Contact Info
Patient Safety Resources for Consumers, Patients and Families
When you need health care, it's very important to look for information to help you make smart decisions. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to make sense of the many sources of information that are out there. This section of the Web site contains information that is designed to help patients and their families make those important choices, and to learn more about patient safety.
Consumer Guide to Adverse Health Events (PDF)
Frequently Asked Questions: Adverse Events
Asking questions
Create a list of questions for your provider (US Dept. of Health and Human Services)
Speak Up Campaigns | The Joint Commission
Preventing Medication Errors
Working to Reduce Medication Errors
Medicines Risk Fact Sheet - My Medications List (CDC)
Download a copy of this form to track your medications.
Preventing Wrong Site Surgery
Safety in the Operating Room (PDF)
Credit: Minnesota Hospital Association
Adverse Health Events Facts: Retained Objects
Adverse Health Events Fact: Wrong-Site Surgery
Preventing Pressure Ulcers
Adverse Health Events Facts: Pressure Ulcers
Preventing Pressure Ulcers (Bedsores) (Word)
Links and Reports
Patient Safety Links
Links to sites to learn more about what is happening in Minnesota and nationally to improve patient safety.