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Environmental Health Division
Radon in Child Care
Child care providers should test for radon and reduce radon levels if it is high. Testing and mitigation standards differ depending on the type of building. Two MDH fact sheets provide guidance about radon for:
- Family Child Care Operating in Homes (PDF)
- Child Care Centers and Non-Residential Buildings (PDF)
(Including community based child care programs, aka 'special family child care'.)
MDH offers a free 2 hour continuing education training for family child care, in-person or online (on-demand). The training covers radon, mold, carbon monoxide, and drinking water (including private well water). The online course can be found on the develop homepage: Search for Training. Type 'healthy homes' in the course title field to find the 'Healthy Homes for Childcare' virtual self-paced class (check the 'event details' to confirm it's the MDH class). Presentations for centers and non-residential buildings could also be arranged. Contact the MDH Indoor Air Unit to schedule the in-person training or a presentation.