Women's Health
- Women's Health Home
- Maternal Care Access
- Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act
- Task Force on Pregnancy Health and Substance Use Disorders
- Innovations for Maternal Health Outcomes in Minnesota (I-MOM)
- Comprehensive Drug Overdose Response
- Minnesota Innovations in Perinatal and Infant Health
Programs of Interest
Innovations for Maternal Health Outcomes in Minnesota
In 2022 the Maternal and Child Section at the Minnesota Department of Health received an award on Supporting State-led Maternal Health Innovation from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This award funds the “Innovations for Maternal Health Outcomes in Minnesota (I-MOM)” program over a 5-year grant cycle expected with a total of $5,000,000. This funding is part of the announced investments of over $20 million to improve maternal and infant health and implement the White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis (PDF).
To align and strengthen the implementation of innovative, data-driven, community-informed and supported perinatal health programs to improve outcomes for communities experiencing the highest rates of disparities (Black, American Indian, other populations of color, new immigrants, refugees, and rural).
I-MOM goals
I-MOM goals and activities include innovative programing, increased data capacity, implementation of AIM statewide quality improvement care initiatives, and support for building a skilled perinatal health workforce to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Goal 1: Build a shared vision for perinatal health
Bring together perinatal health partners, specifically engaging community partners, to create alignment among goals, priorities, and actions to enhance access to a skilled workforce, decrease disparities and improve outcomes.
- Establish sub-committee.
- Assess perinatal care to identify gap/strengths.
- Develop and implement strategic plan.
- Grants to community-based organizations to infuse community voice into the Perinatal Health Strategic Plan and across all I-MOM activities (innovation).
Goal 2: Improve data access and expand surveillance
Increase timely, high-quality state perinatal health data to support surveillance and inform the development of innovative perinatal health programs.
Activities (all innovation):
- Improve dissemination of statewide data.
- Develop a public perinatal health dashboard.
- Pilot severe maternal morbidity reviews.
Goal 3: Improve the collection, reporting and analysis of AIM data
Identify and implement patient safety bundles (through AIM) and provide training to support quality improvement initiatives designed to improve perinatal health outcomes.
- Implementing hybrid quality improvement model to reach all areas of the state and improve direct clinical care and workforce training (innovation).
I-MOM quarterly newsletter
Subscribe to the newsletter here.
- I-MOM quarterly newsletter - December 2023
- I-MOM quarterly newsletter - March 2024
- I-MOM quarterly newsletter - June 2024
- I-MOM quarterly newsletter - October 2024
- I-MOM quarterly newsletter - January 2025
- White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis
- Minnesota Maternal Mortality Report (PDF)