Trainings and tools
Tools and training from the Center for Public Health Practice
CHS Administration Handbook: This handbook provides context for issues frequently encountered by CHS administrators in Minnesota.
Public Health and QI Toolbox: Use nearly 40 quality improvement tools, which give step-by-step instructions on using each tool to assess a situation, make a decision, and plan a project.
Webinars: Recordings of training from the Center for Public Health Practice.
Community health assessment and planning: The assessment and planning process allows community health boards to meet state statutory requirements, and aligns with Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) national public health standards.
Organization assessment and planning cycle: The assessment and planning process allows community health boards to meet state statutory requirements, and aligns with Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) national public health standards.
Public health nursing tools and resources: MDH staff engage public health nurses around Minnesota in discussions about PHN practice issues, in order to develop practice tools and resources.
All Center for Public Health Practice publications and handbooks: Find publications authored by the MDH Center for Public Health Practice. This page does not include meeting minutes and handouts.
Frequently requested publications
- The "Wheel" Manual (Public health interventions: Applications for nursing practice, 2nd ed.)
- Considerations for Shared Governance Structures (PDF)
- Public Health Leader Orientation and Resource Guide
- PHN Orientation and Resource Guide
- Medical Consultant Handbook
Related topics
Public health system consultants: Public health system consultants offer consultation and technical assistance in a defined geographic area.
Technical assistance from the Center for Public Health Practice: The MDH Center for Public Health Practice can help you with everyday business, workforce development, creating a QI culture, and more.