Calendar: 12 Months of PHN Residency Program
This calendar offers residents and their preceptors a structured, supportive sequence of suggested meetings and activities to enhance professional development. This sequence is based on key Community/Public Health Nursing [C/PHN] Competencies (PDF) from the Quad Council Coalition (2018). (This complements agency-based orientation, which provides new employees with basic background information about an agency and work expectations, and occurs over a shorter timeframe)
The calendar contains sections distributed across suggested months, but you can reorder the sections to fit your agency's needs. You can complete each section in a month and find supporting documentation throughout the calendar.
The calendar is designed so that the preceptor and resident can meet three times per month for 12 months:
- At each month's first meeting, the resident and preceptor can review objectives and set a plan for the month.
- At the second meeting, the resident and preceptor can review the resident's progress; answer questions to promote analyzing scenarios and developing clinical judgment; introduce community resources; adjust the plan; work on role expectations; provide opportunities to observe client care; and provide support, feedback, and debriefing for challenging client care situations.
- At the third meeting, the resident and preceptor can evaluate the resident's progress and plan next steps.
Month 1: Introduction and building relationships
Month 2: Professional development
Month 3: Collaboration and referrals
Month 4: Evidence-based practice
Month 5: Culture and communication
Month 6: Evaluating continued needs and support
Month 7: Ethical standards and systems thinking
Month 8: Communication and setting boundaries
Month 9: Continued support
Month 10: Continued support
Month 11: Continued support
Month 12: Evaluation and conclusion
Month 1: Introduction and building relationships
- The preceptor and the resident meet to discuss the relationship and review this residency calendar.
- General orientation can complement this residency; the preceptor and resident can review the agency's mission and vision, how the resident fits into the agency, core functions of public health, funding streams, budget constraints, agency priorities, and the strategic plan.
- The resident and preceptor begin reviewing the preceptor's initial professional development plan.
Month 2: Professional development
- The resident completes the professional development plan, and the resident and preceptor discuss the importance of self-reflection in professional development.
- After the resident completes the professional development plan, the preceptor may use the preceptor resource guide to provide additional resources: Preceptor Resource Guide for Professional Development Plan 2024 (PDF)
- General orientation complements the residency and could include laws/policies relevant to public health nursing, community-based participatory research projects in the organization, quality improvement initiatives underway, and opportunities to participate in these initiatives.
- The preceptor should schedule 2-3 opportunities to observe the resident in the practice setting. These observations provide the foundation for evaluating and giving feedback to the resident (for further context, see preceptor evaluation concepts and strategies).
Month 3: Collaboration and referrals
- The preceptor or supervisor should help the resident schedule looping opportunities to enhance inter- or intra-disciplinary collaboration.
- General orientation could continue and include referral resources, community assets (including using these assets to provide client care), interdisciplinary collaboration, and the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).
- The preceptor and the resident should review the depression and parenting case study together.
- The preceptor should schedule 2-3 opportunities to observe the resident in the practice setting. These observations provide the foundation for evaluating and giving feedback to the resident (for further context, see preceptor evaluation concepts and strategies).
- The resident should provide feedback at the three-month point of the residency via PHN residency program 3-month feedback (CSBSJU).
- The preceptor should provide feedback at the three-month point of the residency via PHN residency: 3 month preceptor evaluation of new graduate PHN residency (CSBSJU).
- As appropriate, the preceptor and resident can track their component attendance: Attendance tracking form for preceptors and residents (DOC). Each nurse is responsible for determining whether each component meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education hours.
Month 4: Evidence-based practice
- The resident should find a current peer-reviewed article related to their public health practice and review it, noting the use of evidence-based practice in the public health nursing role.
- General orientation could continue and include research activities in the organization, opportunities to participate in research, and confidentiality and human subject protections in research.
- The preceptor and the resident should review the intimate partner violence case study together.
- The preceptor should schedule at least one opportunity to observe the resident in the practice setting. These observations provide the foundation for evaluating and giving feedback to the resident (for further context, see preceptor evaluation concepts and strategies).
- As appropriate, the preceptor and resident can track their component attendance: Attendance tracking form for preceptors and residents (DOC). Each nurse is responsible for determining whether each component meets acceptable continuing education hours requirements.
Month 5: Culture and communication
- Review resources related to non-judgmental care and conflict management strategies.
- General orientation could continue, including organizational activities designed to support culturally sensitive care.
- The preceptor and the resident should review the culture, religion, and tuberculosis care case study and the culturally sensitive care case study.
- The preceptor should schedule at least one opportunity to observe the resident in the practice setting. These observations provide the foundation for evaluating and giving feedback to the resident (for further context, see preceptor evaluation concepts and strategies).
- As appropriate, the preceptor and resident can track their component attendance: Attendance tracking form for preceptors and residents (DOC). Each nurse is responsible for determining whether each component meets acceptable continuing education hours requirements.
Month 6: Evaluating continued needs and support
- The preceptor and resident should review and discuss progress on the resident's initial professional development plan from month 2 and together develop a plan to continue progress toward satisfactorily accomplishing the Core Competencies listed on the professional development plan.
- The preceptor and the resident should review the child maltreatment case study together.
- The preceptor should schedule at least one opportunity to observe the resident in the practice setting. These observations provide the foundation for evaluating and giving feedback to the resident (for further context, see preceptor evaluation concepts and strategies).
- The resident should provide feedback at the halfway point via PHN residency program 6-month feedback (CSBSJU).
Month 7: Ethical standards and systems thinking
- General orientation could continue and include ethical standards and their impact on public health, internal and external factors affecting public health nursing practice, emergency preparedness in the organization, response to environmental hazards, and accreditation requirements.
- Discuss ethical considerations and interventions in the public health nursing role.
- The preceptor and the resident should review the vulnerable adults case study and the outbreak investigation case study.
- As appropriate, the preceptor and resident can track their component attendance: Attendance tracking form for preceptors and residents (DOC). Each nurse is responsible for determining whether each component meets acceptable continuing education hours requirements.
Month 8: Communication and setting boundaries
- The resident should connect with the preceptor as needed to review challenging clinical cases or as questions arise.
- The preceptor and the resident should review the trauma-informed care case study together.
- As appropriate, the preceptor and resident can track their component attendance: Attendance tracking form for preceptors and residents (DOC). Each nurse is responsible for determining whether each component meets acceptable continuing education hours requirements.
Month 9: Continued support
- The resident should connect with the preceptor as needed to review challenging clinical cases or as questions arise.
- The resident should use the case presentation outline to present at least one challenging case from their caseload, including lessons learned.
- The preceptor should schedule at least one opportunity to observe the resident in the practice setting. These observations provide the foundation for evaluating and giving feedback to the resident (for further context, see preceptor evaluation concepts and strategies).
- As appropriate, the preceptor and resident can track their component attendance: Attendance tracking form for preceptors and residents (DOC). Each nurse is responsible for determining whether each component meets acceptable continuing education hours requirements.
Month 10: Continued support
- The resident should connect with the preceptor as needed to review challenging clinical cases or as questions arise.
- The resident should schedule at least one formal meeting with the preceptor during the month to connect and determine progress on the resident's professional development plan.
Month 11: Continued support
- The resident should connect with the preceptor as needed to review challenging clinical cases or as questions arise.
- The resident should use the case presentation outline to present at least one challenging case from their caseload, including lessons learned.
Month 12: Evaluation and conclusion
- The resident completes the final version of their professional development plan, and the preceptor completes the preceptor final competency assessment. The resident and preceptor then compare their completed assessments and discuss the importance of self-reflection in professional development.
- In planning for future professional development, the preceptor and resident should review the Community/Public Health Nursing [C/PHN] Competencies (PDF) from the Quad Council Coalition (2018).
- The resident should complete the final program evaluation: Resident Evaluation of PHN Residency (CSBSJU).
- The preceptor should complete the final program evaluation: PHN residency: 12-month preceptor evaluation of new graduate PHN residency (CSBSJU)
- As appropriate, the preceptor and resident can track their component attendance: Attendance tracking form for preceptors and residents (DOC). Each nurse is responsible for determining whether each component meets acceptable continuing education hours requirements.