MDH Tribal Liaison
In response to Minnesota Executive Order 13-10 (PDF), MDH developed a Tribal Consultation Policy requiring all parts of the department to consult with tribes before taking actions significantly affecting one or more of Minnesota’s tribal nations. Recognizing the unique legal relationship between the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Tribal Nations, MDH requires that the principles outlined in its Tribal Consultation Policy are to be considered in all matters that further the MDH mission of protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans. The MDH Tribal Consultation Policy applies to all programs and divisions within MDH and shall guide meaningful consultation between Minnesota Tribal Nations and MDH in policy development as set forth in this policy.
The MDH tribal liaison role is the department's official liaison to the 11 federally recognized Tribal Nations in Minnesota. A key function of the position is to ensure that MDH’s tribal consultation policy is followed, to prevent actions being taken that significantly affect one of more of Minnesota’s tribal nations without their input or involvement. Additionally, the work includes:
- Assuring that all program areas within MDH are aware of and follow the consultation policy.
- Working with the 11 federally recognized Tribal Nations in Minnesota to identify consultation needs and share those findings within MDH.
- Coordinating timely implementation of the consultation process.
- Assisting MDH division directors in determining the communication needs.
- Reviewing the consultation policy at least every two years; and maintaining a record of all MDH consultation activities.
- The liaison leads the MDH Internal American Indian Advisory Committee, which has more than 20 members, and represents all parts of MDH that work with the tribes.