefits and costs of a universal health care finance system (i.e. the Minnesota Health Plan, proposed in the 93rd Minnesota Legislature as Senate File No. 2740/House File No. 2798) in comparison to the current health insurance system (Laws of Minnesota 2023, chapter 70, article 16, section 19).
As required in statute, MDH issued a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit public comment to inform a future Request for Proposal (RFP) in the spring of 2024.
MDH also worked with the University of Minnesota's State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) on an in-depth analysis of national and state-models. Below is a link to the comprehensive review.
UMN-SHADAC Review of Single-Payer Studies (PDF)
Request for Proposal
NEW: MDH is issuing an RFP for a research or data analytics vendor team to conduct modeling analyses to estimate the impact of the Minnesota Health Plan—a system of universal health care with single-payer financing—on health insurance coverage, utilization, cost, and system capacity. The goal of the analyses is to produce detailed estimates of impacts on individuals, employers, and federal, state, and local government, including on economic, labor market, and fiscal dimensions. This work will result in a final report which will be submitted to the Minnesota Legislature by January 2026. The solicitation is posted in the statewide procurement system, SWIFT, and proposals are due Monday, January 20, 2025. For more information about the RFP, visit the Request for Proposal webpage.
For more information on this initiative, please contact universalhealthstudy.mdh@state.mn.us