Environmental Health Division
Environmental Health Division
This information is currently newsworthy, seasonally pertinent, or is showcased to promote awareness.
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Test to be sure all’s well with your water well
More than 4 million Minnesotans rely on groundwater for their drinking water, and 1.1 million of them get that groundwater from a private well.
Wells can be a source of high-quality drinking water, but they require regular maintenance. If groundwater becomes contaminated, it can affect the health of those who drink it. During National Groundwater Awareness Week - March 9-15 - officials at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) are reminding private well owners about the importance of yearly well testing. More information can be found on the News Release.
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Working Carbon Monoxide Alarms
MDH reminds people to make sure you have working CO alarms within 10 feet of every room used for sleeping. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s February 2024 Report (PDF), non-fire CO deaths are most associated with furnaces, portable heaters, and portable generators. So, we recommend that you get your furnace inspected annually. Also, having a CO alarm with a digital read out is a good idea. If the reading is anything but 0 ppm, then it is a good idea to find out the cause of the CO problem. More information can be found at Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning in Your Home.
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Winter is the best time to test for Radon
The Minnesota Department of Health encourages all to test their home for radon. You can purchase a test kit through the Indoor Air Unit’s website for $13.00. Radon is everywhere and can build up in homes and buildings. Any radon level poses some health risk. Your risk for lung cancer increases with higher levels of radon and longer periods of exposure. Information on radon and purchasing a kit can be found at Radon Testing.
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Free well testing kits available now for 8 southeast Minnesota counties
The Minnesota Department of Health and Tap-In Collaborative are offering free water test kits for private well households in eight southeast Minnesota counties in response to requests from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The eight counties eligible for these test kits are: Dodge, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Wabasha, or Winona counties. Test kits will include analysis for five common contaminants in well water including: coliform bacteria, nitrate, arsenic, lead, and manganese. Funding for the test kits is provided by the Clean Water Fund.
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Lead in drinking water in early care and education facilities map
Child care centers, public and charter schools are required to report lead in drinking water results and remediation actions. Results by facility or address can viewed on the interactive map tool located on the Results and Metrics webpage.
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Celebrating 50 years of safe drinking water
State leaders mark the 50th anniversary of landmark legislation that ensures safe public drinking water for all.
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2024 Radon Poster Contest winners
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) hosted another Radon Poster Contest in fall 2024. Congratulations to our 2024 winners!
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Licensing System
Minnesota Department of Health Licensing System is available for Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM), Registered Environmental Health Specialists/Registered Sanitarians (REHS/RS), Lead and Asbestos.
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Winter weather
Minnesota is known for our cold and snowy winter weather but staying warm and safe can be a challenge. Learn how to prepare for winter storms and prevent cold-related health problems, such as hypothermia and frostbite.
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PFAS and products
Per- and polyfluoroalkyls (PFAS) are a family of human-made chemicals that have been widely used since the 1950s in consumer products and are a public and environmental health concern. There is a risk of PFAS exposure and pollution whenever a product containing PFAS is made, used, or disposed of. To find out more about PFAS and products, how to reduce your exposure, and what Minnesota is doing to help, visit the PFAS and Products page.
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Well test kits available for private well households with a baby or pregnant person
MDH is currently able to provide free well water testing kits and possibly bottled water to homes in eight southeast Minnesota counties who have nitrate concentrations high than 10 parts per million and a pregnant person or baby under 1 year of age in the home. Learn more information about eligibility requirements and sign up at Response to EPA Nitrate Letter for Southeast Minnesota.
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New District Office locations
The Rochester District Office and the St. Cloud District Office moved to new locations.
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EH topics
The Environmental Health Division (EH) works on multiple topics to support the health of all Minnesotans. You can search these topics on the Topic Index webpage.
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Minnesota Office of Accessibility
State of Minnesota’s free e-Learning program on how to create accessible documents.
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