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Environmental Health Division
Environmental Health
Continuous Improvement Board
The Environmental Health Continuous Improvement Board (EHCIB) was chartered by the Local Public Health Association (LPHA) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to fundamentally advance Minnesota’s state-local partnership in Environmental Health (EH). EHCIB has been a workgroup of the State Community Health Services Advisory Committee (SCHSAC) since March 24, 2017.
*Elements of the EHCIB’s vision
2022 Board membership
Lisa Brodsky, Scott County
Amanda Buell, Hennepin County*
Andrea Demmer, Otter Tail County
Bill Groskreutz, Faribault County Commissioner
Sarah Grosshuesch, Wright County
Jesse Harmon, Nicollet County
Tom Hogan, Minnesota Department of Health*
Angel Korynta, Polk County
Jason Newby, City of Brooklyn Park
- EHCIB Membership Information (PDF)
Includes contact information - FPLS Represented Constituencies (PDF)
Next meeting
Join Us!
March 17, 2025, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Previous meeting
The EHCIB is committed to working collaboratively with customers and stakeholders to improve the food licensing system in Minnesota. The Mobile Food Unit Workgroup is working to create a simple, consistent, and flexible transient food licensing and enforcement system to protect public health. The following is the approved charter of this workgroup.
The EHCIB is committed to helping FPLS programs determine the best solution for the current electronic inspection systems challenges. A subgroup was formed to evaluate potential, short-term solutions to address the changes in Rapid Inspection use and support by MDH.
The Food, Pools, and Lodging Services (FPLS) Statewide Performance Measures help a) provide a statewide picture of FPLS in Minnesota and b) help drive statewide improvement efforts. The EHCIB is committed to collecting FPLS statewide performance measures and to improving the measures and process.
The EHCIB piloted the statewide FPLS performance measures and data collection process in 2017, collecting 2016 data. In March-April 2019, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and locally delegated agencies submitted 2018 data for on-time inspections; MDH, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) and locally delegated agencies submitted staffing data. After reporting in 2017, the EHCIB recommended the addition of qualitative information to supplement information learned through reporting. In 2019, statewide discussions were held with MDH, MDA, locally-delegated agency representatives, and local public health representatives from non-delegated agencies. This feedback is included in the 2018 report.
- Food, Pools, and Lodging Services in Minnesota: 2018 Statewide Performance Measures (PDF)
- Food, Pools, and Lodging Services Measures 2018 : Appendix A - On Time Inspections (PDF)
- Food, Pools, and Lodging Services in Minnesota: 2016 Statewide Performance Measures (PDF)
2019 reporting - March 31, 2019
- Instructions for reporting FPLS statewide performance measures in 2019 (PDF)
- Changes from 2017 reporting (2016 data) include:
- Only staff qualifications and on-time inspections will be reported
- Staff qualifications (number of inspectors standardized, etc.) will be reported by agency or jurisdiction. This means multi-jurisdiction FPLS programs will not have to separate staff qualifications information by county as they did in 2017. MDH and MDA will also report staff qualifications overall since staff cover multiple counties
- On-time inspections will be reported the same as before, by county/city. MDH and MDA will provide their on-time inspections data by county/city as well.
- Statewide discussions were held with public health leaders and FPLS program staff across the state in February 2019. These discussions are part of the EHCIB’s effort to improve the FPLS statewide performance measures and identify key aspects of food safety. The information will be summarized and shared with the EHCIB, who will use it to determine which measures to collect in the future.
2017 reporting
In response to wide-spread concern and frustration, the Environmental Health Continuous Improvement Board developed and adopted the following re-evaluation process document:
Programs that participated in the FPLS program re-evaluation process provided feedback about the process through interviews conducted by MDH Public Health Practice Section staff. The following is a summary of their feedback:
The EHCIB is committed to improving the FPLS program evaluation process. The following is the approved charter for and membership of the workgroup charged with developing the metrics and tools to support the new FPLS program evaluation process.
The workgroup is currently planning the rollout of the new FPLS program evaluation process, which starts in 2020.
The Environmental Continuous Improvement Board issued the following Statement of Support outlining their commitment to Minnesota’s state-local environmental health partnership.
Archived materials
Past meeting materials can be found at EHCIB Archived Meeting Materials.
Older meeting documents are available upon request by calling 651-201-3880 or sending an email to: health.ophp@state.mn.us