Suicide Prevention
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Suicide Prevention State Grantees
Minnesota currently funds grantees across the state to implement prevention strategies at the local level, specifically emphasizing a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention.
In addition to the community prevention grants, the Suicide Prevention Unit also provides funding for five Minnesota-based 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Centers.
Regional Suicide Prevention Coordination grantees
The purpose of the Regional Suicide Prevention Coordination grants is to provide a system of support across the State of Minnesota to help build capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities to implement effective comprehensive suicide prevention work.
Grantees providing Regional Suicide Prevention Coordination:
Comprehensive Suicide Prevention grantees
The purpose of the Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Grants is to build community coalitions to develop and implement a data driven plan to promote mental health and prevent suicidal experiences.
Grantees implementing comprehensive suicide prevention:
- Ain Dah Yung Center – Saint Paul
- Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services
- Hennepin County Public Health
- Korean Adoptees Ministry Center - Minneapolis
- Meeker County Health and Human Services
- Morrison-Todd-Wadena Community Health Board
- Olmsted County Public Health Services
- NAMI Minnesota- Saint Paul
- Otter Tail County Public Health
- Restoration for All – Saint Paul
- Sanford Health - Bemidji
- Wright County Public Health
Minnesota-based 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline call centers
The Minnesota Department of Health provides funding for Minnesota Lifeline Centers to answer 988 calls, texts, and chats.
Minnesota 988 Lifeline Centers are designated to answer 988 contacts from Minnesota-based area codes. When you connect to the 988 Lifeline from a Minnesota area code or zip code (for chat), you will be routed to one of the 988 Lifeline Centers:
For more information, contact the Suicide Prevention Unit at