Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health
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Minnesota Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health
The Minnesota Department of Health Refugee Health Program and its principal partners received funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2015 to establish the Minnesota Center of Excellence in Refugee Health, a network for training and epidemiology in refugee health. Following continued funding awarded in September 2020, the Minnesota Center of Excellence has expanded its work and transitioned to the Minnesota Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health (MN COE).
The MN COE builds on existing infrastructure and its partners’ extensive experience to identify and monitor newcomer health issues and needs, contribute to evidence-based policies and guidance, and ultimately improve continuity of care and health outcomes for newcomers. Working with clinicians, state refugee health coordinators, and other partners, the MN COE promotes communication among newcomer health professionals and disseminates best practices. The MN COE completes activities organized into four pillars: surveillance and epidemiology, guidance, clinician training, and newcomer health orientation and education.
Newcomer Health Profiles
These profiles help clinicians, public health providers, and resettlement agencies facilitate medical screening and determine appropriate interventions and services for newcomers.
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