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Newsletters that provide the latest news for MNELAP, the environmental laboratory accreditation for the state of Minnesota.
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Spring 2025
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Fall 2024
New Submission Deadline
- Final Date for Applications: October 15, 2024
Due to an email address error, MNELAP is extending the deadline for returning completed applications for third-party assessors and assessment organizations. If you have applied or know someone who has, please verify that the application was sent to the correct email: If you're unsure, we encourage you to resubmit your application package to this address
The corrected email address is included on the posted applications.
These assessments are vital for ensuring compliance with MN Statute 144.98, MN Rules, Chapter 4740, the EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water (Fifth Edition,), the 2016 TNI Standard, and all relevant state and federal regulations.
Application Requirements
- Complete application submission with all required documentation.
- Compliance with:
- 2016 TNI Standard V2M3 Section 4.0
- EPA Manual Sections 4.1 and 4.2, Supplement 1
- Minnesota Statute 144.98 Subd. 12
- Attendance at a MNELAP-hosted online training session upon MNELAP approval.
Approved applicants will be included on MNELAP’s list of approved assessors and assessment organizations.
For more information and to access the application, please visit the MNELAP website. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
- Update User Access in ELDO
- Check Access List: Navigate to the reports section in ELDO and select "Lab Manager Users." Review the list of names.
- Notify MNELAP: Inform MNELAP of any users who need to be deactivated.
- Verify Primary Contact: Ensure the primary contact email address is correct to receive renewal process notifications.
- Remove Saved Applications
- Check for Saved Applications: Verify that no applications are saved in ELDO.
- Delete if Present: If there are any saved applications, delete them.
- Request Changes: Make necessary changes on the renewal application instead.
- Plan Accordingly
- Application Preparation: Allocate sufficient time for completing the application form, uploading documents, and requesting payment from your financial office.
- Fees: Pay the invoiced fees in full; partial payments or single payments for multiple invoices are not accepted.
- Avoid Late Fees: Submit the application, fees, and required documents by October 31 to avoid a $200 late fee.
- Prevent Expiration: Ensure all materials are submitted by October 31 to prevent your laboratory’s accreditation from expiring on December 31, 2024.
- Review ELDO User Guide and Trainings
- ELDO Training: For on demand ELDO training presentations visit the ELDO demonstration modules or review the ELDO user guide (PDF).
Clean Water Program
On April 15, 2024 (89 FR 27288), USEPA finalized changes to its test procedures required to be used by industries and municipalities when analyzing the chemical, physical, and biological properties of wastewater and other environmental samples for reporting under the EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program. The rule went into effect June 17, 2024.
The changes included:
- Revisions to four current USEPA methods.
- 50 revised methods (97 techniques) published by Standard Methods.
- Five new and eight revised methods (18 techniques) published by ASTM International.
- Two new methods approved by USEPA under the alternate test procedures (ATP) program.
- Other minor technical corrections.
Safe Drinking Water Program
USEPA approved 93 alternative test procedures for contaminants listed in the drinking water regulations effective January 30, 2024. These procedures have been determined by the Agency to be as effective as the methods already established in the regulations for the same contaminants. USEPA has used its streamlined approval authority to make these 93 alternative methods available for determining contaminant concentrations in samples collected under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Methods approved under the expedited approval process are referenced in Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 141 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
MNELAP continues to expand their list of fields of testing (FOTs) available for accreditation based on recent updates. Please verify with your contract, client, program, permit, or rule for the version of the method that is required for reporting compliance data. If your laboratory is interested in obtaining accreditation for a field of testing that isn’t currently listed, contact MNELAP to request the addition of specific FOTs to our list. MNELAP will have the most recent list of FOTs posted by September 30, 2024.
There will be new requirements for drinking water PTs effective January 1, 2025. The PT table (PDF) includes the addition of multiple PFAS analytes. To ensure compliance, please make sure your laboratory reviews the updated table and conducts the necessary PTs. By late 2025, MNELAP will expect that your lab has two acceptable PT studies for each new analyte field of proficiency testing for which your laboratory holds accreditation.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has updated the Guidance for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: Analytical (PDF). The analytical guidance document is intended for use by laboratories, third party contractors, project managers and MPCA staff who generate, review or report PFAS data to the MPCA. The purpose of this document is to provide the MPCA specific data quality objectives and to maintain consistency with data quality. All MPCA PFAS quality control requirements are outlined in the document.
Please submit questions on this document to
A reminder that TNI has an avenue for resolution of questions on interpretations for the 2016 TNI Standard requirements. If you have specific questions or need clarification on the 2016 TNI Standard, you can complete an online form to submit your request for an interpretation. In addition, please sign up to receive the latest notifications from the TNI website. You will be alerted when a new interpretation is published.
These assessments are crucial for ensuring compliance with MN Statute 144.98, MN Rules, Chapter 4740, the EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water (Fifth Edition,), the 2016 TNI Standard, and all relevant state and federal regulations.
Application Period: Now through September 15, 2024.
- Submit complete applications with documentation.
- Compliance with the 2016 TNI Standard V2M3 Section 4.0, EPA Manual Sections 4.1 and 4.2, Supplement 1, and Minnesota Statute 144.98 Subd. 12.
- Attend a MNELAP hosted online training session upon MNELAP approval.
Approved applicants will be listed on MNELAP’s approved assessors (PDF) and assessment organizations (PDF) list.
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Spring 2024
On April 10, 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) announced the final National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR). This established legally enforceable Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water. The USEPA webpage, which includes a pre-publication Federal Register, also lists final MCLs, Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs), and a Hazard Index to address mixtures of PFAS. The rule addresses the following PFAS: PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS, GenX, and PFBS.
Over the coming weeks, USEPA is hosting webinars for communities, water systems, and other drinking water professionals to learn more about the final PFAS NPDWR. These webinars are scheduled on April 23, and April 30, 2024. Registration is required to attend the courses. Please see USEPA webinars for additional details and registration.
The Minnesota Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (MNELAP) has offered accreditation for PFAS analytes in various method and matrix combinations since 2007. MDH welcomes this USEPA action as an important next step in protecting public health. Minnesota has been working on this issue for many years, and MNELAP will continue to update the list of fields of testing to reflect the federal action under the Safe Drinking Water Act. To locate a MNELAP accredited laboratory please see the Search for Accredited Laboratories.
For more information on MDH and the PFAS Standards for Drinking Water and information about PFAS and health effects, treatment, and private wells can be found at the MDH webpage Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS).
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Fall 2023
The Environmental Laboratory Data Online (ELDO) system will be available for renewal applications beginning October 2, 2023. Per MN Statute 144.98, applications for renewal of accreditation must be received prior to November 1 of each year. Please plan accordingly to allow enough time for completing the online application form, uploading documents, and requesting payment from your financial office. A late fee of $200 shall be added to the annual fee for accredited laboratories submitting renewal applications to the MNELAP after October 31. Application, fees, and required documentation not received by October 31st, could result in your laboratory’s accreditation to expire on December 31, 2023.
All application materials and documents will need to be submitted in the Environmental Laboratory Database Online (ELDO). The application is non-returnable and non-refundable. Accreditation fees are set and collected per Minnesota Statute 144.98. Pay the invoiced fees, electronic payments are preferred.
Please be sure to follow the electronic payment (PDF) process to ensure your payment is associated with your account. Please note that convenience fees apply to credit card payments, but fees do not apply to ACH/debit card payments. If paying by paper check, please include the invoice number on the paper check or attach the invoice. Please do not submit partial payments for one invoice. Please do not submit one payment for multiple invoices.
If you have other questions or concern with ELDO or the annual renewal process, please contact us directly at 651-201-5324 or
The annual environmental laboratory application period begins each year in October. The laboratory information and applications are maintained and reviewed in the Environmental Laboratory Data Online (ELDO) system. Perform the following tasks to get ready for the renewal cycle:
- Update user access: Please ensure the laboratory user access associated with your laboratory are up-to-date and accurate. Please navigate to the reports section and select lab manager users, review the list of names and notify MNELAP of any users that need to be deactivated. Please verify the primary contact email address to ensure you receive automated messages regarding the renewal process.
- Remove saved applications: Please ensure your laboratory does not have a saved application in ELDO. If your laboratory does have a saved application, please delete the application, and instead request the changes on the on the renewal application.
- Laboratories Seeking Secondary Recognition: Prepare to supply your lab’s more recent closed assessment and most recent scope of certification issued by your TNI Primary Accreditation Body. For on demand ELDO training presentations visit the ELDO demonstration modules or review the ELDO user guide (PDF). If you have other questions or concern with ELDO, please contact us directly with at 651-201-5324.
The Minnesota Department of Health reviews the list of analytes available for accreditation and publishes revisions to the list per Minnesota Statute 144.98. The department revises the list based on recommendations from state and federal agencies and accredited laboratories. The department reviewed the list of analytes and has added analytes not previous offered.
New analytes are listed with an official publication date of September 5, 2023, as provided by the Minnesota State Register, September 2023. The revised list of Analytes available for accreditation by the department will be updated on the program website. Analytes will be listed by date of publication. To submit comments on the list or request additional information, please contact the Minnesota Laboratory Accreditation Program, 625 Robert Street North, St. Paul, MN 55155, phone 651-201-5324 or by email at List of Analytes Available for Accreditation (PDF).
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Spring 2023
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing changes through the Method Update Rule (MUR). The 2023 MUR includes updates to methods approved for testing under the Clean Water Act (i.e., NPDES permits) including revised EPA methods, new or revised voluntary consensus methods (such as ASTM International and Standard Methods) and methods EPA has reviewed and found comparable to one or more methods currently in Part 136 under the Alternative Testing Procedures (ATP) program. The EPA is accepting public comments through April 24, 2023. Please see the proposed rule notice for information on how to submit comments. You may submit comments at The Docket Number is EPA-HQ-OW-2022-0901. The MUR and all methods within are not effective until 30 days after the final rule is published in the Federal Register. After the MUR becomes effective, MNELAP will work with our state program partners to determine implementation dates for the new/revised versions of the methods. In the meantime, please continue to follow the current promulgated Clean Water Program (40 CFR Part 136) Laws and Rules and seek out any needed information or training opportunities your laboratory may be interesting in obtaining about the MUR. The EPA maintains a webpage dedicated to the Method Update Rules and The NELAC Institute (TNI) offers online training materials on the proposed rule changes, approved methods and updated versions of methodology.
On March 14, 2023, USEPA announced the Proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) for six PFAS including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA, commonly known as GenX Chemicals), perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS). The proposed PFAS NPDWR does not require any actions until it is finalized. EPA anticipates finalizing the regulation by the end of 2023. EPA is requesting public comment on the proposed regulation. The public comment period is now open following the proposed rule publishing in the Federal Register on March 29, 2023. Public comments can be provided at under Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2022-0114. Comments must be submitted during the public comment period that ends on May 30, 2023. Information on submitting is located at Commenting on EPA Dockets.
The Minnesota Department of Health maintains a webpage dedicated to PFAS Standards for Drinking Water and the Minnesota Department of Health’s Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (MNELAP) provides additional information on accreditation of emerging contaminants at State-specific Requirements.
Following discussions with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other states in the NELAP, MNELAP will not allow the addition of phosphorus to the ascorbic acid reagent in Seal Method EPA-119-A. The use of the method, without the phosphorus addition, will still be allowed under the flexibility to modify methods per 40 CFR Part 136.6, Method modifications and analytical requirements.
This variance had been performed to increase linearity at low concentrations. However, it is MNELAP’s recommendation that, if it proves necessary, laboratories utilize a second calibration to measure low concentrations of total phosphorus.
The use of Analytical Methods 524.2 and 524.3 for volatile organic contaminants (VOCs) requires the use of a large volume of helium as the sparge gas. The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) issued a memorandum on June 2, 2022, due to a helium shortage that the United States is experiencing. This memo encouraging the use of Method 524.4 in place of EPA Methods 524.2 or 524.3. Unlike the latter, EPA Method 524.4 is approved for drinking water compliance when using nitrogen as the sparge gas. If not accredited for EPA Method 524.4, a laboratory must seek accreditation and fulfill all prerequisite requirements to prior to analyzing samples.
In the same USEPA memorandum, the public was reminded of alternative testing procedure (ATP) D12-0003. Under this ATP, helium carrier gas can be substituted with hydrogen for any approved GC method. If a laboratory does switch carrier gasses, new initial demonstrations of capability need to be performed and standard operating procedures need updates to reflect the change prior to reporting client data.
The final item addressed in the USEPA memo was the use of refrigerated autosamplers in EPA methods 524.3 and 524.4. The use of those autosamplers is specified for each method and have been shown to reduce degradation of non-regulated analytes. However, using a nonrefrigerated autosampler did not result in the degradation of VOCs currently regulated under EPA drinking water program. Laboratories will be allowed flexibility to use a nonrefrigerated autosampler for these methods; providing quality controls standards continue to be met. Laboratories who wish to use these methods without a refrigerated autosampler must reference the allowance granted by the US EPA in their Standard Operating Procedure and retain the US EPA TSC memo in their system of record. Laboratories can obtain copies by requesting a copy with an email to with the header: “US EPA 524 Memo Request”.
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Fall 2022
The Minnesota Department of Health reviews the list of analytes available for accreditation and publishes revisions to the list per Minnesota Statute 144.98. The department revises the list based on recommendations from state and federal agencies and accredited laboratories. The department reviewed the list of analytes and has added analytes not previous offered.
New analytes are listed with an official publication date of 8/22/2022 as provided by the Minnesota State Register, August 2022 (PDF). The revised list of Analytes available for accreditation by the department will be updated on the program website. Analytes will be listed by date of publication. To submit comments on the list or request additional information, please contact the Minnesota Laboratory Accreditation Program, 625 Robert Street North, St. Paul, MN 55155, phone 651-201-5324 or by email at
List of analytes can be found at List of Analytes Available for Accreditation (PDF).
The renewal period for Environmental Laboratory Accreditation applications period opens October 1, 2022. Per Minnesota Statute 144.98, applications for renewal need to be received by MNELAP prior to November 1, 2022. Please plan accordingly and allow enough time for completing the online application form, uploading documents, and requesting payment from your financial office. A late fee of $200 shall be added to the annual fee for accredited laboratories submitting renewal applications to the MNELAP after October 31. Application, fees, and required documentation not received by October 31st, could result in your laboratory’s accreditation to expire on December 31, 2022.
All application materials and documents will need to be submitted in the Environmental Laboratory Database Online (ELDO). For on-demand ELDO training presentations visit the ELDO demonstration modules or review the ELDO User Guide (PDF). Pay the invoiced fees, electronic payments are preferred.
Please be sure to follow the electronic payment (PDF) process to ensure your payment is associated with your account. Please note that convenience fees apply to credit card payments, but fees do not apply to ACH/debit card payments. If paying by paper check, please include the invoice number on the paper check or attach the invoice. Please do not submit partial payments for one invoice. Please do not submit one payment for multiple invoices.
Once MNELAP receives all required application information, fees, and documents, the estimated time to review the completed application and documentation is 60 days. However, MNELAP does not review applications until all documentation, payments, and application are received. The review time depends on the requested scope of tests and the organization, clarity and completeness of the materials submitted with the application.
If you have other questions or concern with ELDO or the annual renewal process, please contact us directly at 651-201-5324 or
In 2020, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued a memorandum allowing the use of NO3 + NO2 as N analysis for compliance with the NO3 as N maximum contaminant level (MCL) requirement. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), in 1991 the USEPA established the NO¬3 as N MCL at 10 mg/L. The MCL for NO3 + NO2 as N is set at 10 mg/L as well. Although not a requirement, the USEPA encourages use of NO3 as N method following a NO3 + NO2 as N result greater than 5 mg/L.
In addition, laboratories must ensure they are reporting the correct analyte form according to the preservation type, method used and any client contract requirements. Samples from new wells must be tested for Nitrate as N and require icing. If looking for more information on Total Nitrate and Nitrite analysis for drinking water program compliance, please read the EPA memo (PDF).
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Fall 2021
The EPA published the 2021 Method Update Rule (MUR) in May. These updates became effective July 19, 2021. The EPA finalized specific changes to analytical test procedures that laboratories use to analyze the chemical, physical, and biological components of wastewater and other environmental samples required by regulations under the Clean Water Act in 40 CFR part 136. Please visit the EPA’s MUR website for more information on specific changes.
The Expediated Approval of Alternative Test Procedures for the Analysis of Contaminants Under the Safe Drinking Water Act went into effect in April 2021. The EPA approved seventeen alternative test procedures for contaminants listed in the drinking water regulations.
MNELAP added many of the most requested fields of testing (FOT) from the two updates to our list of FOTs available for accreditation. If there is an approved method that your laboratory wishes to obtain accreditation, please let MNELAP know the fields of accreditation you would like MNELAP to consider adding to our list of available FOTs for accreditation.
Please verify with your contract, client, program, permit, or rule for the version of the method that is required for reporting compliance data.
Minnesota Department Health Drinking Water Protection Program requested MNELAP to add Nitrate-Nitrite as N as an available analyte under the Safe Drinking Water Program. MNELAP now has Nitrate as N (analyte code 1810), Nitrite as N (analyte code 1840), and Nitrate-Nitrite as N (analyte code 1820) available for accreditation under the Safe Drinking Water Program. The appropriate reporting of the analyte (Nitrate as N, Nitrite as N, or Nitrate-Nitrite as N) is based on sample preservation (i.e., iced, acidified) and the analytical method used. Analytical results for acidified samples represent Nitrate-Nitrite as N, acidified samples cannot be tested for individual Nitrate as N or Nitrite as N. Samples to be tested for Nitrate as N or Nitrite as N separately must be preserved at 4°C and not acidified.
Laboratories must ensure they are reporting the correct analyte form according to the preservation type, method used and any client contract requirements. Samples from new wells must be tested for Nitrate as N and require icing. For more information on Total Nitrate and Nitrite analysis for drinking water program compliance, please read the EPA memo (PDF).
MNELAP has made the following fields of testing available for laboratories wishing to apply for Nitrate-Nitrite as N during the renewal application period (October 2 – October 31).
Method Reference | Method Description | Method Code | Category | Analyte | Analyte Code | Program | Matrix |
EPA 353.2 | Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen - Automated, Cadmium | 10067604 | Inorganic Chemistry | Nitrate- nitrite as N | 1820 | Safe Drinking Water Program | Drinking Water |
HACH 10206 (Rev 1.1) | Nitrate by Dimethylphenol with TNTplus 835/836 | 60005222 | Inorganic Chemistry | Nitrate- nitrite as N | 1820 | Safe Drinking Water Program | Drinking Water |
Please remember if this is a new safe drinking water method for your laboratory you must have a closed onsite assessment for this field of testing prior to application. If you would like to apply for an approved method to analyze Nitrate-Nitrite as N that is not currently available on our accredited list, please contact MNELAP.
The Environmental Laboratory Data Online (ELDO) system will be available for renewal applications beginning October 2, 2021. Per MN Statute 144.98, applications for renewal of accreditation must be received by November 1 of each year. Please plan accordingly to allow enough time for completing the online application form, uploading documents, and requesting payment from your financial office. MNELAP does not review applications until the laboratory delivers all required application information, fees, and documents. The estimated time to review a completed application and documentation is 60 days. The review time depends on the requested scope of tests and the organization, clarity and completeness of the materials submitted with the application. A late fee of $200 shall be added to the annual fee for accredited laboratories submitting renewal applications to the MNELAP after October 31. Application, fees, and required documentation not received by October 31st, could result in your laboratory’s accreditation to expire on December 31, 2021.
At this time, MNELAP has identified qualified applicants and determined the applicable category and matrices for each applicant assessor. MNELAP is in the process of developing the training materials for Minnesota specific requirements and Environmental Laboratory Data Online (ELDO). MNELAP plans to provide this training to the approved third party assessors in early January 2022, and then post the new assessors information on our approved assessor list (PDF).
The NELAC Institute (TNI) is now making available a training schedule each month for upcoming classes and new recorded webcasts.
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Summer 2021
The ELDO application has been updated with over 100 new fields-of-testing (FOTs). The new FOTs include updated analyte and method codes to add additional PFAS analytes, methods and matrices. A change fee does not apply for applications to add fields of testing for new analytes in response to the official publication date of March 30, 2021 as listed in the Minnesota State Register, March 2021 (PDF) and per MN Statute 144.98.
If your laboratory is not sure of which method, analyte, program, or matrices that needs to be reported, you may wish to contact the state agency personnel or contract administrator responsible for reviewing data received from laboratories accredited by MNELAP.
If your laboratory needs accreditation for fields-of-testing or analytes that do not appear on the current FOT list (Excel), please send your request directly to MNELAP for review and processing.
The USEPA finalized the Method Update Rule (MUR) in May 2021. This rule approved new methods, or changes to existing methods, that affects over 100 EPA methods, Standard Methods, ASTM methods, and other test procedures in 40 CFR Part 136. The rule also contains a number of clarifications relating to approved methods, sample preservation and holding times, and method modifications. TNI is offering a training session on the 2021 MUR on June 18, 2021 for a fee. If you are interested in the course please register using the TNI registration link by Monday, June 14, 2021.
The USEPA has made the 2021 MUR effective in July 2021. MNELAP will be working with the MPCA to determine a timeline for offering the fields of testing, implementation in laboratories and the reporting of data per the updates.
The NELAC Institute (TNI) has worked to update the fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) tables and are effective on October 1, 2021. The updated NELAP FoPT of testing are available for review of changes and download on the TNI website for the fields of proficiency testing.
The laboratories that seek to obtain or maintain accreditation shall perform analyses of PT samples for each field of proficiency testing. PT samples shall be obtained from designated approved PT Providers. The laboratory shall obtain PT samples from any so approved PT Provider. The results of the analyses shall be submitted to the PT Provider for scoring.
MNELAP is now accepting third party assessor applications from individual assessors interested in performing MNELAP accredited environmental laboratory assessments for compliance with MN Statute 144.98, MN Rules, Chapter 4740, EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, Fifth Edition, 2016 TNI Standard, accredited methods and all relevant state and federal regulations. Interested parties can apply from May 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021. MNELAP will review applications for completeness and evaluate the supplied documentation for compliance with the 2016 TNI Standard V2M3 Section 4.0, EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, Fifth Edition, Section 4.1 and 4.2 (PDF), Supplement 1 to the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water (PDF), and Minnesota Statute 144.98 Subd. 12. Approved applicants must attend a MNELAP training session prior to MNELAP listing your name on the approved list of MNELAP assessors (PDF).
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Spring 2021: Part two
MNELAP is now accepting third party assessor applications from individual assessors interested in performing MNELAP accredited environmental laboratory assessments for compliance with MN Statute 144.98, MN Rules, Chapter 4740, EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, Fifth Edition, 2016 TNI Standard, accredited methods and all relevant state and federal regulations. Interested parties can apply from May 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021. MNELAP will review applications for completeness and evaluate the supplied documentation for compliance with the 2016 TNI Standard V2M3 Section 4.0, EPA Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, Fifth Edition, Section 4.1 and 4.2 (PDF), Supplement 1 to the Fifth Edition of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water (PDF), and Minnesota Statute 144.98 Subd. 12. Approved applicants must attend a MNELAP training session prior to MNELAP listing your name on the approved list of MNELAP assessors (PDF).
On April 14, 2021 Governor Walz extended the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency declared in Executive Order 20-01 through Emergency Executive Order 21-19 (PDF) through May 14, 2021. MNELAP will continue a case-by-case basis review of delayed onsite assessments related to COVID-19, and the use of remote assessments.
MNELAP is committed to the health and safety of assessors and laboratory personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, especially with variant virus outbreaks. Thank you for patience and support as we have worked through the challenges of the last year. Please see the MNELAP webpage for COVID-19 information and updates.
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Spring 2021
The Minnesota Department of Health reviews the list of analytes available for accreditation and publishes revisions to the list per Minnesota Statute 144.98. The department revises the list based on recommendations from state and federal agencies and accredited laboratories. The department reviewed the list of analytes and has added analytes not previous offered.
New analytes are listed with an official publication date of March 30, 2021 as provided by the Minnesota State Register, March 2021 (PDF). The revised list of Analytes available for accreditation by the department will be updated on the program website. Analytes will be listed by date of publication. To submit comments on the list or request additional information, please contact the Minnesota Laboratory Accreditation Program, 625 Robert Street North, St. Paul, MN 55155, phone 651-201-5324 or by email at
The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has requested MNELAP to remove R2A media by Pour Plate in Standard Methods 9215B, and arsenic by EPA 200.7 for the analysis and reporting of drinking water samples under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). As a result, MNELAP will remove them from the list on September 1, 2021. Laboratories currently accredited for these FOTs must change their methods to an allowed method under the SDWA during the next renewal period. MNELAP will no longer grant laboratory requests to add the following fields of testing:
Method Reference | Method Code | Category | Analyte | Analyte Code | Program | Matrix |
SM 9215 B (R2A)-94SM 9215 B (R2A)-94 | 20182609 | Microbiology | Heterotrophic plate count | 2555 | Safe Drinking Water Program | Drinking Water |
EPA 200.7 | 10013806 | Metals | Arsenic | 1010 | Safe Drinking Water Program | Drinking Water |
MNELAP plans to post the application for third party environmental laboratory assessors in April of 2021. In anticipation of applying, you may want to begin to gather the following documentation:
- Proof of education;
- Proof of Basic Assessor Training, and Refresher Assessor Training, if applicable;
- Proof of EPA Certification Officer Training for each technical area requested on application;
- Proof of technical and quality systems trainings; and
- Assessment experience, including observed onsite assessment.
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Fall 2020
The annual environmental laboratory application period begins each year in October. The laboratory information and applications are maintained and reviewed in the Environmental Laboratory Data Online (ELDO) system. Please verify the primary contact email address to ensure you receive automated messages throughout the year.
For on-demand ELDO training presentations visit the ELDO demonstration modules or review the ELDO user guide (PDF). If you have other questions or concern with ELDO or the annual renewal process, please contact us directly with at 651-201-5324.
Please ensure the laboratory managers associated as ELDO users with your laboratory are up-to-date and accurate. Please navigate to the reports section in ELDO and select lab manager users, review the list of names, and notify MNELAP of any users that need to be deactivated. This is important, as ELDO is a web based application and until a user is deactivated by MNELAP past approved users are able to access and edit your laboratory information.
The ELDO application has been updated with over 100 new fields-of-testing (FOT). The new FOTs include updated method codes to comply with TNI LAMs database, missed FOTs from past years (e.g. SM 9223B), corrected nitrogen forms, and updated method versions (e.g. EPA 525.3, EPA 537.1 and EPA 533). If your laboratory needs accreditation for fields-of-testing or analytes that do not appear on the current FOT list (Excel), please send your request directly to MNELAP for review and processing.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 5 requested that all USEPA Region 5 states issue accreditation for media individually and that the laboratory scope clearly indicates the reference method (i.e. SM 9223 B) and the media type (Colilert, Colilert-18 or Colisure). Therefore, MNELAP has updated ELDO to include fields of testing for SM 9223B (media type)-2016 (23rd Ed).
If applicable to your laboratory, MNELAP is requesting your laboratory update the fields of testing (FOTs) for the SM 92223 B methods you are currently accredited to SM 9223B (media type used in your laboratory)-2016 (23rd Ed).
MNELAP will accept past proficiency test (PT) studies as long as the accredited media type (e.g. Colilert, Colilert-18 or Colisure) was used in the study. Going forward, please ensure you reference the correct method and method code on your PT studies. Laboratories must perform a PT Study for each media for which they have accreditation.
MNELAP plans to post the application for third party environmental laboratory assessors at the beginning of 2021. In anticipation of applying, you may want to begin to gather the following documentation:
- Proof of education;
- Proof of Basic Assessor Training, and Refresher Assessor Training, if applicable;
- Proof of EPA Certification Officer Training for each technical area requested on application;
- Proof of technical and quality systems trainings; and
- Assessment experience, including observed onsite assessments.
The NELAC Institute will provide a series of webinars in the Fall of 2020 to help laboratories and Accreditation Bodies on a variety of subjects. Details on the upcoming live training events can be found at the NELAC Institute: Educational Delivery System.
TNI is currently planning to convert the 2021 Forum on Environmental Accreditation, originally scheduled to be held in San Antonio, Texas from January 11-14, 2021, into a virtual meeting to be held the week of January 25, 2021. There is a request for speakers, if interested.
The AWWA 2020 Virtual Conference took place in September 2020. It was a virtual conference that allows professionals to connect, learn about new products, and learn more on relevant water sector topics.
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Summer 2020
The TNI NELAP Accreditation Council set the formal adoption of the 2016 TNI Standard as January 31, 2020. As with previous TNI Standard revisions, the TNI Accreditation Bodies (ABs) are using a “rolling date implementation” to implement the revised standard.
On January 31, 2020, MNELAP began accepting the Proficiency Testing (PT) vendor scoring based on the requirements set forth in the 2016 TNI V1M1. Please see the guidance document, TNI V1M1 2016 Standard Update Guidance on Proficiency Testing Reporting Limit (PTRL)(PDF). MNELAP is in the process of updating procedures and the Environmental Laboratory Data Online (ELDO) system to comply with 2016 TNI Standard. MNELAP plans to implement the remaining modules in the 2016 TNI Standard on January 1, 2021.
MNELAP accredited laboratories must be compliant with the 2016 TNI Standard no later than January 1, 2021. Laboratories may choose to comply in full to the 2016 TNI Standard prior to this date. Please ensure that your laboratory informs your assessor prior to an assessment which NELAC/TNI Standard your laboratory maintains compliance. Assessments performed after January 1, 2021 will be based on compliance with the 2016 TNI Standards.
Laboratories may purchase the 2016 TNI Standard online. The 2016 TNI Standard, Volume 1: Management and Technical Requirements for Laboratories Performing Environmental Analysis (2016) pertain to laboratory accreditation. A quality systems checklist, based on the 2016 Standard, useful for establishing compliance with the Standard, is available at no cost if your laboratory can attest to ownership of the 2016 TNI Standard.
TNI also provides a series of training courses, Changes to the 2016 TNI Laboratory Accreditation Standard, on the different modules of the 2016 TNI Standard. They are available for purchase as a complete series or as individual modules via downloadable webcast(s).
Please see the list of documents that will help your laboratory comply with the 2016 TNI Standard:
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has updated method guidance (PDF) and quality control (QC) acceptance criteria for PFAS analysis. These criteria should be considered as minimum standards (the laboratory may use stricter criteria) and should be met when analyzing and reporting sample results to the MPCA.
MNELAP is working on a corresponding PFAS checklist to comply with the new guidance. The checklist also will also include the EPA 537.1 requirements. MNELAP will post the checklist to our webpage when it becomes available.
The EPA Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water issued a document in June 2020 that outlines and clarifies the Code of Federal Regulations entries associated with monitoring for cyanide under the SDWA.
On June 18, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final action regarding the regulation of perchlorate under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).The agency has determined that perchlorate does not meet the criteria for regulation as a drinking water contaminant under the SDWA.
The updated FoPT tables are now available for download in Excel and PDF format.
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