Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund
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Environmental Health Division
Drinking Water Revolving Fund
Priority Point Worksheet
Directions for assigning priority points
- Proposed projects must directly address an existing problem to be assigned points.
- Violations of secondary MCLs (e.g., iron, manganese) and hardness are eligible for basic infrastructure improvement points only.
- The 36-month window for contaminant violations is measured from the date the proposal is received.
- Priority points for each item may be assigned only once, even if two separate occurrences qualify for priority points in one proposal.
- Public Health Priority Points
- Inadequate Water Supply Priority Points
- Public Drinking Water Infrastructure Improvement
- Additional Priority Points Categories
- Financial Need
Subp. 1. Existing eligible public drinking water supply
Only existing eligible public drinking water supply projects can be assigned points under subp. 2, 3, and 4.
Priority Points = N.A.
Subp. 2 - Acute violations
A. Acute violation of MCL for any contaminant in the past 36 months (greatly exceeds the MCL for an extended period of time including THMs for surface water, VOCs, SOCs, and IOCs. An acute violation under this category will be determined by the MDH health risk assessment on a case-by-case basis)
Priority Points = 0 or 25
B. Acute violation of the MCL for nitrate or nitrite in the past 36 months (must have a NOV or other special conditions).
Priority Points = 0 or 25
C. Occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak or an acute infectious illness during past 36 months.
Priority Points = 0 or 25
D. Acute violation of MCL for total coliforms in the well or point of entry to the distribution system for surface water systems in the past 36 months (must have a boil order issued by MDH or positive repeat sample).
Priority Points = 0 or 25
E. Acute violation of MCL for total coliforms in the distribution system in the past 36 months (must have a boil order issued by MDH or positive repeat sample. If you have assigned points under item D above, points cannot be assigned here).
Priority Points = 0 or 15
Subp. 3 -Failure to comply with treatment technique requirements
A. Failure to comply with the MDH requirement for filtration or disinfection orders as outlined in the Surface Water Treatment Rule.
Priority Points = 0 or 15
B. Failure to comply with the MDH requirement for treatment other than in subpart 3(A) in the past 36 months (e.g., Lead and Copper Rule, any future regulations).
Priority Points = 0 or 13
Subp. 4 -Violation of a nonacute MCL
A violation of a nonacute primary MCL during the past 36 months, including THMs for surface water, VOCs, SOCs, and IOCs.
Priority Points = 0 or 15
Subp. 4a Exceeding a confirmed health advisory level
Fifteen priority points must be assigned if a confirmed health advisory level has been exceeded within the past 36 calendar months.
Priority Points = 0 or 15
Subp. 4b. Lead service lines
Fifteen priority points must be assigned if the project results in the replacement of lead service lines. Documentation of the number of lead service lines in the project area must be provided. The proposed project must include replacing all portions of the water service line downstream of any lead components.
Priority Points = 0 or 15 points.
Subp. 5 -Contaminated private wells
Only projects resulting in the creation of, or connection with, an eligible public water supply will be assigned points under this subpart. If greater than 50 percent of the private wells tested exceed MCLs, then full points are assigned; If 50 percent or less of the wells tested exceed MCLs, then one-half of the maximum points are assigned. Data from an approved laboratory must be submitted.
A. Private well test results indicate an acute violation of any contaminants, nitrate, nitrite, waterborne disease outbreak, acute infectious illness, total coliform, VOCs, SOCs, or IOCs.
Priority Points = 0 or 12.5 or 25
B. Private well "Drinking Water Advisory" has been issued by the MDH.
Priority Points = 0 or 5 or 10
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Subp. 1. Consistently provide.
Priority Points = N.A.
Subp. 2 - Existing public drinking water supplies.
Supplies serving a population greater than 1,000 people must have a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources approved emergency and water conservation plan that has been approved, and evidence of implementation by the PWS.
A. Existing PWS is unable to consistently provide for domestic watedemand, excluding industrial and commercial uses.
Priority Points = 0 or 15
B. Existing PWS is able to consistently provide for domestic water demand, but unable to consistently provide for other uses, including industrial and commercial.
Priority Points = 0 or 7
Subp. 3 - Inadequate supply from private wells
Only projects that result in creation of, or connection with, an eligible public water supply will be assigned points under this subpart.
A. Greater than 50 percent of private wells are unable to consistently provide an adequate amount of water for general household purposes as demonstrated by analysis of the aquifer supply and the demand of water in the area.
Priority Points = 0 or 15
B. 50 percent or less of private wells are unable to consistently provide an adequate amount of water for general household purposes as demonstrated by analysis of the aquifer supply and the demand of water in the area.
Priority Points = 0 or 5
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Subp 1. - Existing public drinking water supplies
Only existing eligible public drinking water supply projects can be assigned priority points under this part, and under only one subpart. Projects cannot be assigned points under this part if points have been assigned under parts 4720.9020 or 4720.9025.
Priority Points = N.A.
Subp. 2 -System reliability
Demonstrated need for a backup well or interconnection with another system.
Priority Points = 0 or 7
Subp. 3 -Looping of watermains.
Priority Points = 0 or 7
Subp. 4 -Chlorine feed equipment.
Priority Points = 0 or 7
Subp. 5 -One day storage.
Priority Points = 0 or 6
Subp. 6 -Other infrastructure projects.
Priority Points = 0 or 5
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Subp. 1 - Natural disaster
Points will be assigned under this subpart only if an existing PWS, or portion thereof, has been damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster. A statement must be submitted that other state or federal relief is not available.
Priority Points = N.A.
A. Greater than 50 percent of the proposed project will replace or repair an existing PWS damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.
Priority Points = 0 or 15
B. 50 percent or less of the proposed project will replace or repair an existing PWS damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.
Priority Points = 0 or 10
Subp. 2 - Compliance
Proposed project enables PWSs to comply with an APO, BCA, permit, or other enforceable document issued by the MDH.
Priority Points = 0 or 10
Subp. 3 - Consolidation
Proposed project will result in consolidation of existing public drinking water supplies.
Priority Points = 0 or 10
Subp. 4 - Source water protection
A proposed project, or any portion thereof, is needed in order to protect the drinking water source. Financial assistance to implement a WHP plan is eligible for priority points (e.g., sealing wells), but financial assistance for the development of WHP plans is not eligible.
Priority Points = 0 or 3
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Subp. 1 - General
Only projects sponsored by community public drinking water supplies can be assigned priority points under this subpart.
Priority Points = N.A.
Subp. 2 - Median household income
The median household income levels of the state must be determined from income data from the most recent census of the United States or data from the state demographer.
Priority Points = N.A.
Subp. 3 - Assignment of points
Project sponsored by community PWS with median household income less than either the median household income for a metropolitan or nonmetropolitan area, as applicable.
Priority Points = 0 or 5
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