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Apply for Accreditation
Initial applications
To obtain information on initial application for accreditation, please email
Renewal applications
The Environmental Laboratory Data Online (ELDO) system will be available for renewal applications at the beginning of October, every year. Per MN Statute 144.98, applications for renewal of accreditation must be received by November 1, of each year. Please plan accordingly to allow enough time for completing the online application form, uploading documents, and requesting payment from your financial office. MNELAP does not review applications until the laboratory delivers all required application information, fees, and documents. The estimated time to review a completed application and documentation is 60 days. The review time depends on the requested scope of tests and the organization, clarity and completeness of the materials submitted with the application. A late fee of $200 shall be added to the annual fee for accredited laboratories submitting renewal applications to the MNELAP after October 31. Application, fees, and required documentation not received by October 31 could result in your laboratory’s accreditation to expire on December 31, of the current year.
Primary and secondary laboratories renewal process
The renewal process is a six (6)-step process as follows:
- Form: Complete the Environmental Laboratory Data (ELDO) Online renewal application by October 31st. The available fields of testing are available for review and will be updated through September 30, 2024. MNELAP will send separate notifications regarding field of testing updates and corrections.
- Documentation: Ensure the lab’s documents are up to date and complete in the ELDO system. If you are requesting to add a new technical manager, please ensure you have a technical manager form (PDF) provided for each new technical manager uploaded into the additional document module in ELDO.
- In addition, any new Technical Manager’s college transcript and resume to A change fee may apply per Minnesota Statutes 144.98.
- Variances: MNELAP allows laboratories to apply for a field of testing (FOT) variance under specific conditions. Your laboratory must submit a $500 fee per requested variance in addition to evidence on the necessity of the variance, the way the method is being modified, and the reliability of the data produced. Without appropriate documentation, MNELAP may deny a variance request.
- If you have, previously, been accredited for variances based on unavailability of a FOT, please verify that the variance is still necessary. This past year, MNELAP has made many updates to the available FOTs, and they may now be available for accreditation without a variance.
- Fees: Pay the invoiced fees, electronic payments are preferred. Please be sure to follow the electronic payment process (PDF) to ensure your payment is associated with your account. Please note that convenience fees apply to credit card payments, but fees do not apply to ACH/debit card payments. If paying by paper check, please include the invoice number on the paper check or attach the invoice. Please do not submit partial payments for one invoice. Please do not submit one payment for multiple invoices.
- Proficiency Testing (PT): Ensure the lab has two Proficiency Testing (PT) results available for review. MNELAP will not review initial requests for fields of testing without two (2) passing PTs meeting the 2016 TNI Standards for Initial Accreditation (V1M1, section 5.1). MNELAP will review PTs for continued accreditation based on 2016 TNI (V1M1, Section 5.2).
- Client/Contract Review: Please ensure you are using the approved version of the method that is required for your permit, program, or rule. If your laboratory is updating to a newer method version, please ensure your quality and standard operating procedures address the new method(s)/technology(ies). If you need to maintain the older version of the method for a client, permit, program, or rule, please do so and if not, please remove the older method version from your application prior to submittal.
- For laboratories doing client work for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), please contact with questions regarding their requirements.
Renewal application tips
During the renewal period, the ELDO system will not be available for other types of applications (e.g., Change Lab Info, Change Fields of Testing) until the renewal application process is completed for your laboratory.
Prior to October 1, please log into the ELDO system and delete any saved applications and incorporate any pending necessary changes from the saved/deleted application into the renewal application when it becomes available.
Scope expansions
For primary laboratories seeking scope expansions, please ensure you have the following:
- Closed assessment (i.e. onsite, and all corrective actions complete and approved) by an approved MNELAP assessor, prior to, but no earlier than, 18 months prior to the date the application is submitted (MN Statutes 144.98, Subd. 13 and 2016 TNI Standard V2M1, section 7.8);
- Two acceptable Proficiency Testing (PT) results available for review that meet the 2016 TNI Standards for Initial Accreditation (V1M1, section5.0);
- For secondary laboratories seeking scope expansions, please ensure the fields of testing are listed on your unexpired Scope and Certificate issued by your primary Accreditation Body (AB).
Secondary laboratory application requirements
The commissioner may accredit laboratories located out of state for laboratories accredited by a NELAP-recognized accreditation body. Please provide the following information issued by your primary, state, AB.
- Assessment Report: The lab’s most recent, Primary AB assessment report. If the onsite assessment is outside the two-year window, please supply us with the expected onsite date or scheduled date provided by your primary AB.
- Primary Scope and Certificate: The lab’s current, unexpired, scope and certification issued by your primary AB.
- Technical Manager Approval: Written approval, issued by primary AB, for technical managers, including their approved area of responsibility.
Please upload these materials into the additional document area of the ELDO system and label them as Primary AB Assessment Report and Primary AB Cert/Scope, respectively. MNELAP will not review the application without this documentation.
Application tips
If you are new to the ELDO system, or need a refresher, MNELAP recommends that you review the ELDO User Guide (PDF) and ELDO on-demand training materials. The ELDO training materials are broken into modules describing the steps of the accreditation process.
Please contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns. Minnesota Laboratory Accreditation Program’s email address and phone number are and (651) 201-5324.