Frequently Asked Questions About LPH Act Annual Reporting
Last updated: 27 January 2025
If you have questions not answered below, please contact us.
View FAQs about the LPH Act annual reporting shift, which will begin in 2026 (reported in March 2027): FAQ About LPH Act Annual Reporting Shift (PDF)
General questions
- When is reporting due?
- Do I report on behalf of my county or my community health board?
- Where can I find resources to help gather my data?
- What does MDH do with all of this data?
- How do I update my community health board’s contact information?
REDCap questions
- Where is my REDCap account?
- Why can't I log into REDCap?
- Will my REDCap account still lapse if I don’t log in?
- How do I navigate REDCap?
- I can't see this year's forms, where I actually enter my data. Where did they go?
- Can I print the REDCap forms to use as templates to gather data?
- How do I access past years' data in REDCap?
- Can more than one person enter data into the same REDCap form at the same time?
- Will REDCap show me reporting errors?
- How will MDH know if I'm done reporting? Can I use the incomplete-complete indicators at the bottom of each form?
- Where can I get a copy of the data I entered? Can I download and print my data?
- Why does REDCap seem to have more questions when I print out the forms than when I look at the forms on screen?
Finance (expenditures) and staffing (workforce) questions
- What's new for this reporting period in finance and staffing?
- When is finance and staffing reporting due?
- Where can I find resources to help gather my finance and staffing data?
- What is validation?
Related: Will REDCap show me reporting errors?
Questions specific to finance (expenditures)
- Does my community health board submit a budget during LPH Act annual reporting?
- Where can I find the current community health board funding awards?
- How do I submit expenditure data?
- Do I report on what my community health board was awarded or what it actually spent?
- Where should I put specific funds and FTEs for programs like SHIP, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, or other topics?
- What if my community health boards spent SHIP or PHEP funds on COVID? Where should I put those funds?
- Can funds other than local funds be used for either the Local Public Health grant or Foundational Public Health Responsibility grant match?
Questions specific to staffing (workforce)
- When estimating the number of volunteers, should I include volunteers participating through Minnesota Responds or Minnesota Reserve Corp?
- Where should we categorize AmeriCorps staff?
Performance measures questions
- What's new for this reporting period in LPH Act performance measures?
- What should be considered when determining our CHB's capacity to meet the measure?
- Our CHB includes multiple counties, and individual counties within the CHB have different levels at which they meet the measures at different levels. How do we report this variation as a CHB?
- Why do community health boards need to report on measures around surveillance (2.1.1) and lab access (2.1.3) if MDH provides the service to the health department?
- How do community health boards report on measures related to surveillance (2.1.1) and lab access (2.1.3) if MDH provides that service?
General questions
1. When is reporting due?
You can report on 2024 calendar year data from mid-February 2025 through March 31, 2025.
2. Do I report on behalf of my county or my community health board?
LPH Act annual reporting occurs at the community health board level.
MDH recommends using instructions and guidance to gather your data from each county or local health department (if your community health board has more than one county) and then use that information to convey what’s happening within the community health board as a whole.
3. Where can I find resources to help gather my data?
Use the instructions and guidance to gather your data and walk you through each question.
4. What does MDH do with all of this data?
This data helps MDH, local public health, and counties understand the local public health system's funding sources, expenditures, and staffing capacity. It is used to track trends over time and is essential for advocacy and partnership discussions at both local and state levels. It also informs how the MDH Center for Public Health Practice supports local public health in its efforts.
MDH subject matter experts in different divisions outside of the Center for Public Health Practice also use data to inform their own training and technical assistance.
Each fall, MDH summarizes the previous year's finance and staffing data.
- For summaries of past years' data, visit: Past Data: LPH Act Annual Reporting.
- Please contact your CHS administrator for your community health board's own past reports on performance measures.
5. How do I update my community health board’s contact information?
Learn more: Community health board contact information.
REDCap questions
6. Where is my REDCap account?
MDH asked CHS administrators for the names of staff who will enter data into REDCap. If you have any questions about your REDCap account, please email
- If you’re new to REDCap, you will not get an email from REDCap about your username and password until LPH Act annual reporting opens.
- If you already have a REDCap account, you’ll be able to log in to REDCap, but you won’t see the current year's reporting forms until LPH Act annual reporting officially opens.
7. Why can't I log into REDCap?
If you are experiencing problems logging in, please first try logging out, clearing your internet browser cache, and logging back in. Remember: your REDCap username does not include the @ symbol.
If this does not work, please send a message to describing the problem and including a screenshot of your error message. MDH will respond as promptly as possible.
Find more REDCap help at: Help with REDCap for LPH Act annual reporting.
8. Will my REDCap account still lapse if I don’t log in?
Yes; if you do not continue to use your account for 180 days, your account will go dormant. If that happens, please email
Tutorials and guides for REDCap are available online at Help with REDCap for LPH Act annual reporting.
10. I can't see this year's forms, where I actually enter my data. Where did they go?
If you can't see this year's forms after logging into REDCap and choosing this year's project, look for small text on the left side of the screen, under "Data Collection," that says "Show data collection instruments." Click on "Show data collection instruments" to view this year's forms.
11. Can I print the REDCap forms to use as templates to gather data?
You certainly can, but you might have an easier time using the instructions and guidance for each module to gather your data. There is guidance to walk you through each module.
12. How do I access past years' data in REDCap?
If you need past years’ LPH Act annual reporting data and cannot access past years’ projects in REDCap, please email
13. Can more than one person enter data into the same REDCap form at the same time?
Yes. More than one person can enter data into the same form because REDCap allows individuals to log in under their own accounts. Be sure to save your data early and often.
14. Will REDCap show me reporting errors?
If there are errors in your data entry for the finance/staffing module, REDCap will let you know as you enter data. MDH will review data after the LPH Act annual reporting closes.
If MDH continues to see any errors after you have submitted your data, MDH will contact you to follow up.
15. How will MDH know if I'm done reporting? Can I use the incomplete-complete indicators at the bottom of each form?
You let us know you have completed reporting via the REDCap validation form; this is the only way to complete reporting.
CHS administrators must complete validation when staff have finished entering all data.
At the bottom of each form, there is a place to mark for your own reference whether you've completed a form or not, which you can use to track your own progress, but MDH does not use these indicators to check for completion. CHS administrators must still complete validation. (You may see these complete/incomplete selections populate red-yellow-green indicators on your forms in the left-hand navigation pane; again, these are for your own internal reference only, and MDH does not use them to track progress.)
16. Where can I get a copy of the data I entered? Can I download and print my data?
After using the appropriate guidance or instructions to gather data (see: LPH Act annual reporting instructions), you can use the document as a reference for the data you entered.
You can also obtain a copy of your data from REDCap.
If you need past years’ LPH Act annual reporting data and cannot access past years’ projects in REDCap, please email
17. Why does REDCap seem to have more questions when I print out the forms than when I look at the forms on screen?
The PDF has slightly more fields than the on-screen REDCap form because some questions have branching logic and are only "viewable" (and so answerable) if you choose a specific prior answer that pops open that question.
Finance (expenditures) and staffing (workforce) questions
18. What's new for this reporting period in finance and staffing?
New for calendar year 2024: Community health boards will report on the Foundational Public Health Responsibilities (FPHR) Grant. Reporting on the match for the FPHR Grant will follow the same format as the Local Public Health Grant. This addition will be in finance forms I-IV.
In the forms, you will see changes in the names of sections to connect the six areas of responsibility to the foundational public health responsibilities. For example, in the form, the section for Infrastructure will be titled, "All foundational capabilities except EPR (previously infrastructure)." Anything that was coded infrastructure in calendar year 2024 should be reported here.
For calendar year 2024, continue reporting on COVID-19 expenditures separately, if applicable. There will not be a separate section for COVID-19 in staffing.
Finally, a couple of questions on the follow-up form related to staff departures were removed.
19. When is finance and staffing reporting due?
Complete all finance and staffing modules by March 31, 2025.
Remember: CHS administrators must complete validation when staff have finished entering all data. Be sure to allow time for your CHS administrator to complete validation and correct any errors.
20. Where can I find resources to help gather my finance and staffing data?
Visit: LPH Act Annual Reporting Instructions
21. What is validation?
Validation is the name given to the automatic review of data to verify accuracy.
CHS administrators must submit the final validation form for finance and staffing. This lets MDH know you have fixed errors (if applicable) and that you’re done with finance and staffing.
Learn more: Validation.
Related: Will REDCap show me reporting errors?
Questions specific to finance (expenditures)
22. Does my community health board submit a budget during LPH Act Annual Reporting?
No. You do not need to submit a budget for the year ahead.
23. Where can I find the current community health board awards for the Local Public Health Grant?
Visit: Funding and the Local Public Health Grant.
24. How do I submit expenditure data?
Report expenditure information based on the invoices submitted for reimbursement for services during the time period of January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024, even if you didn't receive reimbursement until 2025.
As in last year, you'll report COVID-19-related expenditures only in the module specific to COVID-19 expenditures.
Learn more: LPH Act Annual Reporting Instructions
25. Do I report on what my community health board was awarded or what it actually spent?
You should report on what your community health board spent, regardless of the original award amount.
26. Where should I put specific funds and FTEs for programs like SHIP, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, or other topics?
Consult the instructions: LPH Act Annual Reporting Instructions
27. What if my community health boards spent SHIP or PHEP funds on COVID-19? Where should I put those funds?
MDH wants to account for the total amount spent on COVID, so if your community health board spent SHIP or PHEP funding on COVID, please include this in the COVID-19 section of finance reporting.
28. Can funds other than local funds be used for either the Local Public Health grant or Foundational Public Health Responsibility grant match?
The purpose of the match is to demonstrate local commitment to investing in public health. Generally, health departments include local sources of revenue first to demonstrate this commitment (levy, reimbursements, fees, other local funds).
Statute provides guidance for what constitutes eligible funds, which includes funding provided from an entities other than the federal government (see below). Any state funds used will need to be specifically identified in the Breakdown form. Reminder, the Local Public Health Grant cannot be used for the Foundational Public Health Grant match and vise versa.
Sec. 145A.131 MN Statutes, Subd.2 (b) Eligible funds must be used to meet match requirements. Eligible funds include funds from local property taxes, reimbursements from third parties, fees, other local funds, and donations or nonfederal grants that are used for community health services described in section 145A.02, subdivision 6
Questions specific to staffing (workforce)
29. When estimating the number of volunteers, should I include volunteers participating through Minnesota Responds or Minnesota Reserve Corp?
30. Where should we categorize AmeriCorps staff?
If you contracted with AmeriCorps for staff, you would likely categorize them in Staffing Section II. Number of Contracted FTEs within the role and area of responsibility in which they’re working.
Performance measures questions
31. What's new for this reporting period in LPH Act performance measures?
All community health boards will self-report (on a scale from fully met to not met) on their ability to meet a set of 46 national measures. See the recommendations report appendix A for the full list of measures: Performance Measurement and Performance-Related Accountability Requirements Approved Recommendations (PDF)
32. What should be considered when determining our CHB's capacity to meet the measure?
The instructions include guidance related to each measure, including the requirements and elements from PHAB version 2022. Review each element and consider how well the work was carried out. There is guidance for each measure to help determine which response option is most appropriate for your community health board.
33. Our CHB includes multiple counties and individual counties within the CHB meet the measures at different levels. How do we report this variation as a CHB?
A multi-county community health board should report on the lowest capacity of its individual health departments. Review the guidance and instructions for more information and an example.
34. Why do community health boards need to report on measures around surveillance (2.1.1) and lab access (2.1.3) if MDH provides the service to the health department?
SCHSAC’s Performance Measurement Workgroup recommended reporting on these measures because of the importance of having clear, documented protocols, procedures, and assurances related to surveillance and detection of disease, even if another entity is providing that service.
35. How do community health boards report on measures related to surveillance (2.1.1) and lab access (2.1.3) if MDH provides that service?
See Performance Measurement Instructions for CY2024 LPH Act Annual Reporting (PDF) for more guidance. If another organization provides a service, a health department should have an understanding about how the providing entity performs surveillance, which could include, for example, an MOU or shared policy/procedure. Standards-Measures-Initial-Accreditation-Version-2022 (PDF) (2.1.1 begins on page 58, 2.1.3 on page 66)
If after reading the guidance and considering your current status you are still unsure, select the “Unsure how to respond” option which was added to measures 2.1.1 and 2.1.3.
Use your best judgment based on the guidance, and documentation you currently have. It is okay if your CHB reports “minimally,” “cannot meet,” or “unsure how to respond.” The goal is to identify areas for improvement, including how CHBs and MDH work together.