Public Health System Consultants
Public health system consultants, members of the MDH Center for Public Health Practice, offer consultation and technical assistance in a defined geographic area for the purpose of promoting and maintaining a strong public health infrastructure.
This happens through supportive relationships with local public health, communication, problem solving, training, program development and advocacy.
System consultants provide these services to: public health directors, tribal health directors, community health administrators, public health nurses, public health supervisors, school nurses, governing boards, regional public health groups, other MDH staff, special topic workgroups, nursing school faculty, staff from other state agencies.
Who is my public health system consultant? Find your system consultant by county, city, tribe, or community health board.
Public health leader orientation and resource guide: This guide identifies several subject/topic areas that are critical for public health leaders to have a basic understanding of and includes a compendium of related resources.
Public health interventions: Applications for nursing practice ("wheel manual"): Read, download, or order copies of what's commonly called the "wheel manual."
Need technical assistance? The MDH Center for Public Health Practice can help!
Regional Health Equity Networks: The Minnesota Health Equity Networks work to connect, strengthen, and amplify health equity efforts and community issues using a regional and relational approach. The networks are a community of support for local public health, tribal public health, and community organizations to address long-standing health equity issues.