Vaccine outreach and education
Resources for vaccine outreach
Vaccine outreach actively promotes the use of COVID-19 vaccine. It also normalizes COVID-19 vaccine by making vaccine information and conversations commonplace—an accepted, routine aspect of your school's social and physical environment. A critical element of vaccine outreach is letting your community know why they should be vaccinated and where they can find vaccine.
Use the Vaccine Education resources below to help community members understand why getting COVID-19 vaccine is important.
Encourage students, faculty, and staff to find convenient vaccine locations using—a quick and easy way to search for nearby vaccine locations. There are COVID-19 vaccine locations across the state, including clinics, pharmacies, and local health departments.
Outreach material includes posters, social media messages, flyers, infographics, videos, email—simple messages designed to encourage the use and acceptance of vaccine. Choose resources that speak to your target audience and address relevant concerns. Providing culturally relevant information about vaccine can help people understand how to keep their communities safe and healthy over time.
- COVID Campus Coalition
This student-led organization creates accurate, timely social medial content on COVID-19 vaccines for other post-secondary students. Students across the country are invited to join the coalition and receive training on how to create social media messages, infographics, and other outreach material branded for their schools. - Social Media Graphic Posts for College Students
From the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services We Can Do This campaign. - MDH vaccine ambassador videos feature students enrolled at Minnesota colleges and universities sharing their experiences and insights into getting vaccinated against COVID-19:
- COVID-19 Vaccination Information for Native Americans
From the Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP). - Vaccine outreach toolkits for students or staff:
- American College Health Association: Campus COVID-19 Toolkit
This toolkit will help you create a student ambassador program to promote healthy behaviors using positive reinforcement. It includes a student ambassador planning guide as well as social media graphics, signs, and posters. - We Can Do This: College Students Toolkit
This U.S. Department of Health and Human Services toolkit includes social media messages, vaccine FAQs, sample test messages for students in multiple languages, posters, flyers, and more.
Resources for vaccine education
Helping people understand the value of COVID-19 vaccines for themselves and their community is one of the best ways to normalize vaccination in your community, increase vaccine uptake, and avoid outbreaks on your campus. Developing this understanding and changing behaviors doesn't happen all at once but takes place over time.
Use the resources below to find information that responds to questions being asked in your community about COVID-19 vaccine. Basic, accurate information about the vaccines can help people who have waited to get vaccinated understand how they're helping themselves and their community by getting a shot.
Keep in mind that many students prefer to receive information rather than be told what to do. Think about how to incentivize people to learn about COVID-19 vaccine.
MDH vaccine 101 training
Slide deck and training tips available by request to share basic vaccine information in a webinar-setting and can be customized to your community's needs.
Here's what you need to know about the training
One of the most important ways to protect yourself from COVID-19 is by getting vaccinated. Many people, no matter where they come from, live, or work, have questions about the vaccine. The Vaccine 101 Training slide deck was created to help answer some of the most common questions and be a starting place for conversation about the vaccine.
This training was created to:
- Train people to start conversations about the COVID-19 vaccine and its importance.
- Provide information to members of the higher education community who want to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine in general.
Intended audience
- People looking for a synthesis of basic, accurate COVID-19 vaccine facts for themselves or to share with others.
- People with varying levels of experience interested in facilitating conversations about COVID-19 vaccines.
Tips for presenters
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of the Vaccine 101 Presenter Tips. It includes simple suggestions for using the slide deck and for tailoring the presentation for different audiences.
To request a copy of training materials
If you would like to use the Vaccine 101 Training PowerPoint and tips for presenters, please email the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) at to request copies.