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Cardiovascular Health Reports and Resources
- Surveillance of the Initiation of, Participation in, and Completion of Cardiac Rehabilitation in Minnesota, 2017–2018 | Preventing Chronic Disease.
This article published in the April 13, 2023 issue of Preventing Chronic Disease uses data from the MN APCD to identify gaps in cardiac rehabilitation use among insured Minnesotans in 2017 and 2018 across insurance types, geographic measures, Social Vulnerability Index quartiles, and comorbidities. (April 2023) - Blood Pressure Medication Non-Adherence in Minnesota: 2015 (PDF).
This report describes variation in blood pressure medication adherence among Minnesotans and provides strategies to improve adherence. (May 2021) - Geographic Variation in Hypertension in Minnesota: 2014 (PDF)
This report utilizes the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database (MN APCD) and provides the first estimates of hypertension prevalence by local communities in Minnesota. High Blood Pressure levels for insured adults in 2014 are reported at the county and the Zip Code level. (November, 2019) Minnesota Public Health Data Access Portal: Heart Attacks
Online data tool from the Minnesota Department of Health showing the heart attack hospitalization rate in Minnesota by 3-year time periods, age group (35 years and older), sex, and county.Data stories
- Issue 1: Only 4 in 10 Minnesota Adults have a High Cardiovascular Health Score (PDF)
This short report describes the percent of Minnesotans with high, moderate, and low cardiovascular health scores in 2017 using BRFSS data, and is stratified by sex, age, race, ethnicity, annual household income, disability, and veteran status. - Issue 2: Caregivers in Minnesota Experience Higher Cardiovascular Disease Risk Due to Stress and Coping (PDF)
This report examines health indicators among caregivers in Minnesota through the lens of cardiovascular health. Looking at risk behavior among caregivers in Minnesota can help identify areas where caregivers require additional support to facilitate heart-healthy habits.
- CDC: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Prevalence & Trends Data
These data provide the most comprehensive overview of health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services by US adults. Data can be compared across states and metropolitan areas for multiple years, by sex, race group, age group, and income. - CDC: PLACES: Local Data for Better Health
PLACES is an expansion of the original 500 Cities Data Project, with model-based estimates of chronic disease health measures for the entire United States. These estimates are available at multiple geographic levels, including county, place, census tract, and Zip Code Tabulation Area. - CDC: Health, US Spotlight- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease Infographics.
From the National Center for Health Statistics, this infographic shows national disparities in heart disease deaths, prevalence and risk factors.
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Last Updated: 03/20/2025