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Uses for Lists in MIIC
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Health care providers, child cares, schools, and local public health can use the list feature in the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC) to track immunization histories and immunizations due for selected groups of individuals.
Having lists in MIIC saves time when it comes to looking up information for groups of individuals. Instead of looking up each client record one-by-one, the list feature provides a real-time snapshot for an entire group of people.
It's easy to create a list in MIIC using the Upload List/Roster Template or the Flu Template. These templates make it possible to add an entire group of individuals to a MIIC list at once. Once the list is created, members can be added or deleted as the need arises.
Sample uses
There are numerous uses for lists in MIIC, including:
- Tracking immunizations required for child care,
- Tracking immunizations required for school,
- Tracking employees' influenza immunizations,
- Tracking other occupational health immunizations, and
- Tracking immunizations for specific populations.
Tracking immunizations required for child care
Child care programs can use lists to monitor and review immunizations required for the children they serve. Minnesota law requires that all licensed child care providers help make sure young children are immunized against serious diseases. Using lists in MIIC can help child care programs document immunization status and can help in completing the annual Child Care Immunization Report.
As an added benefit, MDH will assist all child care providers that manage lists in MIIC run the annual Child Care Report. Contact the MIIC Regional Coordinator in your area for more information.
Tracking immunizations required for school
Schools can use lists to monitor immunizations required for students under the Minnesota School Immunization Law. For example, schools can manage lists for each classroom, grade, and/or school building. This can help with monitoring which students are up to date with their immunizations by the required age and grade.
Tracking employees' influenza immunizations
Hospitals, nursing homes, and other providers can use lists to keep track of employees' influenza immunizations.
Tracking other occupational health immunizations
Hospitals, nursing homes, and other providers can use lists to keep track of other immunizations required for employees, such as Td/Tdap, MMR, and hepatitis. These vaccines are often required by occupational health to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission of communicable diseases in health care settings. Using lists in MIIC allows the provider to have a consolidated source of shot record information and real-time data on which immunizations are still needed among staff.
Tracking immunizations for specific populations
Finally, the list feature in MIIC may be used to track immunizations given and immunizations due among specific target populations. Local public health staff may use lists in MIIC to monitor immunizations of WIC clinic participants, for example.
List-based reports in MIIC
The following reports can be ran in MIIC within the list feature:
- Member List: displays the name and birth date of each member of the list.
- Immunization History Report: displays the name, birth date, and immunization history for each member of the list.
- Immunizations Due Report: displays the name, date of birth and immunization information for immunizations due for each member on the list.
The following reports can be ran using lists and are within other areas of MIIC:
- Client Follow-Up: can use a list to identify clients who are recommended or overdue for selected immunizations and tools to facilitate follow-up.
- Assessment Reports: can use a list to view the up-to-date immunization status for a group of people.
For more information on creating and managing lists in MIIC, visit Using Lists in MIIC, or contact the MIIC Help Desk.