Nurse Aide Registry
Testing Information
MDH selected D&SDT-Headmaster as the test contractor for placement on the Minnesota Nurse Aide Registry. Testing on the Headmaster platform began on Feb. 1, 2022. Testing materials, candidate handbooks, and information about training sessions for the platform are posted on the D&SDT-Headmaster - Minnesota Nurse Aide website.
Two-Server System for testing
D&SDT-Headmaster offers a two-server system for testing in effort to accommodate as many students as possible:
- MN State Colleges and Universities throughout the state
- MDH approved in-facility test sites throughout the state
Students who plan to test at an in-facility test site should be enrolled in the In-Facility Server. Students who wish to test at a MN State Colleges and Universities test site should be enrolled in the Minnesota State server. Once a student has tested in a server, they must complete all test attempts in the same server.
MN State Colleges and Universities
Registration for the Nurse Aide Skills and Knowledge tests is available on the MN State Colleges and Universities website. Nurse Aide candidates who have completed their training program or would like to challenge the test can register for a date and time at the Minnesota State Nursing Assistant Testing website.
In-Facility (MDH approved test sites)
For location and contact information for Nurse Aide Skills and Knowledge tests refer to: Nurse Aide Testing Locations
For test site availability refer to Home | MR TMU (
Test Out/Challenge Candidates
MN State Colleges and Universities
Test out/challenge candidates MUST contact a test site of choice to schedule a knowledge and skills test. Minnesota State - Nursing Assistant Testing (
In-Facility (MDH approved test sites)
Test out/challenge candidates MUST complete an application to schedule a knowledge and skills test: Test-Out or Challenge Candidate Application Form 1101 Application
If you have any questions, contact D&SDTHeadmaster at (800)393-8664
Candidate handbook updates
Periodically, MDH may update the Nurse Aide Candidate Handbooks and/or Mock Skills in order to reflect the most current guidance. Changes to the Headmaster MN Candidate Handbook or Mock Skills will be communicated through GovDelivery email messages and posted below. Notifications will be sent 30 days prior to implementation of the changes and will be sent three (3) times before the implementation date.
The MN Headmaster website will identify that the handbook or mock skills have been updated, with the effective date in red as shown in the example image below. The changes are denoted on the first page of the handbook with a note that directs the reader to the areas and pages that are changing. These changes will be highlighted in the text of the handbook as well.
Changes Effective August 5, 2024
The Headmaster MN Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook will be updated with the changes described below, effective August 5, 2024.
Updates to the Skill Tasks:
- The Feeding a Dependent Resident task (page 43) will be included in testing and demonstrated with a live actor.
- Feeding a Dependent Resident skill, step 20 — the candidate's calculation must be within 60 mLs of the RN Test Observer. This is a change from the previous 30 mLs.
Update to the Knowledge Test:
- The passing score for the Knowledge Test will be 74%. Candidates need to answer 52 questions (out of 70) correctly in order to pass the test.
Time Frame for Testing, 24 Month Test Cycle
You have four (4) attempts to pass the knowledge exam and three (3) attempts to pass the skills exam either:
- within 24 months of your date of training program completion
- or from the first (skills or knowledge) test attempt as a challenge candidate
If you have exhausted your knowledge OR skill attempts prior to the 24-month cycle ending, you MUST complete another MDH-approved training program BEFORE you are eligible to re-test.
If 24-month testing cycle has expired and candidate DID NOT exhaust all testing attempts in the 24 month testing cycle, the candidate can either:
- Complete new training program OR
- Test as a challenge candidate
Candidates CANNOT use previous successful test results for the new testing cycle. When a new training program is completed, this will void all past training and testing attempts.
On 3/1/24, candidate passes challenge knowledge attempt and fails skill attempt.
On 3/10/24, candidate fails 2nd skills attempt.
On 8/1/24, candidate enrolls in training program.
On 8/31/24, candidate completes training program. The 24-month cycle starts over.
Candidate must test for both knowledge and skills now that they have completed a new training program, as this new training program voids all past training and testing.
Candidates who have cheated on either the knowledge or skills exam will be exempt from any testing opportunities for 45 calendar days.
Frequently asked questions
General information
MDH approves all testing sites for Minnesota, with support from Headmaster.
Once MDH approves the test site application. The test site will follow Headmaster requirements along with attending training sessions. Once this is completed, Headmaster will communicate with MDH, and the site will be added to our website as a testing location.
If a test site wants to test more than one candidate in one room, they must submit a Large Lab Waiver Submission form (available on the D&SDT-Headmaster - Minnesota Nurse Aide website). The sites need to identify how visual and audio separation will be maintained between the two candidates. They need to submit sketches and/or pictures that identify separation of equipment, beds, sinks, and two sets of supplies on the 1503 form. If there are questions, Headmaster and/or MDH may request additional information or a virtual tour of the test site to determine their availability to complete this request. Once the waiver is approved, MDH will send the test site an email identifying the approval for the Large Lab Wavier.
Yes, the lab waiver can be resubmitted with additional information.
Yes, test sites can submit the current background study they have on file to Headmaster.
Yes, MDH will continue to survey test sites when they have availability.
Testing process
Each testing site determines if they will offer the knowledge test virtually, or at the testing location. If a testing site offers the knowledge test on-site, computers will need to be available.
This is not an option due to the billing process. A testing site must choose one option.
Headmaster has 12 different knowledge tests. If more than 12 candidates would be testing, the test site scheduler would need to contact Hea to create additional tests. Headmaster can create up to 20 tests.
The state-approved testing location can choose to have their staff be the test proctor or Headmaster can provide these services. Each test site will make that determination of the service level needed for their organization.
Test sites can cancel the event and notify students according to their policies and procedures. In the TMU software, the RN test observer can send a mass email notification to test candidates including notifying them of a test cancellation.
The student will need to contact Headmaster within one hour of the testing issue for their account to be unlocked. If the candidate fails to do so, the test will be marked as a failed attempt, and the candidate will need to reapply for testing.
TMU Headmaster software questions
Headmaster has created several guides for instructors with detailed steps for how to use the TMU software, which are available on the D&SDT-Headmaster - Minnesota Nurse Aide website. These include:
The training program will register the students in the TMU software and certify they have completed the NATCEP course. For detailed instructions, review the Headmaster guide How to Enter Students in MN TMU Instructor Guide (PDF).
There will only be one login for each test site. Multiple people can use the same login but the system does not accommodate multiple users at one time. This login is used to create and schedule test events for the test site. The scheduling can also be done by the RN test observer for walk-in candidates if the test site desires.
MDH, Headmaster, and training programs and instructors will have this information, but this is not visible to the RN test observer. Once the candidate has completed 4 attempts of the knowledge exam and 3 attempts of the skills exam without success the record will be archived in the software.
The software will identify if an RN Test Observer has trained the candidate and would not allow the RN Test Observer to test the candidate. If the RN Test Observer identifies other conflict of interest situations with a testing candidate, they should contact the scheduler for resolution. It is recommended the RN Test Observer review candidates who are scheduled to test prior to the testing events.
Headmaster form questions
The applications can be found on the TMU website: Account Applications Apply and can be submitted electronically.
The RN Test Observer only needs to fill out one form; D&SDT-Headmaster will affiliate the RN Test Observer with the different test sites.
Skills testing
Test sites will need to refer to the Large Lab Waiver Submission form (available on the D&SDT-Headmaster - Minnesota Nurse Aide website) for this request.
Yes, this is allowed if it meets the 1503 requirements. If additional candidates are testing in one room, a Large Lab Waiver (available on the D&SDT-Headmaster - Minnesota Nurse Aide website) needs to be requested.
The glasses are used for measuring fluids as part of the feeding skills test. The feeding skill will resume for testing effective August 5, 2024. In preparation for testing, test sites should have these glasses available by August 5, 2024. The glasses can be purchased through Headmaster or elsewhere.
The instructions below are meant to provide guidance to test sites about how to sanitize a cup used during this skills test when fluids are consumed by the actor. This process will decrease the risk of cross-contamination when using the same cups with different actors.
The instructions below apply to situations where the cups are washed by hand.
Test sites may use a commercial dishwasher to sanitize cups instead of following the sanitization process below. If a commercial dishwasher is used, cups must be sanitized between students and at the end of the day.
The actor sets up the supplies for the test based on the Headmaster Actor Set Up Guide.
Supplies needed:
- Two straight-sided cups, one containing 240 ml of fluid and the other containing 120 ml of fluid.
- Drinking straws
- Dish detergent
- Water
- Area to wash cups
- A sanitization agent
Sanitization agent requirements
Sanitization agents must meet the following criteria:
- Includes an EPA registration number on the product label
- Includes directions for sanitizing food-contact surface
- Does not require a water rinse
Sanitizers may include:
- Chlorine bleach (unscented)
- Quarternary ammonium compounds ("quats")
- Iodine
- Other chemical sanitizers approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under 21 CFR 178.1010 Sanitizing solutions
- Other chemical sanitizers approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under 40 CFR 180.940 Food-contact surface sanitizing solutions
The solution must kill the following virus infections, as identified by the label on the disinfectant:
- Hepatitis A
- Influenza
- Norovirus
Sanitization process
During the skill task, the candidate will assist the actor to consume fluids from the cups using a straw. Each cup will have one straw; one straw may also be shared between the two cups.
Once the test is completed, the actor will empty the cups and discard the straws.
The actor or a designee will rinse the cups with fresh water and sanitize the outside surfaces of the cup (where the cup has been touched) using a sanitizing wipe that meets the criteria outlined above.
Once the outside of the cup has been sanitized, the cup will air dry until the outside surface of the cup is dry. Once it is dry, the cup can be used by the same actor for another candidate's skill task. Cups should not be used by different actors unless the cup has been cleaned and sanitized using the End of Test Day Sanitization process.
End of Test Day Sanitization process:
- When testing is finished, the actor/designee will wash the cups with dish detergent and rinse with clean water. They will use a sanitizer wipe on all surfaces of the cup, inside and out. Once the cup has been cleaned and sanitized, the cup will be left to dry before it is stored or reused.
Knowledge test
The reading level is between 5.1 to 5.7 on the Flesch-Kincaid reading level scale, meaning a less than 6th grade reading level.
There are 70 questions on the test. As of August 5, 2024, candidates must answer 52 questions correctly to obtain a passing score of 74% on the knowledge test.
Candidate tests from March 4 to April 4, 2022, indicated that candidates completed the test in an average of 36 minutes.
MDH has sent out communication regarding the change via GovDelivery to all MDH-approved training programs, test sites, and providers. MDH will send out this communication a minimum of three (3) times prior to implementation of the change in knowledge test time and testing opportunities.
Yes, this is a permanent change.
The process for granting ADA accommodations has not changed. MDH and D&SDT-Headmaster will continue to provide reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities or limitations that may affect their ability to perform the nurse aide competency examination. Accommodations are granted in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please refer to Candidate Handbook for additional information: D&S - Minnesota Nurse Aide Testing Services.When an ADA request is approved, only the candidate is emailed by Headmaster the details of the accommodations. Within this email, the candidate is informed of the specifics of their approved accommodations. Candidates are to inform the test site before scheduling a test that they have an approved accommodation. Allow the test site 10-14 business days to coordinate this accommodation.
Each candidate has four (4) attempts to pass the knowledge portion of the exam within 24 months of training completion date or initial challenge date.
Training programs can generate reports from Headmaster's TMU system. These reports can help training programs understand how their students are performing on the nurse aide competency exams and determine where they may want to make changes. For additional information on generating reports in TMU: How to Generate Reports in Headmaster TMU for Nurse Aide Training Programs (PDF)
D&SDT-Headmaster testing policies have not changed. Students are not allowed to leave the testing room (knowledge test room or skills lab) once the exam has begun for any reason. If a student leaves during the test event, they will not be allowed back into the testing room to finish the exam.
Candidates may contact MDH Nurse Aide Registry at with additional questions, concerns or other feedback.
Spanish, Somali and Hmong knowledge testing starts Jan. 27.
Minnesota Statutes, section 144A.61, subdivision 3a identifies “commonly spoken” languages. Based on the state’s demographic statistics three languages had significantly higher numbers than other languages. Refer to Minnesota Compass population trends.
Additional languages may be added in the future.
The candidate handbook will only be available in English.
Test content
Each state convenes a group of experts, called a Test Advisory Panel (TAP), which includes teachers and instructors that teach the nurse aide program curriculum along with providers, educators, and experts in cultural diversity to choose which questions appear on the test.
The Minnesota TAP chose the questions that are included on the Minnesota Nurse Aide Test based on a review of several Minnesota nurse aide program curricula.
Yes, MDH can review, reword, change, or delete any of the test questions. As of May 2022, MDH has removed test questions.
Each question is graded for difficulty on a scale of 0-1 based on a statistical calculation. A lower score indicates a more difficult question. A difficulty value less than 0.25 means that very few test takers answer the question correctly. Conversely, a difficulty value greater than 0.97 indicates that very few test takers ever miss the question.
The average value for all questions in Minnesota is 0.80.
MDH meets with Headmaster twice a month to review test questions and determine why candidates may not be passing certain questions. As a result, some test questions have been removed from the test.
During the monthly NAR Training Program video conferences, MDH will review areas where test results are lower. Information about past and upcoming calls can be found on the Nurse Aide Registry Calls website.
The training program can use the Test Master Universe (TMU) software to review their students’ scores and areas where students are having more difficulty. They can adjust their teaching format to assist students in their testing.
Practice tests
Practice tests can be found on the D&S Headmaster Home Page. Either individual or group practice tests specific to Minnesota can be purchased.
All states have a specific number of questions in each subject area based on the Test Advisory Panel team. When a practice test is purchased, Headmaster ensures it has the number of test questions required for each of the chosen state’s subject areas. Review the Knowledge Test Content section of the Minnesota Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook, found on the D&S - Minnesota Nurse Aide website for additional information.