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Current Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Coverage Rates
Routine childhood and adolescent immunizations are an important public health intervention. They prevent disease and save lives by protecting both the person and the community by stopping or slowing the spread of disease. Recently both childhood and adolescent immunization rates have decreased, and lower immunization rates make our community more vulnerable to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. Everyone can play an important role in catching children up on vaccines they need.
The pediatric immunization rates on this page are current immunization coverage rates as of 01/2025. Current immunization coverage rates show us who is up-to-date on their immunizations at the specific point in time. We can use this information to identify who still needs to get caught up on their immunizations and inform outreach strategies to help get children caught up on their immunizations.
Additional pediatric data for benchmark immunization coverage rates are available on Immunizations: MN Public Health Data Access. Benchmark immunization coverage rates show us who is up-to-date on their immunizations by a specific age. This information allows us to look at immunization trends over time. This data helps inform outreach strategies to increase rates of on-time immunization.
Updated 01/15/2025 with data as of 01/03/2025.
Data are based on vaccination records in the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC), a confidential immunization information system. Immunization records in MIIC are submitted by participating health care providers. Data will be updated quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
On this page:
Childhood immunization rates
Early childhood immunizations
Middle childhood immunizations
Adolescent immunization rates
Childhood immunization rates
There are several vaccines that children should receive in childhood to protect them when they are the most vulnerable. These immunizations are:
Vaccine | Recommended dose(s) by 24 months or 6 years |
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP) | Four doses by 24 months, Complete (five doses) by 6 years |
Polio (IPV) | Three doses by 24 months |
Mumps, measles, rubella (MMR) | One dose by 24 months, Two doses by 6 years |
Hepatitis B (Hep B) | Complete (three doses) by 24 months |
Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) | Complete (three doses) by 24 months |
Varicella/chickenpox (Var) | One dose by 24 months, Two doses by 6 years |
Pneumococcal (PCV) | Complete (four doses) |
There are additional routinely recommended vaccines for children, visit Vaccines for Infants, Children, and Adolescents to learn more.
For more information on vaccine-preventable diseases visit Diseases Prevented by Vaccines.
The Healthy People 2030 Vaccination goals call for 90% coverage among young children for some vaccines. The following data shows current immunization coverage rates for vaccines routinely recommended to be completed during childhood.
Early childhood immunizations (24 months or 2 years of age)
For the best protection against diseases, the majority of the childhood vaccines should be received by 24 months.
Current childhood immunization coverage rates
- Two-year-old immunization coverage rates in Minnesota statewide and by county (CSV)
- Two-year-old immunization coverage rates in Minnesota by race/ethnicity (CSV)
- Data are for children born between 1/1/2020-12/31/2022.
- Vaccine definitions: Early childhood series: 4+ DTaP, 3+ Polio, 1+ MMR, Complete Hib, Complete Hep B, 1+ Varicella, Complete PCV.
Middle childhood immunizations (6 years of age)
By 6 years of age, children should have completed all childhood vaccines for the best protection against disease.
Current middle childhood immunization coverage rates
- Six-year-old immunization coverage rates in Minnesota statewide and by county (CSV)
- Six-year-old immunization coverage rates in Minnesota by race/ethnicity (CSV)
- Data are for children born between 1/1/2016-12/31/2018.
- Vaccine definitions: Middle childhood series: Complete DTaP, Complete Polio, 2+ MMR, Complete Hep B, 2+ Varicella.
Adolescent immunization rates
Starting at 9 years of age there are several additional vaccines that older children and teens should receive in adolescence to protect them from diseases. For the best protection against diseases, these vaccines should be received by 13 years of age. These immunizations are:
Vaccine | Recommended dose(s) by 13 years |
Human papillomavirus (HPV) | Two doses |
Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) | One dose |
Meningococcal disease (MenACWY) | One dose |
There are additional routinely recommended vaccines for adolescents, visit Vaccines for Infants, Children, and Adolescents to learn more.
For more information on vaccine-preventable diseases visit Diseases Prevented by Vaccines.
Current adolescent immunization coverage rates
The Healthy People 2030 Vaccination goals call for 80% coverage for these vaccines among adolescents 13 to 15 years of age for some vaccines. The following data show current adolescent immunization coverage rates for vaccines routinely recommended to be completed during adolescence.
- Adolescent immunization coverage rates in Minnesota statewide and by county (CSV)
- Adolescent immunization coverage rates in Minnesota by county (CSV)
- Data are for children born between 1/1/2009-12/31/2011.
- Vaccine definitions: Adolescent series: Complete HPV, 1+ MenACWY, 1+ Tdap.
- Immunization Best Practices
Information and resources for managing vaccine, screening and assessing patients, educating patients, administering vaccine, documenting vaccinations, and billing. - Minnesota HealthScores
Reports on health care quality indicators by clinic, medical groups, and hospitals from Minnesota Community Measurement. Includes childhood immunization rates achieved by medical groups around the state.