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Newborn Screening Information for Providers:
Ordering Screening Cards
On this page:
Ordering Newborn Screening Cards
Ordering Newborn Screening Cards for Out-of-Hospital Births
Newborn Screening Card Expiration Date
Billing for Newborn Screening Cards
Void or Expired Newborn Screening Cards
Ordering Newborn Screening Cards
The Newborn Screening Program has set-up a standard shipment of cards for our providers. If you are not sure if you have a standing order already arranged, or if you need to get an automatic shipment set-up, please call the program with inquiries. If you experience a change in births and the automatic shipment is not sufficient, please contact the program to request a change in your standing order.
Some of our conditions may require a repeat screen (submission of another newborn screening specimen at a specific time) to get accurate results. We recognize that it may be easier for many families to do this at their local clinic, instead of traveling to the nearest birth hospital (who routinely collect newborn screening specimens). If you are contacted by our program requesting a repeat screen for one of your patients, you can contact our program that same day, and we can set you up as a submitter and send you a newborn screening card and any information that may make specimen collection and submission easier.
Newborn Screening Program: 651-201-5466 or 800-664-7772 (toll-free) and
Ordering Newborn Screening Cards for Out-of-Hospital Births
Out-of-hospital birth providers should also have a supply of newborn screening cards readily available. If your midwife does not have a supply of newborn screening cards, they should contact the newborn screening program to request the cards and accompanying educational materials.
Some providers may choose to refer the family to another provider to collect the newborn screening blood spots. In these cases, we recommend that the birth attendant provide educational materials to the family and follow up to make sure the infant is screened.
Newborn Screening Card Expiration Date
Newborn screening cards are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as Class II medical devices. Because of FDA regulations, the newborn screening cards are printed with expiration dates. The cards can be used for blood spot collection up to and including the last day of the month of the expiration date printed on the card. Expired cards submitted for screening will be considered unsatisfactory and another screen will be requested, which could delay diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, we recommend that providers review newborn screening card expiration dates regularly to help manage inventory.
Billing for Newborn Screening Cards
Your facility will be invoiced and billed monthly for the newborn screening cards that are sent in to be tested. The cost per card is $235. The monthly invoice you receive is for all of the cards you sent in for the previous month. You will only be billed for the cards that you send in to be tested. If you have void or expired cards, please dispose of them at your location. You do not need to send them to us.
When a newborn screen is collected on a specimen card purchased from the Minnesota Department of Health, S3620 is a valid health care common procedure coding system (HCPCS) code for newborn metabolic screening panel, includes test kit, postage, and the laboratory tests specified by the state for inclusion in this panel. For repeat screens, report S3620 with the appropriate modifier for repeat services (-76, -77). This information is provided as a resource to health care professionals. The final billing-related decisions must be made by the health care provider. MDH does not guarantee reimbursement or coverage, and assumes no responsibility for patient billing errors. MDH encourages all health care providers to consult with their own advisors regarding coding and payment.
Void or Expired Newborn Screening Cards
Please discard any screening cards that are expired or void. You will only be billed for the screening cards that arrive at MDH for testing.