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Alcohol Data and Reports
Facts about alcohol use in Minnesota.
Costs of Excessive Alcohol Use in Minnesota
2019 cost study showing the price tag for excessive drinking in Minnesota and who pays the bill.
- Also see the Costs of Excessive Alcohol Use by County for county-level data.
Social Host Ordinance in Minnesota (PDF)
A social host ordinance makes it unlawful for adults or private residents, referred to as social hosts, to knowingly provide or allow alcohol consumption by minors (those under age 21) on premises under the host’s control such as their residence. This brief explains social host ordinances and considers how this strategy is being used in Minnesota.
Alcohol Outlet Density in Minnesota (PDF)
This brief explains that communities can use alcohol outlet density as a tool for preventing excessive alcohol use and to guide the development of other evidence-based prevention strategies.
Impact of Alcohol Outlet Density in Minnesota (PDF)
High alcohol outlet density is a risk factor for excessive alcohol use, which includes binge drinking, heavy
drinking, and any drinking by pregnant women or people younger than age 21. This brief describes the impact alcohol outlet density has in Minnesota.
Estimates of Alcohol Poisonings Deaths 2021 (PDF)
Facts about alcohol poisoning deaths in 2021.
Alcohol Use Among Minnesota Adults (PDF)
Statistics on alcohol use among adults in Minnesota, excessive drinking, youth alcohol use, and alcohol-related harms.
Preliminary data: Fully Alcohol Attributable Deaths in Minnesota, 2000-2020 (PDF)
This report describes fully alcohol-attributable deaths, which are those that would not occur in the absence of alcohol.
Data and reports from 2017 or earlier.
The Role of Peers in Alcohol Use Among Youth in Minnesota (PDF)
Peers and parents/guardians are key influencers on adolescent alcohol use behaviors. Students often overestimate how many of their peers, and how often their peers engage in alcohol use, and these perceptions may influence their own alcohol use or decision to initiate alcohol use. This brief summarizes data around the perceptions and use of alcohol among peers.
2019 Alcohol Use Among Youth (PDF)
Research shows that youth who start drinking alcohol before age 15 are more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life compared to those who begin drinking at or after age 21 years. This data brief reports on alcohol use reported by youth in the 2019 Minnesota Student Survey.
The Association Between ACEs, Protective Factors, and Alcohol, Use among Youth in Minnesota
This data brief reports on ACEs, protective factors, and alcohol use among youth as measured by the 2022 Minnesota Student Survey (MSS).
The Role of Peers on Alcohol Use among Minnesota Students 2019 (PDF)
In Minnesota, students' perception of peers' drinking behaviors affects their own drinking behaviors. This fact sheet outlines key data on youth drinking and the influence of peers.