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Environmental Health Division
Any organization or individual intending to possess or use radioactive materials in Minnesota must obtain reciprocity approval.
The Minnesota Department of Health reciprocity application must specify the types and quantities of radioactive materials, dates and location of use in Minnesota. The license holder must follow the specific license requirements on their license as well as the Minnesota Radioactive Materials Rules, Chapter 4731. Minnesota Department of Health may request additional information as necessary.
The following are links to the reciprocity application and rule requirements:
- Reciprocity Application (PDF)
- Reciprocity Notification (PDF)
- Reciprocity Rules (The Office of the Revisor of Statutes Website)
Rule change
4731.2510 RECORDS; SURVEYS in Minnesota Rule has been changed. This will impact the information in your survey. The rule part reads:
"A licensee must maintain records showing the results of surveys and calibrations required under parts 4731.2200 and 4731.2350, subpart 2 for three years after the record is made. The record must include:
- the date of the measurements;
- the manufacture's name, model number, and serial number for the instrument used to measure radiation levels;
- the radiation level; and
- the name or initials of the individual who performed the surveys or calibrations."